Construction Management - 4th Edition - by Daniel W. Halpin - ISBN 9780470447239

Construction Management
4th Edition
Daniel W. Halpin
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
ISBN: 9780470447239

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Book Details

This text is arranged in relatively short chapters with well defined, self-contained scope. This strategy results in a compact and direct delivery of the intended material, easy to teach and read. Chapters are sequenced in the logical flow described below.Overall context. Chapter 1 (History and Basic Concepts) presents an overview of the construction industry, including a historical framework.Procurement and execution. Chapters 2 (Preparing the Bid Package) and 3 (Issues During Construction Phase) discuss the procurement and administration of construction projects.Company organization and management. Chapters 4 (Construction Contracts), 5 (Legal Structure) and 6 (Impact of Taxes) look at issues affecting the company as a whole.Planning and scheduling. Chapters 7 (Project Planning), 8 (Project Scheduling) and 9 (PERT Networks and Linear Operations) address these central aspects of the construction industry.Managing money. Chapters 10 (The Mathematics of Money), 11 (Project Cash Flow) and 12 (Project Funding) deal with money as a company-wide resource to be planned and managed.Construction equipment. Chapters 13 (Equipment Ownership) and 14 (Equipment Productivity) address the cost and productivity of the equipment used in the construction industry.Labor. Chapter 15 (Construction Labor) discusses another basic construction resource. It discusses the changes in labor organization and legislation, alongside an explanation of the factors included in the computation of indirect labor costs.Cost estimating and control. Chapter 16 (Estimating Process) provides an overview of the process used in construction to estimate the cost of a project. Chapter 17 (Cost Control) addresses the development of the systems required to keep track of a project s cost and to compare it against its progress.Materials management. Chapter 18 (Materials Management) offers a close-up of the procurement and on-site management of the materials used in a construction project.Safety. Chapter 19 (Safet

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