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Every computer consists of physical components and non-physical components. The non-physical components of a computer that understand how to work with the physical components are referred to as __________. a. hardware b. records c. software d. processorsThe operating system software is necessary for a computer to function. True or False?3RQ4RQWhich of the following kernels are developmental kernels? (Choose all that apply.) a. 2.3.4 b. 3.5.5 c. 4.1-rc5 d. 4.4.46RQ7RQTo which license does Linux adhere? a. open license b. artistic license c. GNU General Public License d. free source license9RQ10RQWhich two people are credited with creating the UNIX operating system? (Choose two answers.) a. Dennis Ritchie b. Richard Stallman c. Linus Torvalds d. Ken ThompsonWho formed the Free Software Foundation to promote open development? a. Dennis Ritchie b. Richard Stallman c. Linus Torvalds d. Ken ThompsonWhich culture embraced the term “GNU” (GNU’s Not UNIX) and laid the free software groundwork for Linux? the hacker culture the MIT culture the cracker culture the Artificial Intelligence culture 14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ19RQWhich of the following Linux distributions is likely to be used by a cybersecurity worker? a. Fedora b. Ubuntu c. Kali d. Gentoo1RQWhat equivalent to the man command generally provides an easier-to-read description of the queried command and contains links to other related information? a. who b. man help c. man -descriptive d. info3RQWhat command is equivalent to the man k keyword command? a. find keyword b. man keyword c. apropos keyword d. appaloosa keywordWhich of the following is not a piece of information that the Fedora installation program prompts you for? time zone installation destination firewall settings installation language 6RQWhich command blanks the terminal screen, erasing previously displayed output? erase clean blank clear 8RQ9RQAfter you log in to a terminal, you receive a user interface called a _________. a. GUID b. shell c. text box d. command screen11RQHow can you protect a metacharacter (such as the $ character) from shell interpretation? Precede it with a /. Follow it with a \. Precede it with a $. It cannot be done because metacharacters are essential. Precede it with a \. You know a Linux command will perform a desired function for you, but you cannot remember the full name of the command. You do remember it will flush a variable from your system. Which command typed at a command prompt displays a list of commands that would likely contain the command you desire? a. man k flush b. man k find all c. man flush d. man key flush14RQWhich prompt does the root user receive when logged in to the system? a. b. @ c. # d. !Which prompt do regular users receive when logged in to the system? $ @ # ! 17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQA directory is a type of file. True or False? Which command would a user type on the command line to find out the current directory in the directory tree? pd cd where pwd Which of the following is an absolute pathname? (Choose all that apply.) a. Home/resume b. C:\myfolder\resume c. resume d. /home/resume e. C:home/resume4RQIf a users current directory is /home/mary/project1, which command could she use to move to the etc directory directly under the root? a. cd . . b. cd /home/mary/etc c. cd etc d. cd /etc e. cd \etcAfter typing the ls –a command, you notice a file whose filename begins with a dot (.). What does this mean? It is a binary file. It is a system file. It is a file in the current directory. It is a hidden file. After typing the ls –F command, you notice a filename that ends with an * (asterisk) character. What does this mean? It is a hidden file. It is a linked file. It is a special device file. It is an executable file. The vi editor can function in which two of the following modes? (Choose both that apply.) text command input interactive insert The less command offers less functionality than the more command. True or False? Which command searches for and displays any text contents of a binary file? a. text b. strings c. od d. less11RQIf resume is the name of a file in the home directory off the root of the filesystem and your present working directory is home, what is the relative name for the file named resume? a. /home/resume b. /resume c. resume d. \home\resumeWhat will the following wildcard regular expression return: file[a-c]? filea-c filea, filec filea, fileb, filec fileabc What will typing q! at the: prompt in command mode do when using the vi editor? quit as no changes were made quit after saving any changes nothing because the ! is a metacharacter quit without saving any changes A user types the command head / poems/mary. What will be displayed on the terminal screen? the first line of the file mary the header for the file mary the first 20 lines of the file mary the last 10 lines of the file mary the first 10 lines of the file mary The tac command _____. a. is not a valid Linux command b. displays the contents of hidden flies c. displays the contents of a file in reverse order, last word on the line first and first word on the line last d. displays the contents of a file in reverse order, last line first and first line last17RQ18RQUsing wildcard metacharacters, how can you indicate a character that is not an a or b or c or d? [^abcd] not [a-d] [!a-d] !a-d A user typed the command pwd and saw the output: /home/Jim/sales/pending. How could that user navigate to the / home/jim directory? cd .. cd /jim cd ../.. cd ./. A symbolic link is also known as a soft link and is depicted by an @ symbol appearing at the beginning of the filename when viewed using the ls l command. True or False?2RQThere is no real difference between the “S” and “s” special permissions when displayed using the ls –l command. One just means it is on a file, and the other means that it is on a directory. True or False? The default permissions given by the system prior to analyzing the umask are _________ for directories and _________ for files. rw-rw-rw- and rw-rw-rw rw-rw-rw- and r--r--r-- rw-rw-rw- and rwxrwxrwx rwxrwxrwx and rw-rw-rw rwxrw-rw- and rwx-rw-rw- What must a user do to run cp or mv interactively and be asked whether to overwrite an existing file? There is no choice because the new file will overwrite the old one by default. Type interactive cp or interactive mv. Type cp -i or mv -i. Type cp –interactive or mv -interactive. Just type cp or mv because they run in interactive mode by default. The root user utilizes the chgrp command to give ownership of a file to another user. What must the root user do to regain ownership of the file? Run chgrp again listing the root user as the new owner. Nothing, because this is a one-way, one-time action. Have the new owner run chgrp, and list the root user as the new owner. Run chown and list the root user as the new owner. After typing the ls F command, you see the following line in the output: What does this mean? a. User1 has read and write, members of the root group have read and execute, and all others have read permissions to the file. b. Members of the root group have read and write, user1 has read and execute, and all others have read permissions to the file. c. All users have read and write, members of the root group have read and execute, and user1 has read permissions to the file. d. User1 has read and write, all others have read and execute, and members of the root group have read permissions to the file.After typing the command umask 731, the permissions on all subsequently created files and directories will be affected. In this case, what will be the permissions on all new files? a. rw-rw-rw b. rwxrw-r-- c. ---rrw d. ----wx--x9RQWhen you change the data in a file that is hard-linked to three others, _________. a. only the data in the file you modified is affected b. only the data in the file you modified and any hard-linked files in the same directory are affected c. the data in the file you modified and the data in all hard-linked files are modified because they have different inodes d. the data in the file you modified as well as the data in all hard-linked files are modified because they share the same data and all have the same inode and file size11RQWhich of the following commands will change the user ownership and group ownership of file1 to user1 and root, respectively? chown user1:root file1 chown user1 : root file1 This cannot be done because user and group ownership properties of a file must be modified separately. chown root:user1 file1 chown root : user1 file1 What does the /var directory contain? a. various additional programs b. spools and log files c. temporary files d. files that are architecture-independent e. local variance devicesWhat does the mv command do? (Choose all that apply.) It makes a volume. It makes a directory. It moves a directory. It moves a file. A file has the following permissions: r--- -x-w-. The command chmod 143 would have the same effect as the command _________. (Choose all that apply.) a. chmod u+x-r,g+r-x,o+w file1 b. chmod u=w,g=rw,o=rx file1 c. chmod u-r-w,g+r-w,o+r-x file1 d. chmod u=x,g=r,o=wx file1 e. chmod u+w,g+r-w,o+r-x file1 f. chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r file1The which command _________. can only be used to search for executables searches for a file in all directories, starting from the root is not a valid Linux command searches for a file only in directories that are in the PATH variable Hard links need to reside on the same filesystem as the target, whereas symbolic links need not be on the same filesystem as the target. True or False?When applied to a directory, the SGID special permission _________. a. causes all new files created in the directory to have the same group membership as the directory, and not the entity that created them b. cannot be used, because it is applied only to files c. allows users the ability to use more than two groups for files that they create within the directory d. causes users to have their permissions checked before they are allowed to access files in the directoryWhich command do you use to rename files and directories? a. cp b. mv c. rn d. rename20RQGiven the following output from the is command, how many files are linked with file1? one two three four Only the root user can modify a file that has the immutable attribute set. True or False? Which of the following commands can only be used to create partitions on a GPT hard disk? a. gdisk b. cfdisk c. fdisk d. partedAfter a partition on a hard disk is formatted with a filesystem, all partitions on that hard disk drive must use the same filesystem. True or False? You want to see the filesystems that are in use on the system. What command could you use? (Choose all that apply.) a. cat /etc/fstab b. df -T c. cat /etc/mtab d. ls /sys/block4RQGiven the following output from /etc/fstab, which filesystems will be automatically checked on boot by the fsck command? a. none, as fsck must be run manually for each filesystem b. /, /dev/pts, and /dev/shm c. /, /proc, and swap d. all of them, as fsck is run automatically at boot for all filesystemsA user mounts a device to a mount point directory and realizes afterward she needs files previously found within the mount point directory. What should this user do? a. Nothing; the files are lost and cannot ever be accessed. b. Nothing; the files could not have been there because you can only mount to empty directories. c. Unmount the device from the directory. d. Run the fsck command to recover the file. e. Look in the lost+found directory for the file.Which command is used to display the amount of free space that exists on a filesystem? a. fsck b. quota c. du d. dfWhat must you do to successfully run the fsck command on a filesystem? Run the fsck command with the –u option to automatically unmount the filesystem first. Choose yes when warned that running fsck on a mounted filesystem can cause damage. Unmount the filesystem. Ensure that the filesystem is mounted. Character devices typically transfer data more quickly than block devices. True or False?What does the du -s /var command do? a. shows the users connected to the /var directory b. shows the size of all directories within the /var directory c. dumps the /var directory d. displays the total size of the /var directoryWhat does the command dumpe2fs –h do? backs up an ext2 filesystem displays the number of used and available inodes for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem dumps an ext2 filesystem nothing; it is not a valid command Which command can be used to repair an XFS filesystem? a. fsck -t xfs /dev/sdb1 b. e2fsck /dev/sdb1 c. fsck.xfs /dev/sdb1 d. xfs_repair /dev/sdb1Which of the following statements are true? (Choose all that apply.) a. Quotas can only limit user space. b. Quotas can only limit the number of files a user can own. c. Quotas can limit both user space and the number of files a user can own. d. Hard limits can never be exceeded. e. Hard limits allow a user to exceed them for a certain period of time. f. Soft limits can never be exceeded. g. Soft limits allow a user to exceed them for a certain period of time. h. Either a hard limit or a soft limit can be set, but not both concurrently.14RQWhich of the following statements regarding LVM structure is correct? a. PVs are collections of VGs. b. LVs are created from the free space available within PVs. c. VGs are comprised of one or more PVs. d. PVs use the space within LVs to create VGs.16RQYou plug a USB flash memory drive into a system that has two SATA hard disks. How will the partition on this USB flash memory drive be identified by Linux? a. /dev/sda1 b. /dev/sda2 c. /dev/sdb1 d. /dev/sdc1Which command mounts all existing filesystems in /etc/fstab? a. mount -f b. mount -a c. mount /etc/fstab d. mount /etc/mtabA user runs the fsck command with the -f option on an ext4 filesystem that is showing signs of corruption. How would that user locate any files the system was unable to repair? Look in the root of the filesystem. The system prompts the user for a target location when it comes across a file it cannot repair. Mount the filesystem and check the lost1found directory underneath the mount point. View the contents of the directory /lost1found. Which command is used to format a partition on a hard disk drive with the ext4 filesystem? a. format_ext4 device b. ext4mkfs device c. e2mkfs t ext4 device d. makeext4FS device1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQWhich command can you use during a system rescue to switch from the root of the live OS to the root of the Linux system installed on the hard disk? mount sysimage chroot rescue 6RQWhere is the /proc filesystem stored? in RAM on the hard disk drive in the / directory on the hard disk drive in the /etc directory on the hard disk drive in the /var directory 8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQWhat command can be used to create a ZFS volume called test from the space on /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc that functions like RAID level 1? zpool create test /dev/sdb /dev/sdc zpool create test mirror /dev/sdb /dev/sdc zpool create test raidz /dev /sdb /dev/sdc zpool create test raidz2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc To which directory will the test ZFS volume from the previous question be mounted by the ZFS system? /mnt/test /media/test /zfs/test /test 14RQ15RQZFS volumes are mounted at boot time from entries within /etc/fstab by default. True or False? 17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQBecause stderr and stdout represent the results of a command and stdin represents the input required for a command, only stderr and stdout can be redirected to/from a file. True or False?Before a user-defined variable can be used by processes that run in subshells, that variable must be _________. a. imported b. validated by running the env command c. exported d. redirected to the BASH shell3RQWhich of the following files is always executed immediately after any user logs in to a Linux system and receives a BASH shell? a. /etc/profile b. /.bash_profile c. /.bash_login d. /.profile5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQ1HOP2HOP3HOP4HOP5HOP6HOP1DE2DE3DEName the test statement that can be used to test the following scenarios: a. The user has read permission to the /etc/hosts file. b. The user has read and execute permission to the /etc directory. c. The contents of the variable TEST are equal to the string success. d. The contents of the variable TEST are numerically equal to the contents of the variable RESULT. e. The contents of the variable TEST are equal to the string success and the file /etc/hosts exists. f. The contents of the variable TEST are equal to the string success, or the number 5, or the contents of the variable RESULT.5DE6DE7DE8DE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQ1HOP2HOP3HOP4HOP5HOP1DE2DE4DE5DE1RQWhich of the following statements is true? (Choose all that apply.) a. If /etc/at.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the at command. b. If /etc/cron.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the cron command. c. If /etc/cron.deny exists and /etc/cron.allow does not exist, any user not listed in /etc/cron.deny can use the cron command. d. If /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny exist, only users listed in the former can use the cron command, and any users listed in the latter are denied access to the cron command. e. If a user is listed in both /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny, then /etc/cron.deny takes precedence and the user cannot access the crontab command.3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQ1HOP2HOP3HOP4HOP5HOP6HOP1DE2DE3DE4DE5DE6DE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQ1HOP2HOP3HOP4HOP5HOP6HOP7HOP8HOP9HOP1DE2DE3DE4DE5DEWrite commands to accomplish the following (use the manual or info pages if necessary): a. Create a user with a login name of bsmith, a UID of 733, a GECOS field entry of accounting manager, and a password of Gxj234 b. Delete the user jdoe, but leave the home directory intact c. Change the properties of the existing user wjones such that the user has a new comment field of shipping and an account expiry of March 23, 2032 d. Lock the account of wjenkins e. Change the password of bsmith to We34Rt f. Change the properties of the existing user tbanks such that the user is a member of the managers group and has a login name of artbanks g. Create a user with the same UID and primary group as root and a login name of wjones h. Change the primary group of the user smith to root i. Add the users tbanks and jdoe to the group acctgMost source code is typically available on the Internet in tarball format or as a git repository. True or False?Which dump level indicates a full backup? a. 0 b. 9 c. 1 d. f3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ17RQ18RQ19RQ20RQ1HOP2HOP3HOP4HOP5HOP6HOP1DE2DE3DE4DE5DE6DE1RQ2RQ3RQ4RQ5RQ6RQ7RQ8RQ9RQ10RQ11RQ12RQ13RQ14RQ15RQ16RQ
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