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Name the Most Abundant Gas in the Atmosphere.

Answer – The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is Nitrogen (N).


The atmosphere around the Earth contains several different types of gasses as well as other components that may be both liquid, and solid. 

Of these, the most abundant naturally occurring gas is nitrogen. It makes up about 78% of all air. It is largely present as a diatomic compound – N2. In this form, nitrogen is fairly unreactive. However, there also exists a nitrogen cycle in which the element moves from the atmosphere to soil and/or water and back again. 

After nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and argon are the most abundant components in the Earth’s atmosphere. Other gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and methane (CH4) are found in trace amounts. They are naturally occurring, but human activities have contributed to their presence. 

Knowledge of the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere is important to understand weather and the phenomenon of climate change.