College Physics - 2nd Edition - by Alan Giambattista - ISBN 9780073301747

College Physics
2nd Edition
Alan Giambattista
Publisher: MCG
ISBN: 9780073301747

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Book Details

New Features

  • Review and Synthesis with MCAT Review®
  • Eight Review and Synthesis sections now appear throughout the text, following groups of related chapters. The MCAT® Review includes actual reading passages and questions written for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). The Review Exercises are intended to serve as a bridge between textbook problems that are linked to a particular chapter and exam problems that are not. These exercises give students practice in formulating a problem-solving strategy without an external clue (section or chapter number) that indicates which concepts are involved. Many of the problems draw on material from more than one chapter to help the student integrate new concepts and skills with what has been learned previously.
  • Real MCAT questions included in the text.
  • Revisions to Problem Sets: Great care was taken by both the authors and the contributors to the Second Edition to add more variety to the end of chapter problem sets.
  • Unparalleled Illustration Program: Giambattista offers an incredible visual program that combines "showcase" pieces with simpler, diagrammatic pieces to aid student understanding. The majority of reviewers of the first edition of College Physics felt that the text's innovative illustrations and Showcase figures were an enormous improvement over the artwork in most other existing texts. However, reviewers also commented that the graphs were very similar in quality to other texts and that some of the showcase illustrations were "distracting" and "too large." Given this feedback on the art program, an art panel of experienced instructors was assembled. These instructors advised us on the most useful showcase illustrations to retain and update for the second edition of College Physics. This group also advised us on where to supply additional and improved graphs, diagrams, simpler sketches, and free-body diagrams to truly enhance the text discussions and examples.
  • Reorganization of chapters 2 through 4: 1. Based on reviewer feedback, the introduction of fundamental forces in Chapter 2 was simplified. All material involving surface tension, buoyant forces, Coulomb's law, and electric field was removed. 2. Other reviewer feedback included comments that Chapter 2 needed more numerical examples and problems and more examples with pictures for free-body diagrams. So, the introduction of contact forces, ideal cords, and ideal springs was retained in order to have a sufficient variety of examples and problems dealing with free-body diagrams and adding forces. 3. Some reviewers also felt that the treatment of vector addition and subtraction was "too spread out" in the first edition, so Sections 2.4 and 2.5 now provide a two-dimensional treatment of vector addition and subtraction. 4. In an attempt to make chapter 2 more intuitive for students, 1-dimensional statics is followed by 2-dimensional statics before introducing kinematics to let students concentrate on each concept before progressing to the next. This also allows one dimensional motion to be discussed as a special case of two-dimensional motion as opposed to treating 1-D motion first, then going to 2-D, which many students find difficult. Whereas, by covering 2-D vectors first and then interspersing 1-D examples among the 2-D coverage, students seem to experience much less difficulty with comprehending the material. All sections from 2.4 to 2.9 now include worked examples of adding forces to find the net force and examples of equilibrium (net force = 0), starting very simply and gradually increasing in complexity. Material from the previous Section 4.3 is now distributed among these sections. 5. Finally, some reviewers felt that it would be better not to introduce Newton's second law until after the definition of acceleration. General definitions of position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration (using vector diagrams in order to avoid common misconceptions that can arise when defining them first in 1D) are now presented at the beginning of Chapter 3. Examples start with 1D and then progress to 2D within each section.
  • Revision of Chapter 6: Chapter 6 has been revised to provide a presentation that gives a clearer view of the simplified model and when it is applicable, along with providing "caveats" of when the simplified model is not applicable. This provides students with varying models of problems of energy conservation. Chapter 6 now presents the big picture of the simplified model and its exceptions, rather than just a repetitious, forbidding list of warnings.
  • Revision of Chapter 15: Chapter 15 has been revised to simplify and provide more commonly-used notation.
  • Online Learning Center with ARIS is now available free with each textbook adoption. ARIS for College Physics, Second Edition is a complete, online tutorial, electronic homework, and course management system designed for greater ease of use than any other system available. Instructors can create and share course materials and assignments with colleagues with a few clicks of a mouse. All PowerPoint lectures, assignments, quizzes, tutorials, and interactives are directly tied to text-specific materials in College Physics, Second Edition. ARIS courses are customized to your textbook, but instructors can also edit questions and algorithms, import their own content, and create announcements and due dates for assignments. ARIS has automatic grading and reporting of easy-to-assign, algorithmically-generated homework, quizzing, and testing. All student activity within ARIS is automatically recorded and available to the instructor through a fully-integrated grade book that can be downloaded to Excel.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

College Physics, Volume 1 (chapters 1-15)
1st Edition
ISBN: 9780072537246
Student Solutions Manual To Accompany College Physics
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780073049540
College Physics
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780077263218
College Physics
4th Edition
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College Physics
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780071284431
College physics
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780070524071
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781260486834
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781266793394
College Physics
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781260486841

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