Antigone Moral Essay

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    Is it a moral or immoral choice to do something that will result in our death if we have what we consider a good enough reason to do it? In this story we are going to talk about my opinion and the characters opion about doing something and if it moral or immoral. In the story “Antigone” Antigone wanted to bury her brother Polynices. Because the king did not bury him because he brought trouble to them. But the king buried the other brother Eteocles with military honors. The two brothers died when

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    Antigone Moral

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    What is the Moral of the Story? What’s the overall message that Peter J. Ahrensdorf and Thomas L. Pangle are trying to portray to their audience.? Well, after reading the play and being able to analyze the story a little more in depth, I came up with two probable answers. First, I think the author’s trying to describe Antigone as this antagonist, who’s against all odds throughout the play. She’s a young girl who refuses to let anyone tell her what to do. Her self-morals of loyalty and courage

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    Moral Of Antigone

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    play begins as Antigone and her sister Ismene speak of the death of their brothers Polyneices and Eteocles. However, it is important to note that what events precluded this scene, which was sparked by Eteocles's taking reign of the Thebes after Oedipus had died. It ultimately caused Polyneices to wage a battle against his former city and drove the two brothers to kill one another (Sophocles 8). Thus, leaving Creon who was both of brother's uncle in control of the city of Thebes. Antigone and Ismene discuss

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    the play, “Antigone”, by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald, Antigone is told that both of her brothers are dead. Eteocles, one of her brothers, is given a proper burial. However, Creon, Antigone’s uncle, believes that her other brother, Polyneices, was a traitor, therefore banning a proper burial for him (2.14-25). Antigone disobeys what Creon says and buries Polyneices anyway and is caught. Creon then locks her in a prison cell and she takes her own life. Creon does not know that Antigone killed herself

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  • Decent Essays

    Sophocles, one of Greece’s most famous playwrights, wrote the play Antigone circa 441 B.C. The plot of the story is a sequel to another famous Greek play, Oedipus. The titular character, Antigone, is one of the two remaining children of Oedipus, the other being her sister, Ismene. Her two brothers, Polynices and Eteocles, were killed in battle. The king, Antigone and Ismene’s uncle, Creon, buried Eteocles but wouldn’t bury Polynices. Antigone’s main goal was to bury her brother Polynices. She said

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  • Good Essays

    Essay on Moral Conflict in Antigone

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    The major moral conflict in Antigone by Sophocles is the conflict over which value is most fundamental. The play presents the moral conflict over whether the god's law or the city's law is more powerful. This seems to be the most prominent theme. The conflict arises mainly between the tragic heroes Antigone and her uncle-in-law Creon, King of Thebes. The city of Thebes had been through a war in which Antigone and her sister Ismene have lost both of their brothers to it, Eteocles and Polyneices

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    In the Greek tragedy, Antigone is a story written by Sophocles that picks up after what happened to Oedipus soon after he dies. Oedipus’s sons Eteocles and Polyneices are killed in battle. The Uncle Creon (the king) as made a law, that no one is to touch Polyneices body. Antigone (main Character) defies the law and is going to give Polyneices the proper burial he deserves. Antigone wants help from her sister Ismene but, Ismene refuses to break the law and face Creon (the king) for disobeying his

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  • Good Essays

    Antigone:  Contradiction Between Morals   In Ancient Greece, new ideals surfaced as answers to life's complicated questions. These new beliefs were centered on the expanding field of science. Man was focused on more than the Gods or heavenly concerns. A government that was ruled by the people was suggested as opposed to a monarchy that had existed for many years. Freedom of religion was encouraged in city-states. These new ideals, though good in intentions, often conflicted with each

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    Antigone:  Barbaric King, Hopeful Princess and Moral Dilemma Antigone is a play that mainly deals with differences among characters that cause life long drawbacks and threatening resolutions. The drama is portrayed through Antigone and Creon's characters who undoubtedly resemble each other. Although they try to be masters of their own fate and eventually succumb to grieving outcomes, they both seem to have the values of a tragic hero. Although, they have their differences, their battle with

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    Conflict Between Individual Morals and State Laws in Antigone and A Doll's House              Mother, should I trust the government?  Or should I trust myself?  This dilemma is a common one in a great deal of literature.  In Antigone and A Doll’s House, the main theme is the question of whether one should be true to oneself or true to one’s state or society.  Should Nora (in A Doll’s House) and Antigone (in Antigone) “follow the rules” and do what the state and society want them to do or

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