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Where is Sperm Stored?

Answer – Sperm cells are stored in the epididymis after being produced in the testes. They remain there until the time of ejaculation.


In humans, sperm are created in the testes in tiny, coiled structures called seminiferous tubules. These tubules contain germinal cells which, along with the male hormone testosterone, gradually form the tadpole-like sperm cells.

From the seminiferous tubules, sperm travel into another lengthy, cord-like tube known as the epididymis, which is present at the top of each testis. The epididymis houses the sperm cells till they develop and mature completely. 

When the penis is stimulated and becomes erect, the mature sperm cells start moving from the epididymis to the tubular vas deferens. Muscular contractions propel the sperm further, allowing it to be mixed with secretions from the seminal vesicles and prostate gland. The resulting fluid is semen, which is ejaculated via the penis through the urethra.