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1VE2VE3VE4VE5VE6VE7VE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ1RP2RP1VEA(n) __________ is a storage location implemented in the CPU.3VEA problem-solving procedure that requires executing one or more comparison and branch instructions is called a(n) __________. 5VE6VE7VE8VEThe major components of a CPU are the __________, __________, and __________. A set of instructions thats executed to solve a specific problem is called a(n) __________.11VE12VE13VEA CPU is a(n) __________ processor capable of performing many different tasks simply by changing the program. 15VEThe CPU __________ program instructions one at a time.Most programs are written in a(n) __________, such as FORTRAN or Java, which is then translated into equivalent CPU instructions.18VE19VE20VE21VE22VE23VE1RQWhat shortcomings of mechanical computation did the introduction of electronic computing devices address? 3RQWhat is a CPU? What are its primary components? What are registers? What are their functions? 6RQ7RQ8RQHow does a supercomputer differ from a mainframe computer? 10RQ11RQ12RQHow can a computer system be tuned to a particular application?What characteristics differentiate application software from system software? In what ways do system software make developing application software easier? Why has the development of system software paralleled the development of computer hardware? 17RQTables 2.2 and 2.3 will probably be out of date by the time this book is published. Research current computer hardware offerings and update Tables 2.2 and 2.3 with current representative models for each computer class/type. 1VE2VEA(n) __________ is an integer stored in double the normal number of bit positions. 4VEAssembly (machine) language programs for most computers use __________ notation to represent memory address values.6VE7VE8VE9VEA(n) __________ is an array of characters.Most Intel CPUs use the __________, in which each memory address is represented by two integers.12VEA(n) __________ contains 8 __________.14VEThe result of adding, subtracting, or multiplying two integers might result in overflow but never __________ or __________.16VE17VE18VE19VE20VE21VE22VE___________ occurs when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds the number of bits available to store it.In a CPU, _______ arithmetic generally is easier to implement than _______ arithmetic because of a simpler data coding scheme and data manipulation circuitry.In the ________, memory addresses consist of a single integer. 26VEData represented in ________ is transmitted accurately between computer equipment from different manufacturers if each computer’s CPU represents real numbers by using an IEEE standard notation. 28VE29VEA(n) ____________ is one instance or variable of a class. 1RQWhy is binary data representation and signaling the preferred method of computer hardware implementation? 3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQWhy doesnt a CPU evaluate the expression 'A' = 'a' as true?9RQWhat primitive data types can normally be represented and processed by a CPU?11RQHow is an array stored in main memory? How is a linked list stored in main memory? What are their comparative advantages and disadvantages? Give examples of data that would be best stored as an array and as a linked list.14RQ1PE2PE4PE5PE6PE1RP2RP3RP1VE________________ generates heat in electrical devices. 3VE4VE5VEOne _________________ is one cycle per second. 7VEWhen an instruction is first fetched from memory, its placed in the _________________ and then ________________to extract its components.9VE10VE11VE12VEThe contents of a memory location are copied to a register while performing a(n) __________________ operation. 14VEA(n) ________________ instruction always alters the instruction execution sequence. A(n) ______________ instruction alters the instruction execution sequence only if a specified Condition is true. 16VEA(n) ____________________ instruction copies data from one memory location to another. The CPU incurs one or more _________________ when it’s idle, pending the completion of an operation by another device in the computer system. The CPU incurs one or more _____ when its idle, pending the completion of an operation by another device in the computer system.In many CPUs, a register called the _____ stores bit flags representing CPU and program status, including those representing processing errors and the results of comparison operations. The components of an instruction are its _____ and one or more _____. Two 1-bit values generate a 1 result value when a(n) _____ instruction is executed. All other input pairs generate a 0 result value.A(n) _____ operation transforms a 0 bit value to 1 and a 1 bit value to 0._____ predicts that transistor density will double every two years or less. A(n) _____ is a measure of CPU or computer system performance when per-forming specific tasks. _____ is a CPU design technique in which instruction execution is divided into multiple stages and different instructions can execute in different stages simultaneously.Describe the operation of a MOVE instruction. Why is the name MOVE a misnomer?2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ7RQ8RQ9RQHow does pipelining improve CPU efficiency? What’s the potential effect on pipelining’s efficiency when executing a conditional BRANCH instruction? What techniques can be used to make pipelining more efficient when executing conditional BRANCH instructions? 11RQDevelop a program consisting of primitive CPU instructions to implement the following procedure: integer i,a; i = 0; while (i 10) do a = i2; i = i + 1; endwhileIf a microprocessor has a cycle time of 0.5 nanoseconds, what’s the processor clock rate? If the fetch cycle is 40% of the processor cycle time, what memory access speed is required to implement load operations with zero wait states and load operations with two wait states? Processor R is a 64-bit RISC processor with a 2 GHz clock rate. The average instruction requires one cycle to complete, assuming zero wait state memory accesses. Processor C is a CISC processor with a 1.8 GHz clock rate. The average simple instruction requires one cycle to complete, assuming zero wait state memory accesses. The average complex instruction requires two cycles to complete, assuming zero wait state memory accesses. Processor R can’t directly implement the complex processing instructions of Processor C. Executing an equivalent set of simple instructions requires an average of three cycles to complete, assuming zero wait state memory accesses. Program S contains nothing but simple instructions. Program C executes 70% simple instructions and 30% complex instructions. Which processor will execute program S more quickly? Which processor will execute program C more quickly? At what percentage of complex instructions will the performance of the two processors be equal? 4PE1RP2RP3RP1VE2VE3VE4VE5VE6VE7VE8VE9VE10VE11VE12VE13VE14VE15VE16VE17VE18VE19VE20VE21VE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ1PE2PE3PE1RP2RP3RP1VE2VE3VE4VE5VE6VE7VE8VE9VE10VE11VE12VE13VE14VE15VE16VE17VE18VE19VE20VE21VE22VE23VE24VE25VE26VE27VE28VE29VE30VE31VE32VE33VE34VE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ1PE2PE3PE1RP2RP3RP1VE2VE3VE4VE5VE6VE7VE8VE9VE10VE11VE12VE13VE14VE15VE16VE17VE18VE19VE20VE21VE22VE23VE24VE25VE26VE27VE28VE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ1RP2RP3RP4RP1VE2VE3VE4VE5VE6VE7VE8VE9VE10VE11VE12VE
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