Elements of Modern Algebra - 6th Edition - by Jimmie Gilbert, Linda Gilbert - ISBN 9780534402648

Elements of Modern Algebra
6th Edition
Jimmie Gilbert, Linda Gilbert
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780534402648

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Book Details

Helping to make the study of modern algebra more accessible, this text gradually introduces and develops concepts through helpful features that provide guidance on the techniques of proof construction and logic analysis. The text develops mathematical maturity for students by presenting the material in a theorem-proof format, with definitions and major results easily located through a user-friendly format. The treatment is rigorous and self-contained, in keeping with the objectives of training the student in the techniques of algebra and of providing a bridge to higher-level mathematical courses.


  • NEW! The text and examples have been carefully refined for clarity and ease of understanding.
  • Biographical sketches of mathematicians who have influenced the development of the material are included to provide insight into the historical development of mathematics.
  • A summary of key words and phrases at the end of each chapter provides a valuable overview of the chapter.
  • An abundance of examples develop students' intuition.
  • A list of special notations used in the book and the group tables for the most common examples are on the endpapers for quick and easy reference.
  • NEW! Homework problems have been added, revised, and improved.
  • NEW! The coverage of binary operations and permutations and inverses has been split into two sections in Chapter 1.
  • NEW! An optional section on the solution of cubic and quartic equations by formulas appears in Chapter 8.
  • Descriptive labels and titles are placed on definitions and theorems to indicate their content and relevance.
  • Strategy boxes are included to give guidance and explanation about techniques of proof. This feature forms a component of the bridge that enables students to become more proficient in their poof construction skills.
  • Symbolic marginal notes are used to help students analyze the logic in the proofs of theorems without interrupting the natural flow of the proof.
  • A reference system provides guideposts to continuations and interconnections of exercises throughout the text.
  • An appendix on the basics of logic and methods of proof is included to assist students with a weak background in logic.

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