4th Edition
ISBN: 9781285415017
Publisher: YUZU


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Chapter 1, Problem 6PA
Program Plan Intro

Extended Case Study for removing an existing record from file:

Program plan:

  • Include the required header files in your program.
  • Define a class “Personal” with the following functions.
    • Define the default constructor “Personal()” that initializes the member variables.
    • Define the constructor “Personal()” with arguments that initializes the member variables.
    • Define the function “writeToFile()” to write a record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “writeNullToFile()” to write a null record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “readFromFile()” to read a record from the input stream.
    • Define the function “readKey()” to read SSN from console.
    • Define the function “size()” to get the size of a record.
    • Define the function “operator==()” to check the equality of the two records.
    • Define the function “isNull()” to check the current record is deleted record.
    • Define the function “writeLegibly()” to write a record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “operator<<()” to write a record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “readFromConsole()” to read a record from the input stream.
    • Define the function “operator>>()” to read a record from the output stream.
  • Define a class “Student” with the following functions.
    • Define the default constructor “Student()” that initializes the member variables.
    • Define the constructor “Student()” with arguments that initializes the member variables.
    • Define the function “writeToFile()” to write a record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “writeNullToFile()” to write a null record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “readFromFile()” to read a record from the input stream.
    • Define the function “size()” to get the size of a record.
    • Define the function “writeLegibly()” to write a record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “operator<<()” to write a record to the output stream.
    • Define the function “readFromConsole()” to read a record from the input stream.
    • Define the function “operator>>()” to read a record from the output stream.
    • Define the function “isNull()” to check the current record is deleted record.
  • Define a class “Database” with the following functions.
    • Define the default constructor “Database()” that initializes the member variables.
    • Define the function “run()” that processes the user wishes.
    • Define the function “add()” to add a record to the database.
    • Define the function “find()” to find a record in the database.
    • Define the function “modify()” to modify the existing record.
    • Define the function “remove()” to delete an existing record.
    • Define the function “operator<<()” to write the database to the output stream.
    • Define the function “print()” to display the database.
  • Define the function “main()”.
    • Create a database for “Personal” and call the function “run()”.

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Program Description Answer


* This program Extends the case study for removing an     *

* existing record.                                        *


Explanation of Solution



#ifndef PERSONAL

#define PERSONAL

// Include the required header files


#include <fstream>

#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

//Personal class declaration.

class Personal


//Access Specifier.




//Argumented constructor.


//Function to write Person data to file.

void writeToFile(fstream&) const;

//Function to write null record to file.

void writeNullToFile(fstream&) ;

//Function to read Person data from file.

void readFromFile(fstream&);

//Function read SSN

void readKey();

//Function to determine record is null

bool isNull();

//Function that returns the size of a record.

int size() const


//Sum all the fields length and return it.

return 9 + nameLen + cityLen + sizeof(year) + sizeof(salary);


/*Function to check the passed the record is equal to the current record.*/

bool operator==(const Personal& pr) const


//Compare the SSN's of current record and pr.

/*If they equal the function return true. otherwise it return false.*/

return strncmp(pr.SSN,SSN,9) == 0;


//Access specifier.


//Declare variables.

const int nameLen, cityLen;

char SSN[10], *name, *city;

int year;

long salary;

//Function to write the record to the output stream.

ostream& writeLegibly(ostream&);

/*Overload the operator << to write to the output stream.*/

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Personal& pr)


//Call the member function to write.

return pr.writeLegibly(out);


//Function to read a record from the input stream.

istream& readFromConsole(istream&);

/*Overload the operator >> to read fromo the input stream.*/

friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Personal& pr)


//Call the member function to read.

return pr.readFromConsole(in);





//Include the header files.

#include "personal.h"

//Constructor that fixes the length for name and city.

Personal::Personal() : nameLen(10), cityLen(10)


/*Create the character array for name and city with specified size.*/

name = new char[nameLen+1];

city = new char[cityLen+1];


//Constructor with input arguments.

Personal::Personal(char *ssn, char *n, char *c, int y, long s) :

nameLen(10), cityLen(10)


/*Create the character array for name and city with specified size.*/

name = new char[nameLen+1];

city = new char[cityLen+1];

//Copy the passed SSN


//Copy the name.


//Copy the city.


//store the year.

year = y;

//Store the salary.

salary = s;


//Function to write the record into the output stream.

void Personal::writeToFile(fstream& out) const


//Write the SSN.


//Write the name.


//Write the city.


/*Convert the year into char* and write it on the output.*/

out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&year),sizeof(int));

/*Convert the salary into char* and write it on the output.*/

out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&salary),sizeof(int));


//Function to write the null record into the output stream.

void Personal::writeNullToFile(fstream& out)


/* First Character of the SSN should be marked with '#'*/


//Write the SSN.


//Write the name.


//Write the city.


/*Convert the year into char* and write it on the output.*/

out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&year),sizeof(int));

/*Convert the salary into char* and write it on the output.*/

out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&salary),sizeof(int));


//Function to read a record from the input stream.

void Personal::readFromFile(fstream& in)


//Read the SSN


//Read the name.


//Read the city.


//Convert the char* to int and store it in year.


//Convert the char* to int and store it in salary.



//Function to read the SSN from the user.

void Personal::readKey()


//Declare the variables.

char s[80];

//Prompt the user.

cout << "Enter SSN: ";

//Read the SSN


//copy the SSN.



//Function to check record is null.

bool Personal::isNull()


/*Return true if SSN[0] is '#', otherwise return false */

  return SSN[0]=='#';


//Function to write the record to the console.

ostream& Personal::writeLegibly(ostream& out)


//Terminate the strings.

SSN[9] = name[nameLen] = city[cityLen] = '\0';

//Write SSN, name, year, city, salary to the console.

out << "SSN = " << SSN << ", name = " << name<< ", city = " << city << ", year = " << year<< ", salary = " << salary;

//Return the output stream.

return out;


//Function to read a record from the console.

istream& Personal::readFromConsole(istream& in)


//Terminate the strings.

SSN[9] = name[nameLen] = city[cityLen] = '\0';

char s[80];

//Read SSN in variable 's'.

cout << "SSN: ";


//Copy the SSN from 's'.


//Read name in variable 's'.

cout << "Name: ";


//Copy the name from 's'.


//Read the city in 's'.

cout << "City: ";


//Copy the city from 's'.


//Read the year.

cout << "Birthyear: ";

in >> year;

//Read the salary.

cout << "Salary: ";

in >> salary;


//Return the input stream.

return in;



//Defining the header file.

#ifndef STUDENT

#define STUDENT

//Include the header file

#include "personal.h"

//Derive the class Student from Personal

class Student : public Personal


//Access specifier.




//Constructor with arguments*/


//Function to write record to the output stream.

void writeToFile(fstream&) const;

//Function to write null record to file.

void writeNullToFile(fstream&) ;

//Function to read a Student record from input stream.

void readFromFile(fstream&);

//Function to get the size of the Student record.

int size() const


/*Call the base call method to find the record size.*/

return Personal::size() + majorLen;


//Function to determine record is null

bool isNull();

//Access specifier.


//Declare variables.

char *major;

const int majorLen;

//Function to write the record to the output stream.

ostream& writeLegibly(ostream&);

/*Overaloaded operator << to write to the output stream.*/

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Student& sr)


//Call member function to write the record.

return sr.writeLegibly(out);


//Function to read a record from the input stream.

istream& readFromConsole(istream&);

/*Overload the operator >> to read fromo the input stream.*/

friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Student& sr)


//Call the member function to read.

return sr.readFromConsole(in);





//Include the header files.

#include "student.h"

//Constructor to initialize the variables.

Student::Student() : majorLen(10)


//Call base call constructor for initialization.


//Create the character array for the major.

major = new char[majorLen+1];


//Constructor to initialize all the variables. This constructor takes arguments*/

Student::Student(char *ssn, char *n, char *c, int y, long s, char *m) :



//Call baseclass constructor.


//Create the character array for the major.

major = new char[majorLen+1];

//Copy the major.



//Function to write the record to the output stream.

void Student::writeNullToFile(fstream& out) 


/*Call base class method to write the name, city, SSN, year, salary.*/


//Write the major.



//Function to write the record to the output stream.

void Student::writeToFile(fstream& out) const


/*Call base class method to write the name, city, SSN, year, salary.*/


//Write the major.



//Function to read a record from the input stream.

void Student::readFromFile(fstream& in)


/*Call baseclass method to read the name,city, SSN,  year,salary.*/


//Read the major.



/*Function to write the student record to the output stream.*/

ostream& Student::writeLegibly(ostream& out)


/*Call baseclass method to write the name,city, SSN,  year,salary.*/


major[majorLen] = '\0';

//Write the major.

out << ", major = " << major;

//Return the output stream.

return out;


//Function to read a record from the input stream console.

istream& Student::readFromConsole(istream& in)


/*Call base class method to read name, city, year, SSN, salary from console.*/


char s[80];

//Prompt the user to enter the major.

cout << "Major: ";

//read the major in variable 's'.


//Copy the major from 's'.


//Return the input stream.

return in;


//Function to check record is null.

bool Student::isNull()


//Call base class method to check the record is null.

  return Personal::isNull();



//Define the header file.

#ifndef DATABASE

#define DATABASE

//Create the template class.

template<class T>

//Create the class Database

class Database


//Access Specifier.






/*Function that displays the menu and proceeds as per user wish.*/

void run();

//Access Specifier.


/* Declare variables*/

fstream database;

char fName[20];

//Function to display the database

ostream& print(ostream&);

//Function to add a record into the database.

void add(T&);

/*Function to find a particular record in the database.*/

bool find(const T&);

//Function to modify the record in the database.

void modify(const T&);

//Function to delete the record from the database.

void remove(const T&);

/*Overloaded operator << to print the given database to the output stream.*/

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Database& db)


//Call the method to print the database.

return db.print(out);





//Include the header files.

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include "student.h"

#include "personal.h"

#include "database.h"

//No argumented constructor.

template<class T>

Database<T>::Database() {}


template<class T>



//Declare the variables.

T tmp;

/*Create temporary file */

fstream tmpFile;

tmpFile.open("tmp1.txt",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc );

//Open the database.


/*Check database is null. If so exit from the loop.*/

if (database.eof())

//Exit from the loop.


/*Infinite loop that runs until record is inserted in the database.*/

while (true)


//Read a record from the file.


/*Check database is null. If so exit from the loop.*/

if (database.eof())

//Exit from the loop.


  //Otherwise write record to the tmpFile.

else if(!tmp.isNull())


  //write record to the tmpFile.




//Close tmpFile


//Close database


//Open the database.

database.open("student.txt",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary | ios::trunc );

//Open the tmp1.txt

tmpFile.open("tmp1.txt", ios::in| ios::out| ios::binary );

/*Inifinite loop that runs until record is inserted in the database.*/

while (true)


//Read a record from the file.


/*Check tmpFile is null. If so exit from the loop.*/

if (tmpFile.eof())

//Exit from the loop.


//Write the valid record to the file.



//Close tmpFile


//Close database


//Rename the new file.

rename("tmp1.txt", fName);


//Function to add a record into the database.

template<class T>

void Database<T>::add(T& d)


//Open the database.


//Goto the file end.


//Write 'd' to the database.


//Close the database.



//Function to modify the existing record in the database.

template<class T>

void Database<T>::modify(const T& d)


//Declare the variable.

T tmp;

//Open the database.


//Repeated search until database is null.



//Read the record from the database.


//Check tmp matches d.

if (tmp == d)


//Read the record

cin >> tmp;

//Seek to the record's position.


//Write the record to the file.


//Close the database.


//Exit from the function.




//Close the database.


//Print the message indicating record not found.

cout << "The record to be modified is not in the database\n";


//Function to modify the existing record in the database.

template<class T>

void Database<T>::remove(const T& d)


//Declare the variable.

T tmp;

//Open the database.


//Repeated search until database is null.



  //Read the record from the database.


  //Check tmp matches d.

  if (tmp == d)


  //Seek to the record's position.


  //Write the record to the file.


  //Close the database.


  //Exit from the function.




  //Close the database.


  //Print the message indicating record not found.

cout << "The record to be deleted is not in the database\n";


//Function to find the given record in the database.

template<class T>

bool Database<T>::find(const T& d)


//Declare the variable.

T tmp;

//Open the database.




//Read the record from the database.


//Check tmp matches d.

if (tmp == d)


//Close the database.


//Record found, so return true.

return true;



//Close the database.


//Record not found, so return false.

return false;


template<class T>

ostream& Database<T>::print(ostream& out)


//Declare the variable.

T tmp;

//Open the database.


//Infinite loop.

while (true)


//Read a record from the file.


/*Check database is null. If so exit from the loop.*/

if (database.eof())

//Exit from the loop.


//Write the record tmp to the output stream.

out << tmp << endl;


//Close the database.


//Return the output stream.

return out;


//Function to process the user wish.

template<class T>

void Database<T>::run()


//Get the database filename.

cout << "File name: ";

cin >> fName;

//Declare variables.

char option[5];

T rec;

//Display menu.

cout << "1. Add 2. Find 3. Modify a record; 4. Remove a record 5. Exit\n";

//Get option.

cout << "Enter an option: ";


//Infinite loop ends until user wishes to exit.

while (cin.getline(option,4))


//If user wants to add a record.

if (*option == '1')


//Get the record.

cin >> rec;

//Write the record into the database.



//If user wants to find a record,

else if (*option == '2')


//Read the SSN


//Display record is found or not.

cout << "The record is ";

//Check finding record returns false.

if (find(rec) == false)

  cout << "not ";

  cout << "in the database\n";


/*If user wants to modify a record in the database,*/

else if (*option == '3')


//Read the SSN of the record to be modified.


//Call the method modify()



/*If user wants to remove a record in the database,*/

else if (*option == '4')


//Read the SSN of the record to be modified.


//Call the method remove()



//If user enters wrong option.

else if (*option != '5')

//Print wrong input.

cout << "Wrong option\n";

//Otherwise exit from the loop.


//Return to the main function.


//Display the database.

cout << *this;

//Ask the user for an option.

cout << "Enter an option: ";



//main() method.

int main()


/*Creating the database with Personal objects and call the function run().*/


//To pause the console window.


  return 0;


Sample Output


File name: student.txt

1. Add 2. Find 3. Modify a record; 4. Remove a record 5. Exit

Enter an option: 1

SSN: 101

Name: Arlen

City: Delhi

Birthyear: 2005

Salary: 80000

SSN = 101, name = Arlen, city = Delhi, year = 2005, salary = 80000

Enter an option: 1

SSN: 002

Name: Akash

City: Calcutta

Birthyear: 2001

Salary: 10000

SSN = 101, name = Arlen, city = Delhi, year = 2005, salary = 80000

SSN = 002, name = Akash, city = Calcutta, year = 2001, salary = 10000

Enter an option: 4

Enter SSN: 002

SSN = 101, name = Arlen, city = Delhi, year = 2005, salary = 80000

SSN = #02, name = Akash, city = Calcutta, year = 2001, salary = 10000

Enter an option: 5

Press any key to continue . . .

After running of the program, the file has been changed as follows,



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