INTRO.STATISTICS,TECH.UPDT.(LOOSELEAF) - 10th Edition - by WEISS - ISBN 9780135189207

10th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780135189207


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Chapter 2.5 - Misleading GraphsChapter 3 - Descriptive MeasuresChapter 3.1 - Measures Of CentreChapter 3.2 - Measures Of VariationChapter 3.3 - Chebyshev's Rule And The Empirical RuleChapter 3.4 - The Five-number Summary; BoxplotsChapter 3.5 - Descriptive Measures For Populations; Use Of SamplesChapter 4 - Probability ConceptsChapter 4.1 - Probability BasicsChapter 4.2 - EventsChapter 4.3 - Some Rules Of ProbabilityChapter 4.4 - Contingency Tables; Joint And Marginal ProbabilitiesChapter 4.5 - Conditional ProbabilityChapter 4.6 - The Multiplication Rule; IndependenceChapter 4.7 - Bayes' RuleChapter 4.8 - Counting RuleChapter 5 - Discrete Random VariablesChapter 5.1 - Discrete Random Variables And Probability DistributionsChapter 5.2 - The Mean And Standard Deviation Of A Discrete Random VariableChapter 5.3 - The Binomial DistributionChapter 5.4 - The Poisson DistributionChapter 6 - The Normal DistributionChapter 6.1 - Introducing Normally Distributed VariablesChapter 6.2 - Areas Under The Standard Normal CurveChapter 6.3 - Working With Normally Distributed VariablesChapter 6.4 - Assessing Normality; Normal Probability PlotsChapter 6.5 - Normal Approximation To The Binomial DistributionChapter 7 - The Sampling Distribution Of The Sample MeanChapter 7.1 - Sampling Error; The Need For Sampling DistributionsChapter 7.2 - The Mean And Standard Deviation Of The Sample MeanChapter 7.3 - The Sampling Distribution Of The Sample MeanChapter 8 - Confidence Intervals For One Population MeanChapter 8.1 - Estimating A Population MeanChapter 8.2 - Confidence Intervals For One Population Mean When ? Is KnownChapter 8.3 - Confidence Intervals For One Population Mean When ? Is UnknownChapter 9 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population MeanChapter 9.1 - The Nature Of Hypothesis TestingChapter 9.2 - Critical-value Approach To Hypothesis TestingChapter 9.3 - P-value Approach To Hypothesis TestingChapter 9.4 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population Mean When ? Is KnownChapter 9.5 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population Mean When ? Is UnknownChapter 9.6 - The Wilcoxon Signed-rank TestChapter 9.7 - Type Ii Error Probabilities; PowerChapter 10 - Inferences For Two Population MeansChapter 10.1 - The Sampling Distribution Of The Difference Between Two Sample Means For independent SamplesChapter 10.2 - Inferences For Two Population Means, Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Assumed EqualChapter 10.3 - Inferences For Two Population Means, Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Not Assumed EqualChapter 10.4 - The Mann-whitney TestChapter 10.5 - Inferences For Two Population Means, Using Paired SamplesChapter 10.6 - The Paired Wilcoxon Signed-rank TestChapter 11 - Inferences For Population Standard DeviationsChapter 11.1 - Inferences For One Population Standard DeviationChapter 11.2 - Inferences For Two Population Standard Deviations, Using Independent SamplesChapter 12 - Inferences For Population ProportionsChapter 12.1 - Confidence Intervals For One Population ProportionChapter 12.2 - Hypothesis Tests For One Population ProportionChapter 12.3 - Inferences For Two Population ProportionsChapter 13 - Chi-square ProceduresChapter 13.1 - The Chi-square DistributionChapter 13.2 - Chi-square Goodness Of Fit TestChapter 13.3 - Contingency Tables; AssociationChapter 13.4 - Chi-square Independence TestChapter 13.5 - Chi-square Homogeneity TestChapter 14 - Descriptive Methods In Regression And CorrelationChapter 14.1 - Linear Regression With One Independent VariableChapter 14.2 - The Regression EquationChapter 14.3 - The Coefficient Of DeterminationChapter 14.4 - Linear CorrelationChapter 15 - Inferential Methods In Regression And CorrelationChapter 15.1 - The Regression Model; Analysis Of ResidualsChapter 15.2 - Inferences For The Slope Of The Population Regression LineChapter 15.3 - Estimation And PredictionChapter 15.4 - Inferences In CorrelationChapter 16 - Analysis Of VarianceChapter 16.1 - The F-distributionChapter 16.2 - One-way Anova: The LogicChapter 16.3 - One-way Anova: The ProcedureChapter 16.4 - Multiple ComparisonsChapter 16.5 - The Kruskal-wallis TestChapter A - Multiple Regression AnalysisChapter A.1 - The Multiple Linear Regression ModelChapter A.2 - Estimation Of The Regression ParametersChapter A.3 - Inferences Concerning The Utility Of The Regression ModelChapter A.4 - Inferences Concerning The Utility Of Particular Predictor VariablesChapter A.5 - Confidence Intervals For Mean Response; Prediction Intervals For ResponseChapter A.6 - Checking Model Assumptions And Residual AnalysisChapter B - Model Building In RegressionChapter B.1 - Transformations To Remedy Model ViolationsChapter B.2 - Polynomial Regression ModelChapter B.3 - Qualitative Predictor VariablesChapter B.4 - MulticollinearityChapter B.5 - Model Selection: Stepwise RegressionChapter B.6 - Model Selection: All-subsets RegressionChapter B.7 - Pitfalls And WarningsChapter C - Design Of Experiments And Analysis Of VarianceChapter C.1 - Factorial DesignsChapter C.2 - Two-way Anova: The LogicChapter C.3 - Two-way Anova: The ProcedureChapter C.4 - Two-way Anova: Multiple ComparisonsChapter C.5 - Randomized Block DesignsChapter C.6 - Randomized Block Anova: The LogicChapter C.7 - Randomized Block Anova: The ProcedureChapter C.8 - Randomized Block Anova: Multiple ComparisonsChapter C.9 - Friedman’s Nonparametric Test For The Randomized Block Design

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