ALGEBRA FOUNDATIONS PREALG.>NASTA ED.< - 17th Edition - by Martin-Gay - ISBN 9780134650111

17th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134650111


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Chapter 2.2 - Adding IntegersChapter 2.3 - Subtracting IntegersChapter 2.4 - Multiplying And Dividing IntegersChapter 2.5 - Order Of OperationsChapter 2.6 - Solving Equations: The Addition And Multiplication PropertiesChapter 3 - Solving Equations And Problem SolvingChapter 3.1 - Simplifying Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 3.2 - Solving Equations: Review Of The Addition And Multiplication PropertiesChapter 3.3 - Solving Linear Equations In One VariableChapter 3.4 - Linear Equations In One Variable And Problem SolvingChapter 4 - Fractions And Mixed NumbersChapter 4.1 - Introduction To Fractions And Mixed NumbersChapter 4.2 - Factors And Simplest FormChapter 4.3 - Multiplying And Dividing FractionsChapter 4.4 - Adding And Subtracting Like Fractions, Least Common Denominator, And Equivalent FractionsChapter 4.5 - Adding And Subtracting Unlike FractionsChapter 4.6 - Complex Fractions And Review Of Order Of OperationsChapter 4.7 - Operations On Mixed NumbersChapter 4.8 - Solving Equations Containing FractionsChapter 5 - DecimalsChapter 5.1 - Introduction To DecimalsChapter 5.2 - Adding And Subtracting DecimalsChapter 5.3 - Multiplying Decimals And Circumference Of A CircleChapter 5.4 - Dividing DecimalsChapter 5.5 - Fractions, Decimals, And Order Of OperationsChapter 5.6 - Solving Equations Containing DecimalsChapter 5.7 - Decimal Applications: Mean, Median, And ModeChapter 6 - Ratio, Proportion, And PercentChapter 6.1 - Ratio And ProportionChapter 6.2 - Percents, Decimals, And FractionsChapter 6.3 - Solving Percent Problems With EquationsChapter 6.4 - Solving Percent Problems With ProportionalChapter 6.5 - Applications Of PercentChapter 6.6 - Percent And Problem Solving: Sales Tax, Commission, And DiscountChapter 6.7 - Percent And Problem Solving: InterestChapter 7 - Graphs, Triangle Applications, And Introduction To Statistics And ProbabilityChapter 7.1 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, Histograms, Line Graphs, And Introduction To StatisticsChapter 7.2 - Circle GraphsChapter 7.3 - Square Roots And The Pythagorean TheoremChapter 7.4 - Congruent And Similar TrianglesChapter 7.5 - Counting And Introduction To ProbabilityChapter 8 - Geometry And MeasurementChapter 8.1 - Lines And AnglesChapter 8.2 - PerimeterChapter 8.3 - Area, Volume, And Surface AreaChapter 8.4 - Linear MeasurementChapter 8.5 - Weight And MassChapter 8.6 - CapacityChapter 8.7 - Temperature And Conversions Between The U.s. And Metric SystemsChapter 9 - Equations, Inequalities, And Problem SolvingChapter 9.1 - Symbols And Sets Of NumbersChapter 9.2 - Properties Of Real NumbersChapter 9.3 - Further Solving Linear EquationsChapter 9.4 - Further Problem SolvingChapter 9.5 - Formulas And Problem SolvingChapter 9.6 - Linear Inequalities And Problem SolvingChapter 10 - GraphingChapter 10.1 - The Rectangular Coordinate SystemChapter 10.2 - Graphing Linear EquationsChapter 10.3 - InterceptsChapter 10.4 - Slope And Rate Of ChangeChapter 10.5 - Equations Of LinesChapter 10.6 - FunctionsChapter 11 - Solving Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 11.1 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations By GraphingChapter 11.2 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations By SubstitutionChapter 11.3 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations By AdditionChapter 11.4 - Solving Systems Of Linear Equations In Three VariablesChapter 11.5 - Systems Of Linear Equations And Problem SolvingChapter 12 - Exponents And PolynomialsChapter 12.1 - ExponentsChapter 12.2 - Polynomial Functions And Adding And Substracting PolynomialChapter 12.3 - Multiplying PolynomialsChapter 12.4 - Special ProductsChapter 12.5 - Negative Exponents And Scientific NotationChapter 12.6 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 12.7 - Synthetic Division And The Remainder TheoremChapter 13 - Factoring PolynomialsChapter 13.1 - The Greatest Common Factor And Factoring By GraphingChapter 13.2 - Factoring Trinomials Of The Form X2+bx+cChapter 13.3 - Factoring Trinomials Of The Form Ax2+bx+c And Perfect Square TrinomialsChapter 13.4 - Factoring Trinomials Of The Form Ax2+bx+c By GroupingChapter 13.5 - Factoring BinomialsChapter 13.6 - Solving Quadratic Equations By FactoringChapter 13.7 - Quadratic Equations And Problem SolvingChapter 14 - Rational ExpressionsChapter 14.1 - Rational Functions And Simplifying Rational ExpressionsChapter 14.2 - Multiplying And Dividing Rational ExpressionsChapter 14.3 - Adding And Subtracting Rational Expresions With Common Denominators And Least Common DenominatorChapter 14.4 - Adding And Subtracting Rational Expressions With Unlike DenominatorsChapter 14.5 - Solving Equations Containing Rational ExpressionsChapter 14.6 - Problem Solving With Proportions And Rational EquationsChapter 14.7 - Simplifying Complex FractionsChapter 15 - More On Functions And GraphsChapter 15.1 - Graphing And Writing Linear FunctionsChapter 15.2 - Reviewing Function Notation And Graphing Nonlinear FunctionsChapter 15.3 - Graphing Piecewise-defined Functions And Shifting And Reflecting Graphs Of FunctionsChapter 15.4 - Variation And Problem SolvingChapter 16 - Inequalities And Absolute ValueChapter 16.1 - Compound InequalitiesChapter 16.2 - Absolute Value EquationsChapter 16.3 - Absolute Value InequalitiesChapter 16.4 - Graphing Linear Inequalities In Two Variables And Systems Of Linear InequalitiesChapter 17 - Rational Exponents, Radicals, And Complex NumbersChapter 17.1 - Radicals And Radical FunctionsChapter 17.2 - Rational ExponentsChapter 17.3 - Simplifying Radical ExpressionsChapter 17.4 - Adding, Subtracting, And Multiplying Radical ExpressionsChapter 17.5 - Rationalizing Denominators And Numerators Of Radical ExpressionChapter 17.6 - Radical Equations And Problem SolvingChapter 17.7 - Complex NumbersChapter 18 - Quadratic Equations And FunctionsChapter 18.1 - Solving Quadratic Equations By Completing The SquareChapter 18.2 - Solving Quadratic Equations By The Quadratic FormulaChapter 18.3 - Solving Equations By Using Quadratic MethodsChapter 18.4 - Nonlinear Inequalities In One VariableChapter 18.5 - Quadratic Functions And Their GraphsChapter 18.6 - Further Graphing Of Quadratic FunctionsChapter 19 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 19.1 - The Algebra Of Functions; Composite FunctionsChapter 19.2 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 19.3 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 19.4 - Exponential Growth And Decays FunctionsChapter 19.5 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 19.6 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 19.7 - Common Logarithms, Natural Logarithms, And Change Of BaseChapter 19.8 - Exponential And Logarithmic Equations And Problem SolvingChapter 20 - Conic SectionsChapter 20.1 - The Parabola And The CircleChapter 20.2 - The Ellipse And The HyperbolaChapter 20.3 - Solving Nonlinear Systems Of EquationsChapter 20.4 - Nonlinear Inequalities And Systems Of InqualitiesChapter 21 - Sequences, Series, And The Binomial TheoremChapter 21.1 - SequencesChapter 21.2 - Arithmetic And Geometric SequencesChapter 21.3 - SeriesChapter 21.4 - Partial Sums Of Arithmetic And Geometric SequencesChapter 21.5 - The Binomial TheoremChapter B.1 - Equations (linear And Quadratic Solved By Factoring)Chapter B.2 - Mixture And Uniform Motion Problem SolvingChapter B.3 - GraphingChapter B.4 - Polynomials And FactoringChapter B.5 - Rational ExpressionsChapter C - Stretching And Compressing Graphs Of Absolute Value FunctionsChapter D - An Introduction To Using A Graphing UtilityChapter E - Solving Systems Of Equations By MatricesChapter F - Solving Systems Of Equations Using Determinants

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