INTERMED.ALGEBRA F/COLL.STUD. - 5th Edition - by Angel - ISBN 9780139163210

5th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780139163210

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Book Details

This dynamic new edition of this proven series adds two new titles and has cutting edge print and media resources. An emphasis on the practical applications of algebra motivates students and encourages them to see algebra as an important part of their daily lives. The student-friendly writing style uses short, clear sentences and easy-to-understand language, and the outstanding pedagogical program makes the material easy to follow and comprehend. The new editions place a stronger emphasis on problem solving, incorporating it as a theme throughout the texts. Angel's solid exercise sets have been expanded to include new Conceptual/Writing Exercises, Practice the Skills Exercises, Problem Solving Exercises, and Group Activities. A comprehensive supplements package includes a new Companion Website.

  • Strongly emphasizes good problem-solving skills--Polya's five-step problem-solving procedure (Understand, Translate, Carry Out, Check, State Answer) is used throughout the text. An abundance of in-text examples are included, with worked-out, annotated solutions. New problem-solving exercises also appear in each section's exercise set.
    • Emphasizes the relevance of the algebra students are learning and helps them to master the concepts.
  • New chapter-opening applications--Focusing on math in the workplace and in history, these applications are often tied to examples presented later in the text. Links in the chapter openers direct students to the Angel Companion Website.
    • Provides students with an applied, real-world introduction to the chapter material.
  • Real-world applications--An abundance of updated real-world applications are included, frequently using real data and real-world situations.
    • Gives students needed practice with practical applications of algebra and emphasizes the relevance of the material being covered to students' everyday lives.
  • New and Updated Exercises--New Conceptual/Writing Exercises encourage students to analyze and write about the concepts they are learning. Practice the Skills exercises cover all the types of exercises presented in the chapter. Group Exercises provide students with opportunities for collaborative learning. Cumulative Review exercises reinforce previously covered topics. These exercises are keyed to the sections where the material is explained.
    • Improves students' understanding and comprehension of the material and helps them to gain confidence in their mastery of the material.
  • Challenge exercise sets--These sections provide problems that are conceptually and computationally more demanding.
    • Stimulates students' interest by stretching their understanding of the concepts.
  • Student-friendly pedagogical features--An abundance of in-text examples illustrate the concepts being presented and provide step-by-step annotated solutions. Helpful Hints offer useful suggestions for problem solving and various other topics. Avoiding Common Errors sections illustrate common mistakes, explain why certain procedures are wrong, and show the correct methods for working the problems.
    • Strengthens students' problem-solving skills and offers insights on a variety of other topics.
  • Key material set off in boxes--Sections on Procedures, Important Facts, and Definitions are presented in boxes.
    • Guides students to focus on this material and easily find it again when preparing for quizzes and tests.
  • Now Try problems--These problems appear after specific examples to reinforce core, frequently used principles or particularly difficult, tricky concepts.
    • Gives students immediate practice with newly learned skills.
  • Exercises that are worked in the videos are marked with a video icon.
    • Teaching Tips are placed at key points throughout the AIE.
  • Preview and Perspective--Included at the beginning of each chapter, they provide an overview of the chapter topics.
    • Shows students the connections between the concepts presented in the text and the real world.
  • Objectives--Each section begins with a list of objectives. Numbered icons connect the objectives to the appropriate sections of the text.
    • Gives students an overview of the material to come, preparing them to focus on the key topics.
  • Using Your Calculator and Using Your Graphing Calculator boxes--These boxes provide optional exercises for use with technology as well as keystroke commands. More exercises are included than in the last edition.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Intermediate Algebra For College Students (9th Edition)
9th Edition
ISBN: 9780321927354
Intermediate Algebra For College Students (10th Edition)
10th Edition
ISBN: 9780134758992

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