COlumbine High School On the morning of April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold approach Columbine High School, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Armed with one 10-shot Hi-Point model 995 carbine rifle, one Intratec AB-10 (TEC-9) pistol, two Savage 12-gauge shotguns, and as many as ninety-five explosive devices, Harris and Klebold enter the school near the cafeteria. Upon doing so, they are met with the words that God commanded unto Moses on Mount Sinai: Thou Shall Not Kill. Harris and Klebold
Columbine High School Massacre Bang! Bang! Bang! Thirteen students, one teacher ,and twenty-one other injured. Due to the tragic event that took place at the Columbine High School many states in the U.S have proceeded to enforce laws that will further ensure the safety of students, administration and the community nation wide. As for school districts new regulations have been put in to ensure the safety of their students and faculty attending their facility. The Columbine High School Massacre
these events, the Columbine High School shooting comes to many as one that completely morphed America 's culture and sense of security. The assault was carried out by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, students of the school and close friends. They had nourished the idea, feeding it hours of attention and deep consideration. Then, they went forward with it on April 20, 1999. The boys took the event seriously, setting up decoy bombs and then positioning their vehicles in the school parking lot with an
1 18 April 2017 The Columbine Shooting On April 20, 1999, tragedy struck a Colorado high school. It started out as an ordinary spring day in Jefferson County, but it soon turned horrific. “The tragedy began at approximately 11:10 a.m. on that sunny Tuesday,” (Gimpel 27), right around lunchtime. No one could have anticipated the events that would soon follow, devastating the otherwise average suburban town. The lives of the students of Columbine High School and their families would
your book. Columbine, Dave Cullen, 2009. What is the primary topic with which this book deal? The Columbine High School massacre, including the shooting, investigation and aftermath, is the primary topic of this book. Give a summary of the book (4-6 Sentences). Eric Harris, an undiagnosed psychopath, and Dylan Klebold, a depressive, strategically planned and placed bombs in their school, Columbine High School, and cars, but the explosives did not detonate. The Colorado high school seniors shot
1999 is a day that will never be forgotten, on that day the first school shooting massacre accord. At around eleven fifteen a.m. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris opened fire on students at Columbine High School in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. What drives two teenagers to the point of mass murder? These kids had come to a dark road in their lives and they succumbed to it completely and that is when they began to plan for the biggest school shooting. What drove these two teens to their breaking point
One of the deadliest high school shootings took place on April, 20, 1999 in Littleton Colorado. Carried out by two students and wounding more than 30 people. The day began as any other with people living their daily lives, children going to school, and parents going to work. They had planned to blow up the school and murder everyone who was inside. While the actual motives for the attack remain unknown there are several theories surrounding the boys mental health before and during the time of the
Abstract This paper focuses on the idea of prevention of bullying and school violence. It also takes a look at the events leading up to the shooting at Columbine High School. Could the tragedy have been prevented? If so, how? These boys most likely had serious mental illness. According to Cullen (2004) “ Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were radically different individuals, with vastly different motives and opposite mental conditions.” The boys were also severely bullied for being different than their
Columbine High School Shooting On April 20th, 1999 in Jefferson County, two seniors started a school massacre at Columbine High School. The attackers names Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, both students were 17. There was extensive planning and a lot of major events that happened with the two before the shooting. When the attack was underway, a bunch of key events took place inside the school. Then, the information that was found out after the whole incident, containing the skills and personalities
Scott, a survivor of the Columbine massacre, once said while visiting the well known school, “this is the most famous high school in all of America for the wrong reasons.” On April 20, 1999 two high school students - Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold - opened fire on fellow students and teachers at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. The two boys killed twelve students, one teacher, and wounded twenty-four others before turning their guns on themselves. That day at Columbine has left an impact on