Algebra and Trigonometry: Graphs and Models - With Graph. Manual - 6th Edition - by BITTINGER - ISBN 9780134383415

Algebra and Trigonometry: Graphs and Mo...
6th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134383415

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Chapter J.11 - Add And Subtract PolynomialsChapter J.12 - Multiply PolynomialsChapter J.13 - Special Products Of BinomialsChapter J.14 - Factor Polynomials; The Foil MethodChapter J.15 - Factor Polynomials: The Ac-methodChapter J.16 - Special FactorizationsChapter J.17 - Equation-solving PrinciplesChapter J.18 - Inequality-solving PrinciplesChapter J.19 - The Principle Of Zero ProductsChapter J.20 - The Principle Of Square RootsChapter J.21 - Simplify Rational ExpressionsChapter J.22 - Multiply And Divide Rational ExpressionsChapter J.23 - Add And Subtract Rational ExpressionsChapter J.24 - Simplify Complex Rational ExpressionsChapter J.25 - Simplify Radical ExpressionsChapter J.26 - Rationalize DenominatorsChapter J.27 - Rational ExponentsChapter J.28 - The Pythagorean TheoremChapter 1 - Graphs, Functions, And ModelsChapter 1.1 - Introduction To GraphingChapter 1.2 - Functions And GraphsChapter 1.3 - Linear Functions, Slope, And ApplicationsChapter 1.4 - Equations Of Lines And ModelingChapter 1.5 - Linear Equations, Functions, Zeros, And ApplicationsChapter 1.6 - Solving Linear InequalitiesChapter 2 - More On FunctionsChapter 2.1 - Increasing, Decreasing, And Piecewise Functions; ApplicationsChapter 2.2 - The Algebra Of FunctionsChapter 2.3 - The Composition Of FunctionsChapter 2.4 - SymmetryChapter 2.5 - TransformationsChapter 2.6 - Variation And ApplicationsChapter 3 - Quadratic Functions And Equations; InequalitiesChapter 3.1 - The Complex NumbersChapter 3.2 - Quadratic Equations, Functions, Zeros, And ModelsChapter 3.3 - Analyzing Graphs Of Quadratic FunctionsChapter 3.4 - Solving Rational Equations And Radical EquationsChapter 3.5 - Solving Equations And Inequalities With Absolute ValueChapter 4 - Polynomial Functions And Rational FunctionsChapter 4.1 - Polynomial Functions And ModelingChapter 4.2 - Graphing Polynomial FunctionsChapter 4.3 - Polynomial Division; The Remainder Theorem And The Factor TheoremChapter 4.4 - Theorems About Zeros Of Polynomial FunctionsChapter 4.5 - Rational FunctionsChapter 4.6 - Polynomial Inequalities And RationalChapter 5 - Exponential Functions And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.1 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Exponential Functions And GraphsChapter 5.3 - Logarithmic Functions And GraphsChapter 5.4 - Properties Of Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.5 - Solving Exponential Equations And Logarithmic EquationsChapter 5.6 - Applications And Models: Growth And Decay; Compound InterestChapter 6 - The Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 6.1 - Trigonometric Functions Of Acute AnglesChapter 6.2 - Applications Of Right TrianglesChapter 6.3 - Trigonometric Functions Of Any AngleChapter 6.4 - Radians, Arc Length, And Angular SpeedChapter 6.5 - Circular Functions: Graphs And PropertiesChapter 6.6 - Graphs Of Transformed Sine Functions And Cosine FunctionsChapter 7 - Trigonometric Identities, Inverse Functions, And EquationsChapter 7.1 - Identities: Pythagorean And Sum And DifferenceChapter 7.2 - Identities: Cofunction, Double-angle, An Half-angleChapter 7.3 - Proving Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 7.4 - Inverses Of The Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 7.5 - Solving Trigonometric EquationsChapter 8 - Applications Of TrigonometryChapter 8.1 - The Law Of SinesChapter 8.2 - The Law Of CosinesChapter 8.3 - Complex Numbers: Trigonometric NotationChapter 8.4 - Polar Coordinates And GraphsChapter 8.5 - Vectors And ApplicationsChapter 8.6 - Vector OperationsChapter 9 - Systems Of Equations And MatricesChapter 9.1 - Systems Of Equations In Two VariablesChapter 9.2 - Systems Of Equations In Three VariablesChapter 9.3 - Matrices And Systems Of EquationsChapter 9.4 - Matrix OperationsChapter 9.5 - Inverse Of MatricesChapter 9.6 - Determinants And Cramer's RuleChapter 9.7 - Systems Of Inequalities And Linear ProgrammingChapter 9.8 - Partial FractionsChapter 10 - Analytic Geometry TopicsChapter 10.1 - The ParabolaChapter 10.2 - The Circle And The EllipseChapter 10.3 - The HyperbolaChapter 10.4 - Nonlinear Systems Of Equations And InequalitiesChapter 10.5 - Rotation Of AxesChapter 10.6 - Polar Equations Of ConicsChapter 10.7 - Parametric EquationsChapter 11 - Sequences, Series, And CombinatoricsChapter 11.1 - Sequences, And SeriesChapter 11.2 - Arithmetic Sequences And SeriesChapter 11.3 - Geometric Sequences And SeriesChapter 11.4 - Mathematical InductionChapter 11.5 - Combinatorics: PermutationsChapter 11.6 - Combinatorics: CombinationsChapter 11.7 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 11.8 - Probability

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Algebra and Trigonometry: Graphs and Models, 5/e
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