Introductory Statistics With MyStatLab (Book & Access Card) - 10th Edition - by WEISS, Neil A. - ISBN 9780321989406

Introductory Statistics With MyStatLab ...
10th Edition
WEISS, Neil A.
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780321989406

Solutions for Introductory Statistics With MyStatLab (Book & Access Card)

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Chapter 2.5 - Misleading GraphsChapter 3 - Descriptive MeasuresChapter 3.1 - Measures Of CentreChapter 3.2 - Measures Of VariationChapter 3.3 - Chebyshev's Rule And The Empirical RuleChapter 3.4 - The Five-number Summary; BoxplotsChapter 3.5 - Descriptive Measures For Populations; Use Of SamplesChapter 4 - Probability ConceptsChapter 4.1 - Probability BasicsChapter 4.2 - EventsChapter 4.3 - Some Rules Of ProbabilityChapter 4.4 - Contingency Tables; Joint And Marginal ProbabilitiesChapter 4.5 - Conditional ProbabilityChapter 4.6 - The Multiplication Rule; IndependenceChapter 4.7 - Bayes' RuleChapter 4.8 - Counting RuleChapter 5 - Discrete Random VariablesChapter 5.1 - Discrete Random Variables And Probability DistributionsChapter 5.2 - The Mean And Standard Deviation Of A Discrete Random VariableChapter 5.3 - The Binomial DistributionChapter 5.4 - The Poisson DistributionChapter 6 - The Normal DistributionChapter 6.1 - Introducing Normally Distributed VariablesChapter 6.2 - Areas Under The Standard Normal CurveChapter 6.3 - Working With Normally Distributed VariablesChapter 6.4 - Assessing Normality; Normal Probability PlotsChapter 6.5 - Normal Approximation To The Binomial DistributionChapter 7 - The Sampling Distribution Of The Sample MeanChapter 7.1 - Sampling Error; The Need For Sampling DistributionsChapter 7.2 - The Mean And Standard Deviation Of The Sample MeanChapter 7.3 - The Sampling Distribution Of The Sample MeanChapter 8 - Confidence Intervals For One Population MeanChapter 8.1 - Estimating A Population MeanChapter 8.2 - Confidence Intervals For One Population Mean When ? Is KnownChapter 8.3 - Confidence Intervals For One Population Mean When ? Is UnknownChapter 9 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population MeanChapter 9.1 - The Nature Of Hypothesis TestingChapter 9.2 - Critical-value Approach To Hypothesis TestingChapter 9.3 - P-value Approach To Hypothesis TestingChapter 9.4 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population Mean When ? Is KnownChapter 9.5 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population Mean When ? Is UnknownChapter 9.6 - The Wilcoxon Signed-rank TestChapter 9.7 - Type Ii Error Probabilities; PowerChapter 10 - Inferences For Two Population MeansChapter 10.1 - The Sampling Distribution Of The Difference Between Two Sample Means For independent SamplesChapter 10.2 - Inferences For Two Population Means, Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Assumed EqualChapter 10.3 - Inferences For Two Population Means, Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Not Assumed EqualChapter 10.4 - The Mann-whitney TestChapter 10.5 - Inferences For Two Population Means, Using Paired SamplesChapter 10.6 - The Paired Wilcoxon Signed-rank TestChapter 11 - Inferences For Population Standard DeviationsChapter 11.1 - Inferences For One Population Standard DeviationChapter 11.2 - Inferences For Two Population Standard Deviations, Using Independent SamplesChapter 12 - Inferences For Population ProportionsChapter 12.1 - Confidence Intervals For One Population ProportionChapter 12.2 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population ProportionChapter 12.3 - Inferences For Two Population ProportionsChapter 13 - Chi-square ProceduresChapter 13.1 - The Chi-square DistributionChapter 13.2 - Chi-square Goodness Of Fit TestChapter 13.3 - Contingency Tables; AssociationChapter 13.4 - Chi-square Independence TestChapter 13.5 - Chi-square Homogeneity TestChapter 14 - Descriptive Methods In Regression And CorrelationChapter 14.1 - Linear Regression With One Independent VariableChapter 14.2 - The Regression EquationChapter 14.3 - The Coefficient Of DeterminationChapter 14.4 - Linear CorrelationChapter 15 - Inferential Methods In Regression And CorrelationChapter 15.1 - The Regression Model; Analysis Of ResidualsChapter 15.2 - Inferences For The Slope Of The Population Regression LineChapter 15.3 - Estimation And PredictionChapter 15.4 - Inferences In CorrelationChapter 16 - Analysis Of VarianceChapter 16.1 - The F-distributionChapter 16.2 - One-way Anova: The LogicChapter 16.3 - One-way Anova: The ProcedureChapter 16.4 - Multiple ComparisonsChapter 16.5 - The Kruskal-wallis TestChapter A - Multiple Regression AnalysisChapter A.1 - The Multiple Linear Regression ModelChapter A.2 - Estimation Of The Regression ParametersChapter A.3 - Inferences Concerning The Utility Of The Regression ModelChapter A.4 - Inferences Concerning The Utility Of Particular Predictor VariablesChapter A.5 - Confidence Intervals For Mean Response; Prediction Intervals For ResponseChapter A.6 - Checking Model Assumptions And Residual AnalysisChapter B - Model Building In RegressionChapter B.1 - Transformations To Remedy Model ViolationsChapter B.2 - Polynomial Regression ModelChapter B.3 - Qualitative Predictor VariablesChapter B.4 - MulticollinearityChapter B.5 - Model Selection: Stepwise RegressionChapter B.6 - Model Selection: All-subsets RegressionChapter B.7 - Pitfalls And WarningsChapter C - Design Of Experiments And Analysis Of VarianceChapter C.1 - Factorial DesignsChapter C.2 - Two-way Anova: The LogicChapter C.3 - Two-way Anova: The ProcedureChapter C.4 - Two-way Anova: Multiple ComparisonsChapter C.5 - Randomized Block DesignsChapter C.6 - Randomized Block Anova: The LogicChapter C.7 - Randomized Block Anova: The ProcedureChapter C.8 - Randomized Block Anova: Multiple ComparisonsChapter C.9 - Friedman’s Nonparametric Test For The Randomized Block Design

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Weiss’s Introductory Statistics, Tenth Edition, is the ideal textbook for introductory statistics classes that emphasize statistical reasoning and critical thinking. Comprehensive in its coverage, Weiss’s meticulous style offers careful, detailed explanations to ease the learning process. With more than 1,000 data sets and over 3,000 exercises, this text takes a data-driven approach that encourages students to apply their knowledge and develop statistical understanding.


This text contains parallel presentation of critical-value and p-value approaches to hypothesis testing. This unique design allows the flexibility to concentrate on one approach or the opportunity for greater depth in comparing the two.


0321989406 / 9780321989406     Introductory Statistics Plus MyStatLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
0321847997 / 9780321847997     My StatLab Glue-in Access Card
032184839X / 9780321848390     MyStatLab Inside Sticker for Glue-In Packages
0321989171 / 9780321989178     Introductory Statistics

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