Blueprint Reading For Welders - 6th Edition - by A.E. Bennett, Louis J Siy - ISBN 9780766808522

Blueprint Reading For Welders
6th Edition
A.E. Bennett, Louis J Siy
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780766808522

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Book Details


UNIT 1: Basic Lines and Views.

UNIT 2: Sketching.

UNIT 3: Notes and Specifications.

UNIT 4: Dimensions.

UNIT 5: Bill of Materials.

UNIT 6: Structural Shapes.

UNIT 7: Other Views.

UNIT 8: Sections.

UNIT 9: Detail, Assembly, and Subassembly Prints.

UNIT 10: Welding Symbols and Abbreviations.

UNIT 11: Basic Joints for Weldment Fabrications.

UNIT 12: Fillet Welds.

UNIT 13: Groove Welds.

UNIT 14: Back or Backing and Melt-Thru Welds.

UNIT 15: Plug and Slot Welds.

UNIT 16: Surfacing Welds.

UNIT 17: Edge Welds.

UNIT 18: Spot Welds.

UNIT 19: Projection Welds.

UNIT 20: Seam Welds.

UNIT 21: Stud Welds.

UNIT 22: Applied Metrics for Welders.

UNIT 23: Pipe-Welding Symbols.

UNIT 24: Dual Dimensioning.

UNIT 25: Inspection and Examination.

UNIT 26: International Standard Symbols for Welding.

UNIT 27: Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD).

APPENDIX 1: Inch-Millimeter Equivalents.
APPENDIX 2: Structural Metal Shape Designations.
APPENDIX 3: Pipe Dimensions and Weights.
APPENDIX 4: Drill Dimensions Chart.
APPENDIX 5: Steel Rule Diagram.
APPENDIX 6: Metric Threads--Fine and Coarse.
Common types of lines used on a print.
Standard gages--wire, sheet, plate.
Size specifications for structural shapes.
Material abbreviations.
Letter designations for welding processes.
Letter designations for cutting processes.
Letter designations applying welding processes.
SI base Units.
SI supplementary units.
Derived units pertaining to welding.
Comparison of decimal numeration to prefixes.
Listing of coarse and fine metric thread sizes.
Constants for metric conversions.
Nondestructive testing symbols.
Conversion tables.
Elementary symbols.
Supplementary symbols.
ISO symbols--main dimensions.
Examples of the use of elementary symbols.
Examples of application of supplementary symbols.
Examples of combinations of elementary symbols.
Examples of combinations of elementary and supplementary symbols.
Examples of exceptional cases.
Comparison of ISO symbols to AWS symbols.
Additional AWS Symbols for which there are no comparable ISO symbols.

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