ESSENTIAL CELL BIOLOGY-ACCESS - 5th Edition - by ALBERTS - ISBN 9780393691122

5th Edition
Publisher: NORTON
ISBN: 9780393691122


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Reason for the correct statement: A-T base pairs are connected by two hydrogen bonds whereas G-C...Explanation: Complementary base pairing describes the way in which the nitrogenous bases of the DNA...Refer to Fig. 6-9, “The two replication forks move away in opposite directions at each replication...Explanation: During DNA replication, one strand that runs in the direction of bacterial replication...The term ‘dogma’ generally refers to the principles laid by an authority or a belief that cannot be...The tryptophan repressor is required to stop the transcription of genes coding for enzymes required...A single mutation has got a very large effect on the genome of every organism. Usually, evolutionary...Mutations lead to changes in the predetermined genetic makeup of the organism that are not usually...The number of DNA produced in a generation is 2n, where ‘n’ is the number of generations. At the end...Refer to the Fig 11-9, “A hydrophobic molecules tend to avoid water”, in the text book. It shows the...Given,Diameter of lipid head is = 0.5 nm Time = 10-7Size of the bacterial cell = 2 μm Approximate...Transporters are highly selective toward the solute and sometimes they allow single molecules to...Explanation: Given, The number of Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane = 1000 in numbers The...In the process of fermentation, in anaerobic condition of cell NAD+ is regenerated from NADH by...The dinitrophenol or 2, 4-dintrophenol is a yellow, crystalline solid that has a sweet, musty odor....Explanation: It is not necessary that the compounds involved in electron transfer must contain metal...The nucleolus and genetic material present in the eukaryotic cells are surrounded by a lipid bilayer...Ribosomes are cell organelles present in all living cells, which serve as the site of protein...The various ways in which the paracrine effector molecules can be maintained as a local stimulus are...Amoeba proteus has moderate amount of intermediate filaments in their cytoplasm because this...Calculation: Given, Approximate time (t) is cacluted as follows: t = x2/2D .............. (1)Where t...Several evidences indicate that all organisms came from a common ancestor. It is unlikely that the...In meiosis I, there will be separation of the homologous pairs through the first round of the cell...The direction of the plant growth will be vertical if their micro fibrils have horizontal...

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Essential Cell Biology
4th Edition
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Essential Cell Biology (Fourth Edition)
4th Edition
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