Chapter Twenty-Four Summary

The leaders of Umuofia were released, after the payment of the fine, and they returned home, silent and morose. Okonkwo ate at the behest of Ezinma and Obierika but had little appetite for food. They, however, noticed the wounds from whiplashing on his back. Okonkwo was in the mood for war and was struck with bitterness but also a childlike excitement for what lay ahead. He decided then that if Umuofia did not fight the white man, he would go out and avenge himself.

The next morning, people from the entire clan turned up for a public meeting and it warmed Okonkwo’s heart to see the strength of their numbers. One of the leaders encouraged the clan’s people to be ready for war—including killing those who had left the clan to join ranks with the white man.

At this point, the public noticed five court messengers join the village meeting. Okonkwo confronted the head messenger who demanded that the meeting be stopped immediately. In his fury, Okonkwo beheaded the messenger before anyone could react.

Okonkwo knew that his clan was not ready for war because they let the other court messengers escape and questioned Okonkwo’s actions. He merely wiped his machete on the sand and walked away.

Chapter Twenty-Four Analysis

This is the first time that Okonkwo is let down by his clan and he disagrees with his society. Okonkwo has always been proud of his fatherland and eager to rise in the ranks of society but with their decision to appease the white man, Okonkwo feels alone and disgusted at the peaceful ways of his people.

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