Intermediate Algebra - Video Workbook - 8th Edition - by Tobey - ISBN 9780134592008

Intermediate Algebra - Video Workbook
8th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134592008

Solutions for Intermediate Algebra - Video Workbook

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Chapter 2.3 - Absolute Value EquationsChapter 2.4 - Using Equations To Solve Word ProblemsChapter 2.5 - Solving More-involved Word ProblemsChapter 2.6 - Linear InequalitiesChapter 2.7 - Compound InequalitiesChapter 2.8 - Absolute Value InequalitiesChapter 3 - Equations And Inequalities In Two Variables And FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Graphing Linear Equations With Two UnknownsChapter 3.2 - Slope Of A LineChapter 3.3 - Graphs And The Equations Of A LineChapter 3.4 - Linear Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 3.5 - Concept Of A FunctionChapter 3.6 - Graphing Functions From Equations And Tables Of DataChapter 4 - Systems Of Linear Equations And InequalitiesChapter 4.1 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 4.2 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Three VariablesChapter 4.3 - Applications Of Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 4.4 - Systems Of Linear InequalitiesChapter 5 - PolynomialsChapter 5.1 - Introduction To Polynomials And Polynomial Functions: Adding, Subtracting, And MultiplyingChapter 5.2 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 5.3 - Synthetic DivisionChapter 5.4 - Removing Common Factors; Factoring By GroupingChapter 5.5 - Factoring TrinomialsChapter 5.6 - Special Cases Of FactoringChapter 5.7 - Factoring A Polynomial CompletelyChapter 5.8 - Solving Equations And Applications Using PolynomialsChapter 6 - Rational Expressions And EquationsChapter 6.1 - Rational Expressions And Functions: Simplifying, Multiplying, And DividingChapter 6.2 - Adding And Subtracting ­ Rational ExpressionsChapter 6.3 - Complex Rational ExpressionsChapter 6.4 - Rational EquationsChapter 6.5 - Applications: Formulas And Advanced Ratio ExercisesChapter 7 - Rational Exponents And RadicalsChapter 7.1 - Rational ExponentsChapter 7.2 - Radical Expressions And FunctionsChapter 7.3 - Simplifying, Adding, And Subtracting RadicalsChapter 7.4 - Multiplying And Dividing RadicalsChapter 7.5 - Radical EquationsChapter 7.6 - Complex NumbersChapter 7.7 - VariationChapter 8 - Quadratic Equations And InequalitiesChapter 8.1 - Quadratic EquationsChapter 8.2 - The Quadratic Formula And Solutions To Quadratic EquationsChapter 8.3 - Equations That Can Be Transformed Into Quadratic FormChapter 8.4 - Formulas And ApplicationsChapter 8.5 - Quadratic FunctionsChapter 8.6 - Quadratic Inequalities In One VariableChapter 9 - The Conic SectionsChapter 9.1 - The Distance Formula And The CircleChapter 9.2 - The ParabolaChapter 9.3 - The EllipseChapter 9.4 - The HyperbolaChapter 9.5 - Nonlinear Systems Of EquationsChapter 10 - Additional Properties Of FunctionsChapter 10.1 - Function NotationChapter 10.2 - General Graphing Procedures For FunctionsChapter 10.3 - Algebraic Operations On FunctionsChapter 10.4 - Inverse Of A FunctionChapter 11 - Logarithmic And Exponential FunctionsChapter 11.1 - The Exponential FunctionChapter 11.2 - The Logarithmic FunctionChapter 11.3 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 11.4 - Common Logarithms, Natural Logarithms, And Change Of Base Of LogarithmsChapter 11.5 - Exponential And Logarithmic EquationsChapter A - Determinants And Cramer’s RuleChapter B - Solving Systems Of Linear ­equations Using Matrices

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