Environment - 5th Edition - by WITHGOTT,  Jay. - ISBN 9780321927576

5th Edition
Publisher: Pearson,
ISBN: 9780321927576

Solutions for Environment

Book Details

"Environment: The Science behind the Stories" continues to revolutionize the environmental science course with integrated central case studies and real-life stories that provide you with a tangible and engaging framework for understanding science. The newly revised Fifth Edition offers a highly effective integration between text and media to emphasize scientific literacy and data analysis skills and encourages you to think critically about environmental issues.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

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Agricultural industrialization has increased the production of fiber and foods extraordinarily by...Explanation: Biodiversity is defined as the variability among living organisms which comes from all...Explanation: The forests are the ecosystems that are the home for the millions of organisms. The...Explanation: Rural areas include the inhabitation of people in villages with agriculture and urban...Explanation: The hazards that take place due to poor sanitation and shelter as well as agricultural...Freshwater ecosystem includes lakes, rivers, ponds, wetlands and streams. All these types are small...The ocean’s water form layers, with dense water at the bottom. The density of sea water is...Earth’s atmosphere is the combination of number of gases likes oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,...There are three natural factors that regulate the climate of Earth, namely sun, atmosphere and...The fossil fuels are the highly combustible compounds, which are formed by the burying of the dead...Explanation: The most conventional sources of renewable energy are nuclear power, bioenergy and...Renewable sources of energy contribute a little to the global population. About 22% of electricity...Explanation: Waste refers to any unwanted material or substances that result from the human activity...(i) Mineral: Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances or solid chemical element present...Explanation: The term sustainability means a balancing act. The ability to sustain the natural...

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

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7th Edition
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6th Edition
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Environment: The Science Behind the Stories (6th Edition)
6th Edition
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Environment The Science Behind the Stories
5th Edition
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Environment: The Science Behind the Stories (5th Edition)
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Environment: The Science Behind the Stories
4th Edition
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