Can A Christian Backslide?
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Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross
____________by James P. Shelly ____________
Can A Christian Backslide?
Audio and Voice-over provided by Truth According to
Scripture.com (Click to Show/ Hide Audio player at the top-left of this page)
We often hear the statement that a Christian is
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The difference is in how we relate to our sin and how we deal with it. Those in a covenant relationship with God are those who walk in the ways of God. In the
Old Testament, one of the ways of such a walk, because of God’s mercy, was to make animal sacrifice for sin. In the New Testament, confessing one’s sin to God is a part of walking in the covenant ways of God (1 John 1:9). So then, when the believer sins it is not because he has turned aside from God and is no longer walking in the way of God, backslidden in heart and filled with his own ways, but rather because of the weakness of his flesh he may fall into sin. Yet he abhors his sin, confesses it, and seeks to forsake it. If we define backsliding as individual acts of sin in the believer 's life we would rightly say that a believer, not only can, but will backslide. If
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however we define backsliding, as the Scriptures do, it cannot be true of the believer.
Prov. 14:14 says, "The backslidden in heart is filled with his own ways." The word here in the
Hebrew for "backslide" is "sug" which is the same word used in Psalm 53:3, "Every one of them has turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is none who does good, no not one." The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament says of the word as it is used in this
"covenant of grace" as opposed to a "covenant of work." A covenant of grace is
God gave men the free will to elect their own salvation. There is no sin until it is actually committed. Sin was now considered a voluntary act. It also consists of a change of heart, which revived the concept of limited atonement. Christ did not die for only a select few predestined elect, but for whosoever will accept God’s offer of salvation. Personal commitment also involved an active and useful Christian life in which individual action brings the kingdom closer.
Repentance is a concept of turning away from sin, which paves the way to salvation and thus eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Most denominations have the belief that one renounces from sin and aims to live a life according to the work of the Holy Spirit, with the exception of Baptist and Pentecostal who view Baptism as the complete submission to the will of God. Salvation is the means to eternal life in the Kingdom of God, and thus baptism becomes a meaning of initiating into the Christian community. “Forgive anyone who offends you” (Colossians 3) suggest that baptised individuals need to forgive those who offend them, as
This explains that no one can get away of their sins by running away. You either confess or have it for the rest of your
It is often said that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. What this quote means is that people who are seen as good are often made good by past mistakes, and those who are seen as bad have a chance to absolve themselves and become good in the future. The best word to describe this scenario is redemption. Redemption can be defined as the action of rescuing or being rescued from sin, mistake or evil. A human’s life is plagued with mistakes, but it is how one learns from and fixes those mistakes that ultimately defines their character.
forgiven. He wants to repent for his sin, but he knows that he can’t because he is not truly sorry.
The everlasting covenant spoken of in the book of Isaiah is fulfilled in New Testament passage and confirms that God has and will continue to keep His covenant. John 14:27 shows that Jesus gave His peace to the world. Jesus is our peace (NIV, Ephesians 2:13-18). Romans 6:23 say that the wages of sin is
Biblical covenant is “legal term denoting a formal and legally binding declaration of benefits to be given by one party to another, with or without conditions attached.” (Arnold) Biblical covenant is a part of God holy plan and they reveal enteral plan. Each covenant plays a part of God plan of salvation. The Mosaic covenant showed that being saved by works was impossible and reveals God’s Holy character the need of a savior. “The Mosaic Covenant was like the vassal treaties of the ancient Near East, where a more powerful king entered into a relationship with a lesser king.” Knowing the Bible)
the belief in a covenant (Carmen 17).² It is the promise between God and the
The Christ of the Covenants demonstrates the relationship between five covenants God instigated with Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and David in the Old Testament, and how they are reflected in Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection in the New Testament. In answering four basic questions, I discovered this main idea to be true time and time again. Robertson exhibits his vast knowledge of the subject with a concisely structured index outlining one clear point for the entire novel.
Theologically, a covenant (used of relations between God and man) denotes a gracious undertaking entered into by God for the benefit and blessing of humanity and specifically of those who by faith receive the promises and commit themselves to the obligation which this undertaking involves. The Abrahamic Covenant is an unconditional covenant. God made
A covenant relationship can either be between God and man or between man and another man. The agreement between God and people called a divine covenant, that signify the relationship between people and God as expressed in the biblical
A covenant is an important agreement or promise. The Covenant of Grace states that God approached mankind, not the other way around and all mankind had to do was accept this covenant of grace. This allowed mankind, as sinful as they were, the chance to return to God.
if he will be forgiven. He wants to repent for his sin, but he knows
The word ‘covenant’ is, in the Old Testament, it is the Hebrew word ‘berith’ and is used