Physics Laboratory Experiments - 6th Edition - by Jerry D. Wilson, Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall - ISBN 9780618382590

Physics Laboratory Experiments
6th Edition
Jerry D. Wilson, Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780618382590

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Book Details

The market leader for the first-year physics laboratory course, this manual offers a wide range of class-tested experiments designed explicitly for use in small to mid-size lab programs. The manual provides a series of integrated experiments that emphasize the use of computerized instrumentation.

As the use of computers and sensors in the physics lab has increased, the Sixth Edition includes a set of "computer-assisted experiments"--contributed by new co-author Cecilia A. Hernández Hall--that allow students and instructors to use this modern equipment. Not every lab has computer access, so these "computer-assisted experiments" serve as alternatives or supplements to the traditional experiments. This option also allows instructors to find the appropriate balance between traditional and computer-based experiments for their courses. By analyzing data through two different methods, students gain a greater understanding of the concepts behind the experiments.

  • New! The comprehensive Sixth Edition includes 14 new integrated experiments--computerized and traditional--that can also be used independently of one another. Ten of these integrated experiments are included in the standard (bound) edition; four are available for customization.
  • New! Instructors may elect to customize the manual to include only those experiments they want. The bound volume includes the 33 most commonly used experiments that have appeared in previous editions; an additional 16 experiments are available for examination online. Instructors may choose any of these experiments--49 in all--to produce a manual that explicitly matches their course needs.
  • Updated! Revisions to traditional experiments include references to the most current equipment and better clarification of the purpose of each experiment. A transition guide at the front of the manual highlights revised experiments and notes the additional experiments available for creating a customized manual.
  • Updated! Approximately 30% of the Advance Study Assignment and Post-Lab Questions in the traditional experiments have been revised for greater clarity.
  • Updated! Over 40 photos and 90 diagrams and figures have been updated to illustrate the most current equipment and procedures used in the physics laboratory.
  • Each experiment includes six components that aid students in their analysis and interpretation: Advance Study Assignment, Introduction and Objectives, Equipment Needed, Theory, Experimental Procedures, and Laboratory Report and Questions.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

8th Edition
ISBN: 9781305751217
Physics Laboratory Experiments
8th Edition
ISBN: 9781285738567

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