Mathematical Excursions - 2nd Edition - by Richard N. Aufmann, Joanne Lockwood, Richard D. Nation, Daniel K. Clegg - ISBN 9780618608539

Mathematical Excursions
2nd Edition
Richard N. Aufmann, Joanne Lockwood, Richard D. Nation, Daniel K. Clegg
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780618608539

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Book Details

By presenting problem solving in purposeful and meaningful contexts, Mathematical Excursions, 2/e, provides students in the Liberal Arts course with a glimpse into the nature of mathematics and how it is used to understand our world. Highlights of the book include the proven Aufmann Interactive Method and multi-part Excursion exercises that emphasize collaborative learning. An extensive technology program provides instructors and students with a comprehensive set of support tools.

  • New! Content new to this edition includes a subsection on Reading and Interpreting Graphs, a section on Right Triangle Trigonometry, and a section on Stocks, Bonds, and Annuities.
  • New! Online algebra review appendix helps students review prerequisite algebra concepts.
  • An Excursion activity and corresponding Excursion Exercises conclude each section, providing concept reinforcement and opportunities for in-class cooperative work, hands-on learning, and development of critical-thinking skills.
  • Aufmann Interactive Method ensures that students try concepts and manipulate real-life data as they progress through the material. Every objective contains at least one set of matched-pair examples, the first of which is a completely worked-out example with an annotated solution. The second problem, called Check Your Progress, is for the student to try. Each problem includes a reference to a fully worked-out solution in the back of the text.
  • A section on Problem Solving Strategies in Chapter 1 introduces students to the inductive and deductive reasoning strategies they will use throughout the text.
  • Question/Answer feature encourages students to pause and think about the current discussion and to answer the question. For immediate reinforcement, the Answer is provided in a footnote on the same page.
  • Carefully developed exercise sets emphasize skill building, skill maintenance, concepts, and applications. Icons are used to identify various types of exercises, including writing, data analysis, graphing calculator, and web exercises.
  • Extension exercises at the end of each exercise set include Critical Thinking, Cooperative Learning, and Explorations, which may require Internet or library research.
  • Math Matters feature throughout the text helps to motivate students by demonstrating how and why math is applicable to contemporary, real-life situations.
  • Variety of supporting margin notes includes Take Note, alerting students to a concept requiring special attention; Point of Interest, offering motivating contextual information; Historical Notes, providing background information or vignettes of individuals responsible for major advancements in their field; and Calculator Notes, providing point-of-use tips.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

WebAssign with Corequisite Support for Aufmann's Mathematical Excursions, 1st Edition [Instant Access], Single-Term
1st Edition
ISBN: 9780357127360
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781305137257

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