Blueprint Reading For Welders - 8th Edition - by A.E. Bennett, Louis J Siy - ISBN 9781428335288

Blueprint Reading For Welders
8th Edition
A.E. Bennett, Louis J Siy
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781428335288

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Book Details

Now in its eighth edition, this hands-on blueprint reading guide contains the most comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of welding symbols and their application to welding prints and practices. Blueprint Reading for Welders, 8th Edition provides the knowledge needed to interpret all types of working sketches and prints, from the simplest to the most complex, through step-by-step instructions. Both AWS and ISO welding symbols are included, along with prints at the end of each unit. The book's advanced coverage includes auxiliary views, detail views, projections, sections, and detail and assembly drawings. This latest edition incorporates changes that reflect the most current weld symbols, dimensioning practices, and specifications used on prints, so readers can feel confident they are getting cutting-edge information that they can easily apply to work in the field.

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