Applied Physics - 10th Edition - by Dale Ewen, Neill Schurter, Erik Gundersen - ISBN 9780136116332

Applied Physics
10th Edition
Dale Ewen, Neill Schurter, Erik Gundersen
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780136116332

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Book Details

APPLIED PHYSICS, is a highly successful textbook presenting clear, to-the-point topical coverage of basic physics applied to industrial and technical fields. A wealth of real-world applications motivate readers by teaching physics concepts in context. KEY FEATURES: Detailed, well-illustrated examplessupport reader understanding of skills and concepts. Extensive problem setsassist reader learning by providing ample opportunity for practice. Physics Connectionsrelate the text material to everyday life experiences. Applied Conceptsproblems foster critical thinking. Try This Activityinvolve demonstrations or mini-activities that can be performed by readers to experience a physics concept. Biographical sketchesof important scientists connect ideas with real people. Unique Problem-Solving Method This textbook teaches readers to use a proven, effective problem-solving methodology. The consistent use of this special problem-solving method trains readers to make a sketch, identify the data elements, select the appropriate equation, solve for the unknown quantity, and substitute the data in the working equation. An icon that outlines the method is placed in the margin of most problem sets as a reminder to readers.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

10th Edition
ISBN: 9780133004236
Applied Physics
11th Edition
ISBN: 9780132719865
Applied Physics (11th Edition)
11th Edition
ISBN: 9780134159386

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