Earth: Portrait of a Planet (Fifth Edition) - 5th Edition - by Stephen Marshak - ISBN 9780393937503

Earth: Portrait of a Planet (Fifth Edit...
5th Edition
Stephen Marshak
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 9780393937503

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Chapter 3 - Drifting Continents And Spreading SeasChapter 3.2 - Wegener’s Evidence For Continental DriftChapter 3.3 - Paleomagnetism—proving Continents MoveChapter 3.4 - The Discovery Of Seafl Oor SpreadingChapter 3.5 - Evidence For Seafl Oor SpreadingChapter 4 - The Way The Earth Works: Plate TectonicsChapter 4.2 - What Do We Mean By Plate Tectonics?Chapter 4.3 - Divergent-plate Boundaries And Seafl Oor SpreadingChapter 4.4 - Convergent-plate Boundaries And SubductionChapter 4.5 - Transform-plate BoundariesChapter 4.6 - Special Locations In The Plate MosaicChapter 4.7 - How Do Plate Boundaries Form, And How Do They Die?Chapter 4.8 - Moving PlatesChapter 5 - Patterns In Nature: MineralsChapter 5.2 - What Is A Mineral?Chapter 5.3 - Beauty In Patterns: Crystals And Their StructureChapter 5.4 - How Can You Tell One Mineral From Another?Chapter 5.5 - Organizing Knowledge: Mineral ClassificationChapter 5.6 - Something Precious—gems!Chapter 6 - Up From The Inferno: Magma And Igneous RocksChapter 6.2 - Why Do Melts Form?Chapter 6.3 - What Is Molten Rock Made Of?Chapter 6.4 - Movement And Solidification Of Molten RockChapter 6.5 - Comparing Extrusive And Intrusive EnvironmentsChapter 6.6 - How Do You Describe An Igneous Rock?Chapter 6.7 - Plate Tectonic Context Of Igneous ActivityChapter 7 - Pages Of Earth’s Past: Sedimentary RocksChapter 7.2 - Classes Of Sedimentary RocksChapter 7.3 - Sedimentary StructuresChapter 7.4 - How Do We Recognize Depositional EnvironmentsChapter 7.5 - Sedimentary BasinsChapter 8 - Metamorphism: A Process Of ChangeChapter 8.1 - IntroductionChapter 8.2 - Consequences And Causes Of MetamorphismChapter 8.3 - Types Of Metamorphic RocksChapter 8.4 - Defining Metamorphic IntensityChapter 8.5 - Where Does Metamorphism Occur?Chapter 9 - The Wrath Of Vulcan: Volcanic EruptionsChapter 9.2 - The Products Of Volcanic EruptionsChapter 9.3 - Structure And Eruptive StyleChapter 9.4 - Geologic Settings Of VolcanismChapter 9.5 - Beware: Volcanoes Are Hazards!Chapter 9.6 - Protection From Vulcan’s WrathChapter 9.7 - Effect Of Volcanoes On Climate And CivilizationChapter 9.8 - Volcanoes On Other PlanetsChapter 10 - A Violent Pulse: EarthquakesChapter 10.2 - What Causes Earthquakes?Chapter 10.3 - Seismic Waves And Their MeasurementChapter 10.4 - Defining The “size” Of EarthquakesChapter 10.5 - Where And Why Do Earthquakes Occur?Chapter 10.6 - How Do Earthquakes Cause Damage?Chapter 10.7 - Can We Predict The “big One”?Chapter 10.8 - Earthquake Engineering And ZoningChapter 11 - Crags, Cracks, And Crumples: Crustal Deformation And Mountain BuildingChapter 11.1 - IntroductionChapter 11.2 - Rock Deformation In The Earth’s CrustChapter 11.3 - Brittle StructuresChapter 11.4 - Folds And FoliationsChapter 11.5 - Causes Of Mountain BuildingChapter 11.6 - Mountain TopographyChapter 11.7 - Basins And Domes In CratonsChapter 11.8 - Life Story Of A Mountain Range: A Case StudyChapter 12 - Deep Time: How Old Is Old?Chapter 12.2 - The Concept Of Geologic TimeChapter 12.3 - Geologic Principles Used For Defining Relative AgeChapter 12.4 - Unconformities: Gaps In The RecordChapter 12.5 - Stratigraphic Formations And Their CorrelationChapter 12.6 - The Geologic ColumnChapter 12.7 - How Do We Determine Numerical Ages?Chapter 12.8 - Numerical Ages And Geologic TimeChapter 13 - A Biography Of EarthChapter 13.2 - Methods For Studying The PastChapter 13.3 - The Hadean And BeforeChapter 13.4 - The Archean Eon: Birth Of Continents And LifeChapter 13.5 - The Proterozoic Eon: The Earth In TransitionChapter 13.6 - The Paleozoic Era: Continents Reassemble And Life Gets ComplexChapter 13.7 - The Mesozoic Era: When Dinosaurs RuledChapter 13.8 - The Cenozoic Era: The Modern World Comes To BeChapter 14 - Squeezing Power From A Stone: Energy ResourcesChapter 14.2 - Sources Of Energy In The Earth SystemChapter 14.3 - Introducing Hydrocarbon ResourcesChapter 14.4 - Conventional Hydrocarbon SystemsChapter 14.5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbon ReservesChapter 14.6 - Coal: Energy From The Swamps Of The PastChapter 14.7 - Nuclear PowerChapter 14.8 - Other Energy SourcesChapter 14.9 - Energy Choices, Energy ProblemsChapter 15 - Riches In Rock: Mineral ResourcesChapter 15.2 - Metals And Their DiscoveryChapter 15.3 - Ores, Ore Minerals, And Ore DepositsChapter 15.4 - Ore-mineral Exploration And ProductionChapter 15.5 - Nonmetallic Mineral ResourcesChapter 15.6 - Global Mineral NeedsChapter 16 - Unsafe Ground: Landslides And Other Mass MovementChapter 16.2 - Types Of Mass MovementChapter 16.3 - Why Do Mass Movements Occur?Chapter 16.4 - Where Do Mass Movements Occur?Chapter 16.5 - How Can We Protect Against Mass-movement Disasters?Chapter 17 - Streams And Floods: The Geology Of Running WaterChapter 17.2 - Draining The LandChapter 17.3 - Describing Flow In Streams: Discharge And TurbulenceChapter 17.4 - The Work Of Running WaterChapter 17.5 - How Do Streams Change Along Their Length?Chapter 17.6 - Streams And Their Deposits In The LandscapeChapter 17.7 - The Evolution Of DrainageChapter 17.8 - Raging WatersChapter 17.9 - Vanishing RiversChapter 18 - Restless Realm: Oceans And CoastsChapter 18.2 - Landscapes Beneath The SeaChapter 18.3 - Ocean Water And CurrentsChapter 18.4 - TidesChapter 18.5 - Wave ActionChapter 18.6 - Where Land Meets Sea: Coastal LandformsChapter 18.7 - Causes Of Coastal VariabilityChapter 18.8 - Coastal Problems And SolutionsChapter 19 - A Hidden Reserve: GroundwaterChapter 19.2 - Where Does Groundwater Reside?Chapter 19.3 - Characteristics Of The Water TableChapter 19.4 - Groundwater FlowChapter 19.5 - Tapping Groundwater SuppliesChapter 19.6 - Hot Springs And GeysersChapter 19.7 - Groundwater ProblemsChapter 19.8 - Caves And KarstChapter 20 - An Envelope Of Gas: Earth’s Atmosphere And ClimateChapter 20.2 - The Formation Of The AtmosphereChapter 20.3 - General Atmospheric CharacteristicsChapter 20.4 - Atmospheric LayersChapter 20.5 - Wind And Global Circulation In The AtmosphereChapter 20.6 - Weather And Its CausesChapter 20.7 - Storms: Nature’s FuryChapter 20.8 - Global ClimateChapter 21 - Dry Regions: The Geology Of DesertsChapter 21.2 - The Nature And Location Of DesertsChapter 21.3 - Producing Desert LandscapesChapter 21.4 - Deposition In DesertsChapter 21.5 - Desert Landforms And LifeChapter 21.6 - Desert ProblemsChapter 22 - Amazing Ice: Glaciers And Ice AgesChapter 22.2 - Ice And The Nature Of GlaciersChapter 22.3 - Carving And Carrying By IceChapter 22.4 - Deposition Associated With GlaciationChapter 22.5 - Other Consequences Of Continental GlaciationChapter 22.6 - The Pleistocene Ice AgeChapter 22.7 - The Causes Of Ice AgesChapter 23 - Global Change In The Earth SystemChapter 23.2 - Unidirectional ChangesChapter 23.3 - Cyclic ChangesChapter 23.4 - Global Climate ChangeChapter 23.5 - Human Impact On Land And LifeChapter 23.6 - Recent Climate ChangeChapter 23.7 - The Future Of The Earth

Book Details

Helping you teach What a Geologist Sees.

The Fifth Edition of this bestselling textbook features stunning art, the most up-to-date science, and a wealth of online learning tools, all developed under the critical eyes of Stephen Marshak. Heavily revised with remarkably detailed photographs, animations, and maps, the text offers rich and engaging pedagogy, an expanded chapter on energy, and coverage of recent global events, from Hurricane Sandy and the Washington Landslide to Typhoon Haiyan and the Japanese Tsunami.

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The fractures along which a crustal block slips past another block are referred as faults. The...Orogenic belt is formed at the continental plate boundaries where the two plates collide with each...Numerical age and relative age are two different methods to denote the age of an event or a feature....The rocks present on the surface of the Earth are classified into three types based on their modes...There are many sources of energy that operates on the Earth. Solar energy is one of the primary...In the prehistoric human life, they used stones and stone weapons for hunting. They collected the...A mass movement of rock or regolith that occurs as downslope is termed as landslide. The different...A stream refers to a body of running water which flows through a channel. The streams serve a major...The graph given in Box 17.2 shows the flood frequency and peak discharge. It relates the discharge...The Earth appears to be blue from the space which gives the evidence that most of the Earth’s...Groundwater is the liquid water residing in the pore spaces of soil or rock formation under the...The early atmosphere of Earth was composed primarily of hydrogen and helium with the traces of other...“A desert is a region that is so arid (dry) that it supports very little vegetation.” A region where...An ice age is a period in the Earth’s history in which the climate was extremely cold, resulting in...At the surface of the Earth, the interaction between many components of the Earth system takes...

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