Attachment Essay

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    INTRODUCTION The theory of attachment is a postulation in developmental psychology that emphasises on the significance of attachment regarding personal development. This theory claimed that individuals have the ability to form an emotional and physical attachment to another person to give them a sense of stability and security. This is vital for an individual’s personal development in terms of risk – taking, branching and growing as a whole. This theory started off with the context of children and

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    To begin with attachment theory, first everyone should understand what the attachment is. According to attachment means bonding between a child and caregiver or vice versa. The attachment theory is the theory that describes the long term interpersonal relationship between the humans. Also, it can be defined as the strong bond between parent and child, and later in peer and romantic relationship (Metzger, Erdman, Ng 85). It generates a specific fact that how the humans react in relationships when

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    This essay will comprise, firstly, of past research looking into what attachment/ attachment theory is, focusing on Bowlby’s (1973) research into why an infant’s first attachment is so important. Followed, by the work of Ainsworth et al (1978) bringing to light the findings from the strange situation, and how the research can explain mental illness. From this and in-depth discussion looking at how the previously discussed pieces of research have an effect on two particular disorders, depression and

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    during separation and strive for closeness to their attachment figure upon reunion. The anxious-avoidant children appear content during the absence of their attachment figure and not predominantly engrossed in seeking juxtaposition and soothing upon reunion. These children are anxious during separation and they learned to suppress their emotions (Berzoff, 2011). Disorganized children are particularly ambivalent upon reunion with their attachment figure, both synchronously approaching and avoiding

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    According to Simply Psychology, Bowlby’s attachment theory says an individual can have an attachment with someone that is not shared. Attachment is characterized by behaviors in children such as seeking proximity with their attachment figure when upset. Bowlby’s experiments led him to see the importance of a child and mother relationship. (Saul McLeod, 2009) With more research later came four phases of attachment. Phase one is from birth to two months, this stage is where babies seek comfort, and

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    Attachment Theory Relationships are the building block for personality and are significant in children’s ability to grow into substantial individuals who can thrive in an often harsh world. Constructing lasting and fulfilling relationships is an integral part to development as the interpersonal bonds forged are not only highly sought after but also set the ground work for all upcoming expressive interactions. Relationships and attachment go hand in hand as attachment is the strong and lasting linkage

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    Stages of attachment. Another of Bowlby’s contributions is his proposal that the infant’s attachment to caregiver develops in stages attuned to the infant’s cognitive and emotional development. As described by Broderick & Blewitt (2015), a bond emerges from the affect between mother and child in the first two months as the infant signals their needs by clinging, smiling, and crying. During this stage infants are not yet attached to anyone and do not discriminate between caregivers. Between their

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    Attachments Styles Secure Attachment Style. People who refer to this category have a positive view of themselves and of the other people also. I suppose this category could fit Daniel Cleaver from “Bridget Jones`s Diary”. That is because they are true optimists and it is their life philosophy to trust people and not only those who they love (Harms, 2011). They consider a person as such who deserves being treated kindly and respectfully. They feel secure about people and do not get ready to defend

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    Attachment Theory

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    Attachment Theory John Bowlby was a psychoanalyst and has developed his knowledge and understanding into the theory of Attachment. Bowlby believed that children have been born programmed to form attachments which will help them survive; this is known as evolutionary attachments. Bowlby believed that all attachments are instinctive, he said that attachments are shown when the child is under conditions of feeling threatened, such as: separation, fear and insecurity. In 1969 and 1988 Bowlby suggested

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    Reactive Attachment

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    of the child. In the development of a child, one of the key principles is called attachment. Just as safe attachment between the caregiver and the child can result in successful physical, mental and social development, vulnerable attachment can yield damaging consequences for the child in these areas (DeMulder, Denham, Schmidt, & Mitchell, 2000). Reactive attachment disorder is a likely outcome of unsafe attachment that eventually restricts the child’s capacity to emotionally and socially connect

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