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1LO2LOIdentify the three fundamental information system types and explain what organizational complements must be in place to ensure successful implementation and use of the system.Define the term the soft side of implementing change, and explain why it is a critical factor in the successful adoption of any major change?Identify and briefly describe five change models that can be used to increase the likelihood of successfully introducing a new information system into an organization.6LO1.1RQ1.2RQ1.1CTQ1.2CTQ2.1RQ2.2RQ2.1CTQWhat actions would you recommend to minimize potential start-up issues for this virtual team?The value of information is directly linked to how it helps decision makers achieve the organization’s goals. _____________ is a collection of raw facts organized and processed so that it has additional value beyond the value of the individual facts. a. Data b. Information c. Knowledge d. KxpertiseThe value of information is directly linked to how it helps decision makers achieve the organization’s goals. Turning data into information is a ___________ or a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined outcome.3SAT4SAT5SATManagers have an essential role to play in the successful implementation and use of information systems—that role changes depending on which type of IS system is being implemented. When considering the role of business managers in working with IS, it is useful to divide information systems into these three types: a. enterprise IS, group IS, and personal IS. b. small and simple, medium and multifaceted, and large and complex. c. operational, tactical, and strategic. d. management support, operational, and enterprise systems.Managers have an essential role to play in the successful implementation and use of information systems—that role changes depending on which type of IS system is being implemented. Which of the following is not a key organizational complement that must be in place to ensure successful implementation and use of the system? a. well-trained workers. b. better teamwork. c. the latest technology. d. new decision rights.Information systems must be implemented in such a manner that they are accepted and work well within the context of an organization and support its fundamental business goals and strategies. Organizations are considered to be ___________ systems, meaning that can affect and are affected by their surrounding environment.Information systems must be implemented in such a manner that they are accepted and work well within the context of an organization and support its fundamental business goals and strategies. The ___________ is a series of activities that an organization performs to transform inputs into outputs in such a way that the value of the input is increased. a. supply chain. b. inbound logistics. c. value chain. d. manufacturing.10SAT11SATInformation systems must be implemented in such a manner that they are accepted and work well within the context of an organization and support its fundamental business goals and strategies. Continuous enhancement of an existing product is an example of _____________ innovation.13SATInformation systems must be implemented in such a manner that they are accepted and work well within the context of an organization and support its fundamental business goals and strategies. The three stages of Lewin’s change model include (1) ceasing old habits and creating a climate that is receptive to change; (2) learning new work methods, behaviors, and systems; and (3) ___________. a. reinforcing changes to make the new process second nature, accepted, and part of the job. h. fine-tuning existing work processes and systems so they become more streamlined and efficient. c. replacing existing users that refuse to accept the change. d. rewarding those responsible for the change.15SAT16SATThe information system worker functions at the intersection of business and technology and designs, builds, and implements solutions that allow organizations to effectively leverage information technology systems. The typical information systems organization is typically divided into three functions, including support, development, and ____________.18SAT1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ1DQ2DQ3DQ4DQ5DQ6DQ7DQYour manager has asked for your input on ideas for how to improve the likelihood of successful adoption of a major new information system that will be used by members of the company’s finance department. What suggestions would you offer?9DQ10DQ11DQ12DQ1PSE2PSE3PSE1WE2WE3WE1CE2CE3CE1.1CS1.2CS1.3CS2.1CS2.2CS2.3CSIdentify and briefly describe the functions of the primary components of a computer.2LO3LO4LO5LODefine the term ‘sphere of influence,” and describe how it can be used to classify software.7LO8LOIdentify programming languages commonly in use today.Identify several key software issues and trends that have an impact on organizations and individuals.1.1RQ1.2RQ1.1CTQ1.2CTQ2.1RQ2.2RQ2.1CTQ2.2CTQ3.1RQ3.2RQ3.1CTQ3.2CTQ4.1RQ4.2RQ4.1CTQ4.2CTQ5.1RQ5.2RQ5.1CTQ5.2CTQ6.1RQ6.2RQ6.1CTQ6.2CTQWhat is the primary difference between purchasing licensed software from a software manufacturer and using open-source software?What are the pros and cons of using open-source software?What risks and start-up issues are associated with the use of any new software that is designed to replace manual procedures?7.2CTQThe computer hardware industry is rapidly changing and highly competitive, creating an environment ripe for technological breakthroughs. The ___________ is the part of the computer that sequences and executes instructions. a. CPU b. memory c. bus d. input/output devices2SAT3SAT4SAT5SAT6SAT7SAT8SAT9SAT10SAT11SAT12SAT13SAT14SAT15SAT16SAT17SAT18SAT19SAT20SAT21SAT22SATIdentify four fundamental components of every computer.2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQIdentify and briefly describe the various classes of single-user, mobile computers.10RQ11RQIdentify and briefly discuss the three spheres of influence used to identify the scope of problems and opportunities that software addresses.13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQDistinguish between proprietary software and off-the-shelf software.20RQ21RQ22RQ23RQ1DQ2DQ3DQ4DQ5DQ6DQ7DQ8DQAssume that you must take a computer-programming language course next semester. How would you decide which language would be best for you to study? Do you think that a professional programmer needs to know more than one programming language? Why or why not?10DQ11DQ12DQ13DQ14DQ15DQ1PSE2PSE3PSE1WE2WE3WE1CE2CE3CE1.1CS1.2CS1.3CS2.1CS2.2CS2.3CS1LO2LO3LO4LO5LODefine the role of the database schema, data definition language, and data manipulation language.7LO8LO9LO10LO11LO12LO13LOExplain how a NoSOL database is different from an SQL database.15LO16LO1.1RQWhich attribute would you designate as the primary key?1.1CTQ1.2CTQ2.1RQ2.2RQ2.1CTQ2.2CTQ3.1RQ3.2RQWhat additional questions need to be answered before you can decide if the database as a service approach is right for your firm?3.2CTQ4.1RQ4.2RQ4.1CTQ4.2CTQ5.1RQ5.2RQWhy is it unlikely that a traditional SQL database would be able to meet the firm’s needs?5.2CTQ1SAT2SAT3SAT4SATThe ability to combine two or more tables through common data attributes to form a new table with only the unique data attributes is called _____________.6SAT7SAT8SAT9SAT10SAT11SAT12SAT13SAT14SAT15SAT16SAT1RQIn the hierarchy of data, what is the difference between a data attribute and a data item? What is the domain of an attribute?3RQWhat is meant by data archiving? Why is this an important consideration when operating a database?What is an entity-relationship diagram, and what is its purpose?Identify four basic data manipulations performed on a relational database using SQL.7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ1DQOutline some specific steps an organization might take to perform data cleansing to ensure the accuracy and completeness of its customer database before adding this data to a data warehouse. How would you decide when the data is accurate enough?SQL databases conform to ACID properties. Briefly describe the ACID properties, and state the purpose of each. How does conformance to ACID properties affect the performance of SQL databases?4DQ5DQ6DQ7DQ8DQ9DQ1PSEA company that provides a movie-streaming subscription service uses a relational database to store information on movies to answer Customer questions. Each entry in the database contains the following items: Movie ID (the primary key), movie title, year made, movie type, MPAA rating, starring actor 1, starring actor #2, starring actor #3, and director. Movie types are action, comedy, family, drama, horror, science fiction, and western. MPAA ratings are G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, and NR (not rated). Using a graphics program, develop an entity-relationship diagram for a database application for this database.3PSE4PSE1WE2WE3WEDescribe the role of a database administrator. What skills, training, and experiences are necessary to fulfil this role? How does this differ from the role of a data administrator? What about the role of a data steward? Is any one of these roles of interest to you? Why or why not?2CE1.1CS1.2CS1.3CS2.1CS2.2CS2.3CS1LO2LO3LO4LO5LO6LO7LO8LO9LO10LO11LO12LO13LO1.1RQ1.2RQ1.1CTQ1.2CTQ
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