Steel Design - 4th Edition - by William T. Segui - ISBN 9780495244714

Steel Design
4th Edition
William T. Segui
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780495244714

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Book Details

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 Structural Design
1.2 Loads
1.3 Building Codes
1.4 Design Specifications
1.5 Structural Steel
1.6 Standard Cross Sectional Shapes

Chapter 2 - Concepts in Structural Steel Design

2.1 Design Philosophies
2.2 American Institute of Steel Construction Specifications
2.3 Load Factors, Resistance Factors, and Load Combinations for LRFD
2.4 Safety Factors and Load Combinations for ASD
2.5 Probabilistic Basis of Load and Resistance Factors
2.6 Steel Construction Manual
2.7 Design Computations and Precision

Chapter 3 - Tension Members

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Tensile Strength
3.3 Effective Area
3.4 Staggered Area
3.5 Block Shear
3.6 Design of Tension Members
3.7 Threaded Rods and Cables
3.8 Tension Members in Roof Trusses
3.9 Pin-Connected Members

Chapter 4 - Compression Members

4.1 Definition
4.2 Column Theory
4.3 AISC Requirements
4.4 Local Stability
4.5 Tables for Compression Members
4.6 Design
4.7 More on Effective Length
4.8 Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling
4.9 Built up Members

Chapter 5 - Beams

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Bending Stress and the Plastic Moment
5.3 Stability
5.4 Classification of Shapes
5.5 Bending Strength of Compact Shapes
5.6 Bending Strength of Noncompact Shapes
5.7 Summary of Moment Strength
5.8 Shear Strength
5.9 Deflection
5.10 Design
5.11 Floor and Roof Framing Systems
5.12 Holes in Beams
5.13 Open-Web Steel Joists
5.14 Beam Bearing Plates and Column Base Plates
5.15 Biaxial Bending
5.16 Bending Strength of Various Shapes

Chapter 6 - Beam Columns

6.1 Definition
6.2 Interaction Formulas
6.3 Moment Amplification
6.4 Braced Versus Unbraced Frames
6.5 Members in Braced Frames
6.6 Members in Unbraced Frames
6.7 Design of Beam-Columns
6.8 Trusses with Top-Chord Loads Between Joints

Chapter 7 - Simple Connections

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Bolted Shear Coneections: Failure Modes
7.3 Bearing Strength, Spacing, and Edge-Distance Requirements
7.4 Shear Strength
7.5 Installation of High-Strength Bolts
7.6 Slip-Critical and Bearing Type Connections
7.7 Design Examples
7.8 High-Strength Bolts in Tension
7.9 Combined Shear and Tension in Fasteners
7.10 Welded Connections
7.11 Fillet Welds

Chapter 8 - Eccentric Connections

8.1 Examples of Eccentric Connections
8.2 Eccentric Bolted Connections: Shear Only
8.3 Eccentric Bolted Connections: Shear Plus Tension
8.4 Eccentric Welded Connections: Shear Only
8.5 Eccentric Welded Connections: Shear Plus Tension
8.6 Moment-Resisting Connections
8.7 Column Stiffners and Other Reinforcement
8.8 End-Plate Connections
8.9 Concluding Remarks

Chapter 9 - Composite Construction

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Shored Versus Unshored Construction
9.3 Effective Flange Width
9.4 Shear Connectors
9.5 Design
9.6 Deflections
9.7 Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck
9.8 Tables for Composite Beam Analysis and Design
9.9 Continuous Beams
9.10 Composite Beams

Chapter 10 - Plate Girders

10.1 Introduction
10.2 General Considerations
10.3 AISC Requirements for Proportions of Plate Girders
10.4 Flexural Strength
10.5 Shear Strength
10.6 Bearing Stiffeners
10.7 Design

Appendix - Plastic Analysis and Design

A.1 Introduction
A.2 AISC Requirements
A.3 Analysis
A.4 Design
A.5 Concluding Remarks

Answers to Selected Problems

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