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What is the Fraction ⅔ as a Decimal?

Answer – The fraction 23 when written as a decimal would be 0.6¯ or 0.67.


In order to convert a fraction into a decimal, division must be performed.

The numerator is divided by the denominator. 

In the case of the fraction 23, the numerator is 2 and the denominator is 3. 


The decimal is a recurring one. In the division function, the remainder will never be zero. 

Recurring decimals can be written in a few different ways. 

One way is by placing a bar over the digit that is recurring – 0.6¯. The bar indicates that the decimal is a recurring one.

Another method is by rounding up the last digit. Here, it could be written as 0.67, 0.667, 0.6667 or as the writer chooses. Since 6 is the recurring number, rounding it up one number produces 7. Instead of repeating the 6, using the ellipsis (…) or using the bar, the decimal can be given a fixed number of digits by replacing the last 6 with a 7.