The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft - 4th Edition - by Rebecca Stein, Philip L. Stein - ISBN 9781138692527

The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, an...
4th Edition
Rebecca Stein, Philip L. Stein
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 9781138692527

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Book Details

This concise and accessible textbook introduces students to the anthropological study of religion. Stein and Stein examine religious expression from a cross-cultural perspective and expose students to the varying complexity of world religions. The chapters incorporate key theoretical concepts and a rich range of ethnographic material. The fourth edition of The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft offers: • increased coverage of new religious movements, fundamentalism, and religion and conflict/violence; • fresh case study material with examples drawn from around the globe; • further resources via a comprehensive companion website. This is an essential guide for students encountering anthropology of religion for the first time.

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