When Love Backfires Euripides’ Medea is a tragic play that takes place in Corinth, Greece. It was first produced in 431 BC. It was during this time that Corinth and Athens were rivals, fighting to have the upper hand. In fact, Corinth and Sparta teamed together against Athens during the Peloponnesian War in 431 BC. Like most literature, Euripides’ Medea incorporates the period in which it was written along with a timeless theme. Euripdes uses the literary devices of setting, irony, and symbolism
a lattice slow and this allows for electrons to flow more freely through the crystal lattice, ignoring their previous repulsion for one another and actually pairing up for easier transit. Referred to as Cooper pairs, this is the generally accepted “BCS” superconductor theory (figure 2). No one knows the mechanism that causes electrons in crystals to form pairs although it has been determined physically possible, although counterintuitive, due to phonon wave propagation from the interaction between
true for thousands of years. Ironically, government was established to create balance and order, but all it has created is a army of wickedness. "Ignorance, the root and the stem of every evil." (Greek author & philosopher in Athens (427 BC - 347 BC) It is no secret that ignorance has had a tremendous roll play in many historical events plagued by evil. Unlike an object of lust, ignorance is found in the debts of one's soul. Evil that evolves from within one's soul is much like a disease that
In the sixties, Kulik had used the mechanism of Andreev reflection to explain how a metal carries dissipation-less current between two superconductors. Andreev later discovered that an electron incident on a superconductor with energy lying within the gap region gets reflected as a hole, which is the basic essence of Andreev reflection. \\ A charge of 2e is lost in the process which gets absorbed into the superconductor as a Cooper pairs. \\ The same process occurs for a hole as an incident particle;
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction of YBCO Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxide (YBCO) is a type II high temperature superconductor (Rana et al., 2016) called 1-2-3 superconductors. The superconductivity is depending on the hole and electron concentration present. Previous research finds that YBCO has highest transition temperature (TC) that is 92 K. The unit cell of the YBCO is an orthorthombic structure. The CuO2 molecule are interconnected with CuO3 and then provide additional electron
IMPACT OF EIGENVALUES ON THE ELECTRON-PHONON COUPLING STRENGTH OF INDIUM AND ITS BINARY ALLOYS S. K. Chakrabarti Department of Physics Tribhuvan University, MMAM Campus, Biratnagar, Nepal ABSTRACT Indium is a trivalent metal. Though chemically not so reactive, it often forms complexes within its binary alloys. In this theoretical work we have studied the impact of eigenvalues on the electron-phonon coupling strength of indium. We have also dealt with the same for two binary alloys of it viz
into a democracy and the effect this transition had on their warfare culture. Throughout the article, Hanson refers to the seventh and sixth century BC as the ‘normative polis’ before democracy when the government was timocratical and Athens was an early agrarian polis; and then continues his article to emphasize the fifth and fourth centuries BC during the political reforms and the emergence of democracy as the main form of government. Hanson mentions the tensions that arose between landowners
The 5th century BC would have been a perilous time for a citizen of a Greek state. Not only did Greece defend herself from an external threat but her very own clans warred against themselves. In this chaotic climate, the theatre became an outlet for Athenians to flesh out the underlying themes of war, conquest and their very own humanity. There could be no better setting for such a quest than one intertwined in the very fabric of Greek consciousness. The Homeric tradition itself is not a simple
The Golden age of Athens Fifth-century Athens refers to the Greek city-state of Athens in the period of roughly 480 BC-404 BC. This was a period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth and cultural flourishing formerly known as the Golden Age of Athens or The Age of Pericles. The period began in 480 BC when an Athenian-led coalition of city-states, known as the Delian League, defeated the Persians at Salamis. As the fifth century wore on, what started as an alliance of independent city-states gradually
In the ‘Frogs’ and ‘Wasps’ written by the “eminently best” comedian of the fifth century, Aristophanes, we see he utilized humour to exact the important message that Athens is corrupt, and on the verge of chaos. The Athenian audience would expect to be thrust into a world of humour in the City Dionysia, somewhere parallel to their own (e.g. the Athenian jury in the ‘Wasps’, and the failings of the government in ‘Frogs’). It is vital, then, that Aristophanes conveys his political and social views