With the individuals and organizations receiving a higher tax return under the new tax reform bill it provides marketing departments an opportunity to sell them their products. There are five sources used to evaluate the environmental scan: social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulator forces (Kerin et al., 2016). The demographics of the consumer enables the marketing team to target specific groups for higher sells (Kerin et al., 2016). With technological advancements products that were
University of Phoenix Principles of Microeconomics ECO/365 Professor James Harris III Aug 7, 2008 Article Analysis The article that will be used for this analysis is “Supply, demand, and the Internet-economic lessons for microeconomic principles courses” by Fred Englander and Ronald L. Moy. There will be definitions for the following economics, microeconomics, Law of supply and the Law of demand. Another subject that will be discussed is the identification of factors that lead to the changes
be number one. Even though I was completely surprised by this, it kind of makes me happy. It’s a sign that we as a country are still evolving. It’s a good change for us as a country. Immigrants and their offspring lagging behind when it comes to economics does not surprise me, but I do think that it's not a
In regards to economics of scope, a firm can gain greater efficiency by combining two or more operational tasks or concurrently produce complementary or distinct products or services instead of singularly and separately producing products or services. In the long-term, a firm can lower average and marginal costs through advantages in economies of scope. As an example, Liberty University (LU) uses economies of scope by offering a wide spectrum of education specialties for the residential and distance
To predict the State of the United States (US) Economy is a constant and complicated duty. Professionals utilize economic indicators that may either confirm or predict long-term trends: lagging and leading indicators, respectively. This paper will attempt to asses the State of the US Economy as relatively strong by analyzing six comprehensive and representative economic indicators: Consumer Price Index, Unemployment, Gross Domestic Product, the S&P 500, Existing Home Sales, and Personal Income and
Microeconomic analysis of iMac Veronica Ionescu Southern New Hampshire University Introduction Microeconomics is analysis of individual firm or market and their price mechanism. iMacs and their price mechanism would be analyzed in this paper. Supply and demand determine the price of iMacs. There are many important factors that must be taken into consideration when a decision is made about producing the iMac. Some of the factors are: demand and supply, price mechanism, the analysis of production
Economic Analysis (KS) The Federal Reserve reports in the Beige Book that was most recently published on April 15, 2015, that throughout the twelve Federal Reserve Districts, which include, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansa City, Dallas, and San Francisco, economic expansion continued to grow within most regions. Consumer spending is on an upswing in Boston Philadelphia, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and San Francisco, who all
References Dunn, Abe (2010). The Value of Coverage in the Medicare Advantage Insurance Market. Retrieved from https://www.bea.gov/papers/pdf/medicarepaperWorkingPaper9_2_10.pdf Economics Online. (2010 - 2014). Oligopoly, Defining and measuring oligopoly. Retrieved from http://www.economicsonline.co.uk/Business_economics/Oligopoly.html Enthoven, A.C. (1993). Why Managed Care Has Failed To Contain Health Costs. Health Affairs, 12
Financial Analysis and Economic Analysis Financial analysis of the project compare benefits and costs incurred to the firm or induvial, while the economic analysis compare the benefits and costs incurred to whole society or economy. Undiscounted Measures of Project Worth The basic difference between these two measures is the consideration of time value of money in the project investment. Undiscounted measures do not take into account the time value of money, while discounted measures do take
1. The two types of economic analysis are positive analysis and normative analysis. Positive analysis answers the questions “what is?” or “what will be?” and normative analysis answers the question “what ought to be”. A normative analysis is telling someone how it should be and a positive analysis is saying if something happens, what will be the outcome. • Three examples of positive analysis: o If a company shuts down, where will the employees work now? o If a college student can’t get financial