The election of 2000 was the closest and most controversial election in all U.S. history. This event was the fierce competition full of irregularities and unfairness between George W. Bush and Al Gore to become the first president elected in the 21st century that turned into an intense political and legal battle to decide the presidency. It was such an interesting and unique election because unlike how elections are supposed to work, the election of 2000, for many unique reasons, did not end with
There have been many debates that have spanned over the past decade on whether or not the 2000 presidential election was legitimate or not. Bush only won by 537 votes which is grounds for a recount so the Gore campaign was in there right to ask for one. Now this is why many people like myself believe this election to be illegitimate, Katherine Harris the secretary of state of Florida did everything she can to not comply to the recount. She also compiled a list of felons so they would not be allowed
The 2000 presidential election is considered one of the most controversial and closet election in American history today. The 5-4 decision made in favor of George W. Bush over Vice president Al Gore was decided by the 537 votes that came from the state of Florida. It took over a month of recounts and challenges to the Supreme Court to come to the determination of the winner. The campaign was dominated by domestic issues in opposition to foreign policy, prescription drug prices, campaign finance reform
a new election comes around there is excitement in the air, but also a lot of drama. Drama as in seeing if who you want to be elected is elected and seeing the dirt dug up on all of the candidates. When the actual election is you want to know who is the next president. Staying up and seeing who won the election if it is almost a tie. Well, that is what happened in the 2000 election and that was what was similar to the 2016 presidential election as well. The 2000 election was a major election because
It doesn’t take a political expert to see that the 2000 presidential election between Bush and Gore was extremely illegitimate. This can be observed through the recount incident which took place in the state of Florida. Many people, especially seniors, felt that they had not voted for the right candidate, which was due to a confusing ballot setup. The ballots were called “butterfly ballots”. These ballots, as one could imagine, had candidates on either side which the voter could choose from. Seems
Back in 2000, the presidential election was decided by 537 votes in Florida. According to the New York Times, there were 620,000 Floridians barred from voting that were convicted of a felony, regardless of the crime committed. That’s a large poll of Floridians that didn’t get to exercise their right to vote. Had those 620,000 Floridians voted, the 2000 presidential elections may have had a different outcome. It is very important that all Americans exercise their right to vote to ensure we the
as people gathered around their television, eagerly awaiting the news of the 2000 Presidential election. Would the victor be Texas governor George W. Bush or Vice President Al Gore? It was a close election, with Bush only leading by 537 votes. “The 2000 presidential election was the first in 112 years in which a president lost the popular vote, but captured enough states to win the electoral vote.” (The Disputed Election) However, if the majority of eligible Americans would have voted, the outcome
The election of 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore was in my opinion, not legitimate. It all started in Palm Beach, Florida, where voters claimed that the voting card was confusing and they weren’t sure if they voted for Pat Buchanan on accident. “Revote! The ballot is unfair! It should be clearer where you're punching.”₁ The person responsible for the confusion was Theresa LePore. She spread candidate names onto both sides of the ballot because she said that when the names were listed on one
Into On tuesday November 7th 2000, it was a long election night. The “endless election” they call it. The people waited to know who the new forty third president would be. Little did they know it wouldn't be for 36 days, December 9th 2000, before the new president would be named. Election night uncertainty Around 8 pm on that long tuesday night, right after the polls close the major tv networks calls Gore winner of Florida. Florida becomes uncertain as more votes roll in, they turn out to
The presidential election of 2000, George Bush versus Al Gore was not legitimate. Every state knew who they were going to vote for, and who they ended up voting for. Except one state, Florida. Everyone thought Bush won the 25 electoral votes, but it turned out not every citizen's vote was counted. Thus leading chaos, miss trust, and thousands of angry citizens wanting their votes to be counted. Each citizen has the right to vote, and their votes are to be counted. The only time ballots are to not