Machine Tool Practices (11th Edition) - 11th Edition - by Richard R. Kibbe, Roland O. Meyer, Jon Stenerson, Kelly Curran - ISBN 9780134893501

Machine Tool Practices (11th Edition)
11th Edition
Richard R. Kibbe, Roland O. Meyer, Jon Stenerson, Kelly Curran
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134893501

Solutions for Machine Tool Practices (11th Edition)

Book Details

For courses in machine shop, machine tool technology, machining processes/manufacturing processes technology, industrial technology, industrial mechanics, and industrial engineering at the undergraduate level. 

The all-in-one solution for teaching machining, BPR, GD&T, and CNC courses
Machine Tool Practices provides clear, practical, and richly illustrated treatment of machine tool technology and prepares students for NIMS certification. Vast in breadth and depth, this is the definitive text for training computer numerical controllers, conventional machine operators, general machinists, and tool and tie makers. The 11th edition includes dramatically expanded content and supplements on blueprint reading, GD&T, and CNC, giving it the potential to be the sole source of material for courses on these topics, while saving students the expense of two extra texts.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Machine Tool Practices (10th Edition)
10th Edition
ISBN: 9780132912655

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