COLL. MATH FOR BUS  ECON  ... (LL) >IC - 13th Edition - by Barnett - ISBN 9781323496879

13th Edition
Publisher: Pearson Custom Publishing
ISBN: 9781323496879

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Chapter 2.5 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 2.6 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 3 - Mathematics Of FinanceChapter 3.1 - Simple InterestChapter 3.2 - Compound And Continuous Compound InterestChapter 3.3 - Future Value Of An Annuity; Sinking FundsChapter 3.4 - Present Value Of An Annuity; AmortizationChapter 4 - Systems Of Linear Equations; MatricesChapter 4.1 - Review: Systems Of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 4.2 - Systems Of Linear Equations And Augmented MatricesChapter 4.3 - Gauss-jordan EliminationChapter 4.4 - Matrices: Basic OperationsChapter 4.5 - Inverse Of A Square MatrixChapter 4.6 - Matrix Equations And Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 4.7 - Leontief Input-output AnalysisChapter 5 - Linear Inequalities And Linear ProgrammingChapter 5.1 - Linear Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 5.2 - Systems Of Linear Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 5.3 - Linear Programming In Two Dimensions: A Geometric ApproachChapter 6 - Linear Programming: The Simplex MethodChapter 6.1 - The Table Method: An Introduction To The Simplex MethodChapter 6.2 - The Simplex Method: Maximization With Problem Constraints Of The Form ≤Chapter 6.3 - The Dual Problem: Minimization With Problem Constraints Of The Form ≥Chapter 6.4 - Maximization And Minimization With Mixed Problem ConstraintsChapter 7 - Logic, Sets, And CountingChapter 7.1 - LogicChapter 7.2 - SetsChapter 7.3 - Basic Counting PrinciplesChapter 7.4 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 8 - ProbabilityChapter 8.1 - Sample Spaces, Events, And ProbabilityChapter 8.2 - Union, Intersection, And Complement Of Events; OddsChapter 8.3 - Conditional Probability, Intersection, And IndependenceChapter 8.4 - Bayes' FormulaChapter 8.5 - Random Variable, Probability Distribution, And Expected ValueChapter 9 - Markov ChainsChapter 9.1 - Properties Of Markov ChainsChapter 9.2 - Regular Markov ChainsChapter 9.3 - Absorbing Markov ChainsChapter 10 - Limits And The DerivativesChapter 10.1 - Introduction To LimitsChapter 10.2 - Infinite Limits And Limits At InfinityChapter 10.3 - ContinuityChapter 10.4 - The DerivativeChapter 10.5 - Basic Differentiation PropertiesChapter 10.6 - DifferentialsChapter 10.7 - Marginal Analysis In Business And EconomicsChapter 11 - Additional Derivative TopicsChapter 11.1 - The Constant Eand Continuous Compound InterestChapter 11.2 - Derivatives Of Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 11.3 - Derivatives Of Products And QuotientsChapter 11.4 - The Chain RuleChapter 11.5 - Implicit DifferentiationChapter 11.6 - Related RatesChapter 11.7 - Elasticity Of DemandChapter 12 - Graphing And OptimizationChapter 12.1 - First Derivative And GraphsChapter 12.2 - Second Derivative And GraphsChapter 12.3 - L'hopital's RuleChapter 12.4 - Curve-sketching TechniquesChapter 12.5 - Absolute Maxima And MinimaChapter 12.6 - OptimizationChapter 13 - IntegrationChapter 13.1 - Antiderivatives And Indefinite IntegralsChapter 13.2 - Integration By SubstitutionChapter 13.3 - Differential Equations; Growth And DecayChapter 13.4 - The Definite IntegralChapter 13.5 - The Fundamental Theorem Of CaculusChapter 14 - Additional Integration TopicsChapter 14.1 - Area Between CurvesChapter 14.2 - Applications In Business And EconomicsChapter 14.3 - Integration By PartsChapter 14.4 - Other Integration MethodsChapter 15 - Multivariable CalculusChapter 15.1 - Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 15.2 - Partial DerivativesChapter 15.3 - Maxima And MinimaChapter 15.4 - Maxima And Minima Using Lagrange MultipliersChapter 15.5 - Method Of Least SquaresChapter 15.6 - Double Integrals Over Rectangular RegionsChapter 15.7 - Double Integrals Over More General RegionsChapter A.1 - Real NumbersChapter A.2 - Operations On PolynomialsChapter A.3 - Factoring PolynomialsChapter A.4 - Operations On Rational ExpressionsChapter A.5 - Integer Exponents And Scientific NotationChapter A.6 - Rational Exponents And RadicalsChapter A.7 - Quadratic EquationsChapter B.1 - Sequences, Series, And Summation NotationChapter B.2 - Arithmetic And Geometric SequencesChapter B.3 - Binomial Theorem

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