MICROBIOLOGY (LL W/CONNECTPLUS) - 4th Edition - by Cowan - ISBN 9781259890901

4th Edition
Publisher: MCG CUSTOM
ISBN: 9781259890901


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Chapter 2.2 - Macromolecules: Superstructures Of LifeChapter 2.3 - Cells: Where Chemicals Come To LifeChapter 3 - Tools Of The Laboratory Methods For The Culturing And Microscopic Analysis Of MicroorganismsChapter 3.1 - Methods Of Culturing Microorganisms: The Five I’sChapter 3.2 - The Microscope: Window On An Invisible RealmChapter 4 - Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 4.1 - Bacterial Form And FunctionChapter 4.2 - External StructuresChapter 4.3 - The Cell Envelope: The Boundary Layer Of BacteriaChapter 4.4 - Bacterial Internal StructureChapter 4.5 - The Archaea: The Other "prokaryotes"Chapter 4.6 - Classification Systems For Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 5 - Eukaryotic Cells And MicroorganismsChapter 5.1 - The History Of EukaryotesChapter 5.2 - Form And Function Of The Eukaryotic Cell: External Structures And Boundary StructuresChapter 5.3 - Form And Function Of The Eukaryotic Cell: Internal StructuresChapter 5.4 - The FungiChapter 5.5 - The ProtistsChapter 5.6 - The HelminthsChapter 6 - An Introduction To The VirusesChapter 6.1 - The Search For The Elusive VirusesChapter 6.2 - The Position Of Viruses In The Biological SpectrumChapter 6.3 - The General Structure Of VirusesChapter 6.4 - How Viruses Are Classified And NamedChapter 6.5 - Modes Of Viral MultiplicationChapter 6.6 - Techniques In Cultivating And Identifying Animal VirusesChapter 6.7 - Other Noncellular Infectious AgentsChapter 6.8 - Viruses And Human HealthChapter 7 - Microbial Nutrition, Ecology, And GrowthChapter 7.1 - Microbial NutritionChapter 7.2 - Environmental Factors That Influence MicrobesChapter 7.3 - The Study Of Microbial GrowthChapter 8 - Microbial Metabolism The Chemical Crossroads Of LifeChapter 8.1 - The Metabolism Of MicrobesChapter 8.2 - The Pursuit And Utilization Of EnergyChapter 8.3 - Catabolism: Getting Materials And EnergyChapter 8.4 - Biosynthesis And The Crossing Pathways Of MetabolismChapter 8.5 - Photosynthesis: It All Starts With LightChapter 9 - Microbial GeneticsChapter 9.1 - Introduction To Genetics And Genes: Unlocking The Secrets Of HeredityChapter 9.2 - Applications Of The Dna Code: Transcription And TranslationChapter 9.3 - Genetic Regulation Of Protein SynthesisChapter 9.4 - Dna Recombination EventsChapter 9.5 - Mutations: Changes In The Genetic CodeChapter 10 - Genetic Engineering And Recombinant DnaChapter 10.1 - Introduction To Genetic EngineeringChapter 10.2 - Tools And Techniques Of Genetic EngineeringChapter 10.3 - Products Of Recombinant Dna TechnologyChapter 10.4 - Genetic Treatments: Introducing Dna Into The BodyChapter 10.5 - Genome Analysis: Maps And ProfilesChapter 10.6 - Proteome AnalysisChapter 11 - Physical And Chemical Control Of MicrobesChapter 11.1 - Controlling MicroorganismsChapter 11.2 - Methods Of Physical ControlChapter 11.3 - Chemical Agents In Microbial ControlChapter 12 - Antimicrobial TreatmentChapter 12.1 - Drugs, Microbes, Host-the Elements Of ChemotheraphyChapter 12.2 - Intractions Between Drug And MicrobeChapter 12.3 - Survey Of Major Antimicrobial Drug GroupsChapter 12.4 - Antmicrobial ResistanceChapter 12.5 - Interactions Between Drug And HostChapter 13 - Microbe-human Interactions Health And DiseaseChapter 13.1 - The Human HostChapter 13.2 - The Progress Of An InfectionChapter 13.3 - Epidemiology: The Study Of Disease In PopulationsChapter 14 - Host Defenses I Overview And Nonspecific DefensesChapter 14.1 - Defense Mechanisms Of The Host In PerspectiveChapter 14.2 - The Second And Third Lines Of Defenses: An OverveiwChapter 14.3 - Systems Involved In Immune DefensesChapter 14.4 - The Second Line Of DefenseChapter 15 - Host Defenses Ii Specific Immunity And ImmunizationChapter 15.1 - Specific Immunity: The Third Line Of DefenceChapter 15.2 - Step I: The Development Of Lymphocyte DiversityChapter 15.3 - Step Ii: Presentation Of AntigensChapter 15.4 - Step Iii: Antigenic Challenge Of T Cells And B CellsChapter 15.5 - Step Iv(1): The T-cell ResponseChapter 15.6 - Step Iv(2): The B-cell ResponseChapter 15.7 - Specific Immunity And VaccinationChapter 16 - Disorders In ImmunityChapter 16.1 - The Immune Response: A Two-sided CoinChapter 16.2 - Type I Allergic Reactions: Atopy And AnaphylaxisChapter 16.3 - Type Ii Hypersensitivities: Reactions That Lyse Foreign CellsChapter 16.4 - Type Iii Hypersensitivities: Immune Complex ReactionsChapter 16.5 - Type Iv Hypersensitivities: Cell-mediated (delayed) ReactionsChapter 16.6 - An Inappropriate Response Against Self: AutoimmunityChapter 16.7 - Immunodeficiency Diseases: Hypersensitivity Of The Immune SystemChapter 17 - Diagnosing InfectionsChapter 17.1 - Identifying The Infectious AgentChapter 17.2 - Phenotypic MethodsChapter 17.3 - Genotypic MethodsChapter 17.4 - Immunologic MethodsChapter 17.5 - Breakthrough MethodologiesChapter 18 - Infectious Diseases Affecting The Skin And EyesChapter 18.1 - The Skin And Its DefensesChapter 18.2 - Normal Biota Of The SkinChapter 18.3 - Skin Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 18.4 - The Surface Of The Eye And Its DefensesChapter 18.5 - Normal Biota Of The EyeChapter 18.6 - Eye Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 19 - Infectious Diseases Affecting The Nervous SystemChapter 19.1 - The Nervous System And Its DefensesChapter 19.2 - Normal Biota Of The Nervous SystemChapter 19.3 - Nervous System Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 20 - Infectious Diseases Affecting The Cardiovascular And Lymphatic SystemsChapter 20.1 - The Cardiovasular And Lymphatic Systems And Their DefensesChapter 20.2 - Normal Biota Of The Cardiovasucular And Lymphatic SystemsChapter 20.3 - Cardiovascular And Lymphatic System Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 21 - Infectious Diseases Affecting The Respiratory SystemChapter 21.1 - The Respiratory Tract And Its DefensesChapter 21.2 - Normal Biota Of The Respiratory TractChapter 21.3 - Upper Respiratory Tract Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 21.4 - Diseases Caused By Microorganisms Affecting Both The Upper And Lower Respiratory TractsChapter 21.5 - Lower Respiratory Tract Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 22 - Infectious Diseases Affecting The Gastrointestinal TractChapter 22.1 - The Gastrointestinal Tract And Its DefensesChapter 22.2 - Normal Biota Of The Gastrointestinal TractChapter 22.3 - Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases Caused By Microorganisms (nonhelminthic)Chapter 22.4 - Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases Caused By HelminthsChapter 23 - Infectious Diseases Affecting The Genitourinary SystemChapter 23.1 - The Genitourinary Tract And Its DefensesChapter 23.2 - Normal Biota Of The Genitourinary TractChapter 23.3 - Urinary Tract Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 23.4 - Reproductive Tract Diseases Caused By MicroorganismsChapter 24 - Microbes And The EnvironmentChapter 24.1 - Ecology: The Interconnecting Web Of LifeChapter 24.2 - The Natural Recycling Of BioelementsChapter 24.3 - Microbes On Land And In WaterChapter 25 - Applied Microbiology And Food And Water SafetyChapter 25.1 - Applied Microbiology And BiotechnologyChapter 25.2 - Microorganisms In Water And Wastewater TreatmentChapter 25.3 - Microorganisms Making Food And Spoiling FoodChapter 25.4 - Using Microorganisms To Make Things We Need

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The deletion of three nucleotides from the gene will result in the non coding of that particular...After the terrorist attack on WTC, most of the victims were not identified. To identify the victims,...The procedures used to prepare the skin for procedures such as injection, IVs and surgery involve...NDM -1 is also termed as “Indian superbug”. blaNDM-1 is the gene which codes for beta-lactamase....Hospital scrubs was also known as scrubs, are the sanitary clothing worn by nurses, surgeons,...To ensure that the patient receives a healthy blood several blood tests are performed which include:...Measles is among the most contagious infectious diseases that transmitted mainly by respiratory...Exposure to microbes early in life affects the immune system, because it helps the body to fight...There are some characteristics of Bordetella pertussis that enhanced the cases of pertussis...Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus....The polio expected to be eradicated from entire countries by the year 2012 but 3 countries came up...Early symptoms of Ebola include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, headache. This makes it...The bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis and lungs are primarily infected by...Listeriosis is a type of bacterial infection in human caused by Listeria monocytogenes. It is a...Even though the human papillomavirus (HPV) is mainly associated with warts, it is also responsible...The bacteria that consume methane are known as methanogens or methanotrophs. These organisms are...Selling raw milk in the US comes is a crime. The pasteurization was declared as standard procedure...

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