ALGEBRA+TRIGONOMETRY-WEBASSIGN - 4th Edition - by Stewart - ISBN 9781337771900

4th Edition
Publisher: CENGAGE L
ISBN: 9781337771900


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Chapter P.6 - FactoringChapter P.7 - Rational ExpressionsChapter P.8 - Solving Basic EquationsChapter P.9 - Modeling With EquationsChapter P.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter P.CT - Chapter TestChapter P.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Making The Best DecisionsChapter 1.1 - The Coordinate PlaneChapter 1.2 - Graphs Of Equations In Two Variables; CirclesChapter 1.3 - LinesChapter 1.4 - Solving Quadratic EquationsChapter 1.5 - Complex NumbersChapter 1.6 - Solving Other Types Of EquationsChapter 1.7 - Solving InequalitiesChapter 1.8 - Solving Absolute Value Equations And InequalitiesChapter 1.9 - Solving Equations And Inequalities GraphicallyChapter 1.10 - Modeling VariationChapter 1.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 1.CT - Chapter TestChapter 1.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Fitting Lines To DataChapter 2.1 - FunctionsChapter 2.2 - Graphs Of FunctionsChapter 2.3 - Getting Information From The Graph Of A FunctionChapter 2.4 - Average Rate Of Change Of A FunctionChapter 2.5 - Linear Functions And ModelsChapter 2.6 - Transformations Of FunctionsChapter 2.7 - Combining FunctionsChapter 2.8 - One-to-one Functions And Their InversesChapter 2.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 2.CT - Chapter TestChapter 2.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Modeling With FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Quadratic Functions And ModelsChapter 3.2 - Polynomial Functions And Their GraphsChapter 3.3 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 3.4 - Real Zeros Of PolynomialsChapter 3.5 - Complex Zeros And The Fundamental Theorem Of AlgebraChapter 3.6 - Rational FunctionsChapter 3.7 - Polynomial And Rational InequalitiesChapter 3.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 3.CT - Chapter TestChapter 3.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Fitting Polynomial Curves To DataChapter 4.1 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 4.2 - The Natural Exponential FunctionChapter 4.3 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 4.4 - Laws Of LogarithmsChapter 4.5 - Exponential And Logarithmic EquationsChapter 4.6 - Modeling With Exponential FunctionsChapter 4.7 - Logarithmic ScalesChapter 4.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 4.CT - Chapter TestChapter 4.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Fitting Exponential And Power Curves To DataChapter 5.1 - Angle MeasureChapter 5.2 - Trigonometry Of Right TrianglesChapter 5.3 - Trigonometric Functions Of AnglesChapter 5.4 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions And Right TrianglesChapter 5.5 - The Law Of SinesChapter 5.6 - The Law Of CosinesChapter 5.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 5.CT - Chapter TestChapter 5.FOM - Focus On Modeling: SurveyingChapter 6.1 - The Unit CircleChapter 6.2 - Trigonometric Functions Of Real NumbersChapter 6.3 - Trigonometric GraphsChapter 6.4 - More Trigonometric GraphsChapter 6.5 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions And Their GraphsChapter 6.6 - Modeling Harmonic MotionChapter 6.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 6.CT - Chapter TestChapter 6.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Fitting Sinusoidal Curves To DataChapter 7.1 - Trigonometric IdentitiesChapter 7.2 - Addition And Subtraction FormulasChapter 7.3 - Double-angle, Half-angle, And Product-sum FormulasChapter 7.4 - Basic Trigonometric EquationsChapter 7.5 - More Trigonometric EquationsChapter 7.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 7.CT - Chapter TestChapter 7.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Traveling And Standing WavesChapter 8.1 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 8.2 - Graphs Of Polar EquationsChapter 8.3 - Polar Form Of Complex Numbers; De Moivre's TheoremChapter 8.4 - Plane Curves And Parametric EquationsChapter 8.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 8.CT - Chapter TestChapter 8.FOM - Focus On Modeling: The Path Of A ProjectileChapter 9.1 - Vectors In Two DimensionsChapter 9.2 - The Dot ProductChapter 9.3 - Three-dimensional Coordinate GeometryChapter 9.4 - Vectors In Three DimensionsChapter 9.5 - The Cross ProductChapter 9.6 - Equations Of Lines And PlanesChapter 9.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 9.CT - Chapter TestChapter 9.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Vectors FieldsChapter 10.1 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 10.2 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Several VariablesChapter 10.3 - Partial FractionsChapter 10.4 - Systems Of Nonlinear EquationsChapter 10.5 - Systems Of InequalitiesChapter 10.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 10.CT - Chapter TestChapter 10.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Linear ProgrammingChapter 11.1 - Matrices And Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 11.2 - The Algebra Of MatricesChapter 11.3 - Inverses Of Matrices And Matrix EquationsChapter 11.4 - Determinants And Cramer's RuleChapter 11.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 11.CT - Chapter TestChapter 11.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Computer GraphicsChapter 12.1 - ParabolasChapter 12.2 - EllipsesChapter 12.3 - HyperbolasChapter 12.4 - Shifted ConicsChapter 12.5 - Rotation Of AxesChapter 12.6 - Polar Equations Of ConicsChapter 12.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 12.CT - Chapter TestChapter 12.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Conics In ArchitectureChapter 13.1 - Sequences And Summation NotationChapter 13.2 - Arithmetic SequencesChapter 13.3 - Geometric SequencesChapter 13.4 - Mathematics Of FinanceChapter 13.5 - Mathematical InductionChapter 13.6 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 13.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 13.CT - Chapter TestChapter 13.FOM - Focus On Modeling: Modeling With Recursive SequencesChapter 14.1 - CountingChapter 14.2 - ProbabilityChapter 14.3 - Binomial ProbabilityChapter 14.4 - Expected ValueChapter 14.CR - Chapter ReviewChapter 14.CT - Chapter TestChapter 14.FOM - Focus On Modeling: The Monte Carlo MethodChapter A - Geometry ReviewChapter B - Calculations And Significant FiguresChapter C - Graphing With A Graphing Calculator

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