EP PRE-ALGEBRA-STUDENTWORKS PLUS(1 YR.) - 10th Edition - by GLENCOE - ISBN 9780078947483

10th Edition
ISBN: 9780078947483



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Chapter 1.2 - Variable And ExpressionsChapter 1.3 - PropertiesChapter 1.4 - Ordered Pairs And RelationsChapter 1.5 - Words, Equations, Tables, And GraphsChapter 1.6 - Scatter PlotsChapter 2 - Operations With IntegersChapter 2.1 - Integers And Absolute ValueChapter 2.2 - Adding IntegersChapter 2.3 - Subtracting IntegersChapter 2.4 - Multiplying IntegersChapter 2.5 - Dividing IntegersChapter 2.6 - Graphing In Four QuadrantsChapter 2.7 - Translation And Reflection On The Coordinate PlaneChapter 3 - Operations With Rational NumbersChapter 3.1 - Fractions And DecimalsChapter 3.2 - Rational NumbersChapter 3.3 - Multiplying And Rational NumbersChapter 3.4 - Dividing Rational NumbersChapter 3.5 - Adding And Subtracting Like FractionsChapter 3.6 - Adding And Subtracting Unlike FractionsChapter 4 - Expressions And EquationsChapter 4.1 - The Distributive PropertyChapter 4.2 - Simplifying Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 4.3 - Solving Equations By Adding And SubtractingChapter 4.4 - Solving Equations By Multiplying Or DividingChapter 4.5 - Solving Two-step EquationsChapter 4.6 - Writing EquationsChapter 5 - Multi-step Equations And InequalitiesChapter 5.1 - Perimeter And AreaChapter 5.2 - Solving Equations With Variables On Each SideChapter 5.3 - InequalitiesChapter 5.4 - Solving InequalitiesChapter 5.5 - Solving Multi-step Equations And InequalitiesChapter 6 - Ratio, Proportion, And Similar FiguresChapter 6.1 - RatiosChapter 6.2 - Unit RatesChapter 6.3 - Converting Rates And MeasurementsChapter 6.4 - Proportional And Nonproportional RelationshipsChapter 6.5 - Solving ProportionsChapter 6.6 - Scale Drawings And ModelsChapter 6.7 - Similar FiguresChapter 6.8 - DilationsChapter 6.9 - Indirect MeasurementChapter 7 - PercentChapter 7.1 - Fractions And PercentsChapter 7.2 - Fractions, Decimals, And PercentsChapter 7.3 - Using The Percent ProportionChapter 7.4 - Find A Percent Of A Number MentallyChapter 7.5 - Using Percent EquationsChapter 7.6 - Percent Of ChangeChapter 7.7 - Simple And Compound InterestChapter 7.8 - Circle GraphsChapter 8 - Linear Functions And GraphingChapter 8.1 - FunctionsChapter 8.2 - Sequences And EquationsChapter 8.3 - Representing Linear FunctionsChapter 8.4 - Rate Of ChangeChapter 8.5 - Constant Rate Of Change And Direct VariationChapter 8.6 - SlopeChapter 8.7 - Slope-intercept FormChapter 8.8 - Writing Linear EquationsChapter 8.9 - Prediction EquationsChapter 8.10 - Systems Of EquationsChapter 9 - Powers And Nonlinear FunctionsChapter 9.1 - Powers And ExponentsChapter 9.2 - Prime FactorizationChapter 9.3 - Multiplying And Dividing MonomialsChapter 9.4 - Negative ExponentsChapter 9.5 - Scientific NotationChapter 9.6 - Powers Of MonomialsChapter 9.7 - Linear And Nonlinear FunctionsChapter 9.8 - Quadratic FunctionsChapter 9.9 - Cubic And Exponential FunctionsChapter 10 - Real Numbers And Right TrianglesChapter 10.1 - Squares And Square RootsChapter 10.2 - The Real Number SystemChapter 10.3 - TrianglesChapter 10.4 - The Pythagorean TheoremChapter 10.5 - The Distance FormulaChapter 10.6 - Special Right AnglesChapter 11 - Distance And AngleChapter 11.1 - Angle And Line RelationshipsChapter 11.2 - Congruent TrianglesChapter 11.3 - RotationsChapter 11.4 - QuadrilateralsChapter 11.5 - PolygonsChapter 11.6 - Area Of Parallelograms, Triangles, And TrapezoidsChapter 11.7 - Circles And CircumferenceChapter 11.8 - Area Of CirclesChapter 11.9 - Area Of Composite FiguresChapter 12 - Surface Area And VolumeChapter 12.1 - Three-dimensional FiguresChapter 12.2 - Volume Of PrismsChapter 12.3 - Volume Of CylindersChapter 12.4 - Volume Of Pyramids, Cones, And SpheresChapter 12.5 - Surface Area Of PrismsChapter 12.6 - Surface Area Of CylindersChapter 12.7 - Surface Area Of Pyramids And ConesChapter 12.8 - Similar SolidsChapter 13 - Statistics And ProbabilityChapter 13.1 - Measures Of Central TendencyChapter 13.2 - Stem-and-leaf PlotsChapter 13.3 - Measures Of VariationChapter 13.4 - Box-and-whisker PlotsChapter 13.5 - HistogramsChapter 13.6 - Theoretical And Experimental ProbabilityChapter 13.7 - Using Sampling To PredictChapter 13.8 - Counting OutcomesChapter 13.9 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 13.10 - Probability Of Compound EventsChapter 14.1 - PolynomialsChapter 14.2 - Adding PolynomialsChapter 14.3 - Subtracting PolynomialsChapter 14.4 - Multiply A Binomial By A MonomialChapter 14.5 - Multiply Two BinomialsChapter 14.6 - Dividing A Polynomial By A MonomialChapter 14.7 - Using Gcf To Factor PolynomialsChapter 14.8 - Factoring TrinomialsChapter SH - Student HandbookChapter CSB1.1 - FactorsChapter CSB1.2 - Greatest Common FactorsChapter CSB1.3 - Least Common MultipleChapter CSB1.4 - Cube RootsChapter CSB1.5 - Linear AgressionChapter CSB1.6 - Graphing Linear InequalitiesChapter CSB1.7 - Geometric FiguresChapter CSB1.8 - Geometric ConstructionsChapter CSB1.9 - Measuring And Drawing AnglesChapter CSB1.10 - The Tangent RatioChapter CSB1.11 - The Sine And Cosine RatiosChapter CSB1.12 - Accuracy And PrecisionChapter CSB1.13 - Geometric ProbabilityChapter CSB1.14 - Displaying Bar To GraphsChapter CSB1.15 - Misleading GraphsChapter CSB1.16 - 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