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What Does “Mucho Gusto” Mean?

Answer – The Spanish phrase “Mucho gusto” means “Nice to meet you”.


The verb “gustar” means “to like”. When it is conjugated for the singular first person, it becomes “gusto” (I like). 

The word “mucho” means “much”. 

Therefore, the literal translation of the phrase “Mucho gusto” would be “I like it very much”. However, it is commonly used as a greeting that means “Nice to meet you”, or “It is a pleasure to meet you”. It is also sometimes used to say goodbye.

 “Mucho gusto” is used when one meets or is introduced to someone new, or when meeting someone after a long time. It can be addressed towards a single person or a group. 

The responses to someone saying “mucho gusto” to you include:

  • “Mucho gusto también” (“Nice to meet you too”)
  • “Igualmente” (“Likewise” or “Same here”)
  • “El gusto es mío” (“The pleasure is mine”)
  • “Encantado” (if you are male) or “Encantada” (if you are female) (“Charmed”)

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