Life in the Universe - With Activity Manual and Access - 4th Edition - by Bennett - ISBN 9780134575599

Life in the Universe - With Activity Ma...
4th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134575599

Solutions for Life in the Universe - With Activity Manual and Access

Book Details

Life in the Universe provides an ideal starting point for non-science majors intrigued by the latest discoveries about life in the solar system and beyond. Rigorously researched and accessible to students of all backgrounds, the text introduces concepts drawn from astronomy, biology, and geology to explain natural phenomena and to explore profound scientific questions about astrobiology. The Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest scientific discoveries and advancements, including new information regarding extrasolar planets, artificial life, and early life on Earth.


Designed for courses in astrobiology, Life in the Universe arouses students' natural curiosity by exploring fundamental questions such as: How did life begin on Earth? What are the most extreme forms of life currently known? What do we know about the possibility of life beyond Earth?


The text encourages non-science majors to develop an understanding of the process of science through its inherently compelling subject matter as well as its wealth of engaging features, including Learning Goals, Special Topics, and connections to popular culture. Sidebars provide optional mathematical material for courses that fulfill quantitative requirements.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

5th Edition
ISBN: 9780691241784
Life in the Universe, 5th Edition
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780691241791
Life in the Universe (4th Edition)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780134089089
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780134081670
Modified MasteringAstronomy with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Life in the Universe
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780134081632
Pearson eText Life in the Universe -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780135234457
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780134080321
Life in the Universe
3rd Edition
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