Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research - 1st Edition - by Joseph F. Healey - ISBN 9780495009757

Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for So...
1st Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780495009757

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Book Details

Known for his exceptional and student-friendly writing style, Joseph Healey's new book provides the essentials of statistics, makes no assumptions about the students' knowledge of math, and is very applied in its approach. The book's primary emphasis is on developing the student's skills to become 'statistically literate,' with computational competence and the ability to read social science literature with greater comprehension.


  • Pedagogical aids such as Learning Objectives, Chapter Summary, Summary of Formulas, and a Chapter Glossary provide students with tools to help them better understand the concepts presented.
  • Problems Sets at the end of each chapter, organized progressively, help students develop problem-solving abilities gradually and progressively.
  • Following the Problems Sets at the end of each chapter, a section entitled, "SPSS for Windows" includes material on using SPSS, often with GSS data, demonstrations and exercises.
  • Three boxed features in each chapter include step-by-step computing, applications, and Statistics in Everyday Life to provide another avenue for students to see how statistics is applied.

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