EBK ESSENTIALS OF GEOLOGY - 5th Edition - by Marshak - ISBN 9780393288315

5th Edition
Publisher: NORTON CO
ISBN: 9780393288315


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Chapter 2.4 - The Discovery Of Seafloor SpreadingChapter 2.5 - Evidence Far Seafloor SpreadingChapter 2.6 - What Do We Mean By Plate Tectonics?Chapter 2.7 - Divergent Plate Boundaries And Seafloor SpreadingChapter 2.8 - Convergent Plate Boundaries And SubductionChapter 2.9 - Transform Plate BoundariesChapter 2.10 - Special Locations In The Plate MosaicChapter 2.11 - How Do Plate Boundaries Farm And Die?Chapter 2.12 - Moving PlatesChapter 3 - Patterns In Nature: MineralsChapter 3.2 - What Is A Mineral?Chapter 3.3 - Beauty In Patterns: Crystals And Their StructureChapter 3.4 - Haw Can You Tell One Mineral Tram Another?Chapter 3.5 - Organizing Your Knowledge: Mineral ClassificationChapter 3.6 - Something Preciousgems!Chapter 4 - Up From The Inferno: Magma And Igneous RocksChapter 4.2 - Why Does Magma Farm, And What Is It Made Of?Chapter 4.3 - Movement And Solidification Of Molten RackChapter 4.4 - How Do You Describe An Igneous Rack?Chapter 4.5 - Plate-tectonic Context Af Igneous ActivityChapter 5 - The Wrath Of Vulcan: Volcanic EruptionsChapter 5.2 - The Products Of Volcanic EruptionsChapter 5.3 - Structure And Eruptive StyleChapter 5.4 - Geologic Settings At VolcanismChapter 5.5 - Beware: Volcanoes Are Hazards!Chapter 5.6 - Protection From Vulcan's WrathChapter 5.7 - Effect Of Volcanoes On Climate And CivilizationChapter 5.8 - Volcanoes Elsewhere In The Solar SystemChapter 6 - Pages Of Earth's Past: Sedimentary RocksChapter 6.2 - Classes At Sedimentary RacksChapter 6.3 - Sedimentary StructuresChapter 6.4 - How Do We Recognize Depositional Environments?Chapter 6.5 - Sedimentary BasinsChapter 7 - Metamorphism: A Process Of ChangeChapter 7.1 - IntroductionChapter 7.2 - Consequences And Causes Of MetamorphismChapter 7.3 - Types Of Metamorphic RacksChapter 7.4 - Where Does Metamorphism Occur?Chapter 8 - A Violent Pulse: EarthquakesChapter 8.2 - Faulting And The Generation Of EarthquakesChapter 8.3 - Seismic Waves And Their MeasurementChapter 8.4 - Defining The Size Of EarthquakesChapter 8.5 - Where And Why Do Earthquakes Occur?Chapter 8.6 - How Do Earthquakes Cause Damage?Chapter 8.7 - Can We Predict The "big One"?Chapter 8.8 - Earthquake Engineering And ZoningChapter 9 - Crags, Cracks, And Crumples: Geologic Structures And Mountain BuildingChapter 9.2 - Rack Deformation In The Earth's CrustChapter 9.3 - Brittle StructuresChapter 9.4 - Folds And FoliationsChapter 9.5 - Causes Of Mountain BuildingChapter 9.6 - Other Consequences Of Mountain BuildingChapter 9.7 - Basins And Domes In CratonsChapter 10 - Deep Time: How Old Is Old?Chapter 10.2 - The Concept Of Geologic TimeChapter 10.3 - Geologic Principles Far Defining Relative AgeChapter 10.4 - Unconformities: Gaps In The RecordChapter 10.5 - Stratigraphic Formations And Their CorrelationChapter 10.6 - The Geologic ColumnChapter 10.7 - How Do We Determine Numerical Ages?Chapter 10.8 - Numerical Ages And Geologic TimeChapter 11 - A Biography Of EarthChapter 11.2 - Hadean And Archean Time: Earth's Early DaysChapter 11.3 - The Proterozoic: The Earth In TransitionChapter 11.4 - The Paleozoic Era: Continents Reassemble, And Life Gets ComplexChapter 11.5 - The Mesozoic Era: When Dinosaurs RuledChapter 11.6 - The Cenozoic Era: The Modern World Comes To BeChapter 12 - Riches In Rock: Energy And Mineral ResourcesChapter 12.2 - Sources Of Energy In The Earth SystemChapter 12.3 - Introducing Hydrocarbon ResourcesChapter 12.4 - Conventional Hydrocarbon SystemsChapter 12.5 - Unconventional Hydrocarbon ReservesChapter 12.6 - Coal: Energy Tram The Swamps At The PastChapter 12.7 - Nuclear PowerChapter 12.8 - Other Energy SourcesChapter 12.9 - Energy Choices, Energy ChallengesChapter 12.10 - Mineral ResourcesChapter 12.11 - Nonmetallic Mineral ResourcesChapter 12.12 - Global Mineral NeedsChapter 13 - Unsafe Ground: Landslides And Other Mass MovementsChapter 13.2 - Types Of Mass MovementChapter 13.4 - Haw Can We Protect Against Mass-movement Disasters?Chapter 14 - Streams And Floods: The Geology Of Running WaterChapter 14.2 - Draining The LandChapter 14.3 - Describing Flow In Streams: Discharge And TurbulenceChapter 14.4 - Thewark Of Running WaterChapter 14.5 - Streams In The LandscapeChapter 14.6 - The Evolution Of DrainageChapter 14.7 - Raging WatersChapter 14.8 - Human Impact On RiversChapter 15 - Restless Realm: Oceans And Coast SChapter 15.2 - Landscape Beneath The SeaChapter 15.3 - Ocean Water And Its MovementChapter 15.4 - Where Land Meets Sea: Coastal LandformsChapter 15.5 - Causes Of Coastal VariabilityChapter 15.6 - Coastal Problems And SolutionsChapter 16 - A Hidden Reserve: GroundwaterChapter 16.2 - Where Does Groundwater Reside?Chapter 16.3 - Groundwater FlowChapter 16.4 - Tapping Groundwater SuppliesChapter 16.5 - Hot Springs And GeysersChapter 16.6 - Groundwater ProblemsChapter 16.7 - Caves And KarstChapter 17 - Dry Regions: The Geology Of DesertsChapter 17.2 - The Nature And Locations Of DesertsChapter 17.3 - Producing Desert LandscapesChapter 17.4 - Deposition In DesertsChapter 17.5 - Desert Landscapes And Desert LifeChapter 17.6 - Desert ProblemsChapter 18 - Amazing Ice: Glaciers And Ice AgesChapter 18.2 - Ice And The Nature Of GlaciersChapter 18.3 - Carving And Carrying By LceChapter 18.4 - Deposition Associated With GlaciationChapter 18.5 - Other Consequences Of Continental GlaciationChapter 18.6 - The Pleistocene Ice AgeChapter 18.7 - The Causes Of Ice AgesChapter 19 - Global Change In The Earth SystemChapter 19.2 - Unidirectional ChangesChapter 19.3 - Cyclic ChangesChapter 19.4 - Global Climate ChangeChapter 19.5 - Contemporary Global WarmingChapter 19.6 - Other Human Impacts On The Earth SystemChapter 19.7 - The Future Of The Earth

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