of Jesus Christ. In this investigation, it will be looked at how Jesus proved himself to the naysayers of his time. This will be accomplished by looking at several different factors that include topics of was Jesus mentally ill when he claimed to be God? How did Jesus prove that he was not only talking the talk but he was also walking the walk? This was done the evidence of the actions he performed. Finally, an evaluation will be done to prove that when an individual has a revelation of Jesus they
of millions of Christians around the world the jesus of history and the Jesus Christ of faith are the same person there is no difference between the two but there is actually appears to be a massive distance between the Christ of faith and history but I understand that most people can see that the real Christ is this modern day depiction of the emperor Constantine this interpretation of Jesus Christ can best be described as “the fox news Christ” and I say this as Fox stirred up some controversy
Jesus was a man who loved all who came to him. From the little children to the oldest of men, Jesus Christ was not discriminatory to anyone he came across. But when it came to women, the gender that most people ignored aside from the purpose of procreation, Jesus did not feel any different. However, was Jesus just showing them the love of God or was he truly on their side? Therefore, if Jesus truly is who the Bible says He is, then He is a feminist through and through. Firstly, before the argument
course of history, the historical information regarding Jesus Christ has been interpreted by many different individuals and has led to different beliefs and views regarding the existence of Jesus Christ as a real man. Today I will be interpreting this evidence and i will be attempting to answer the question “Was Jesus Christ a real man?”. The evidence I will be looking at to answer this question will be information regarding the context of Jesus Christ, the historical accounts of non-Christian authors
1:1 KJV). This familiar passage of scripture recorded in the Gospel of John indicates the deity and or preexistence of Jesus Christ prior to time as we know it and before the creation of earth. The strongest proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is God are the divine attributes, divine names, divine works, divine worship, divine claims and divine relationship ascribed to Him. Jesus himself also made claims which could only have been made by God. He said He was one with God in John 10:30 and that “I
I think the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” gained much attention because it appealed to youth, but appalled the older generation because of its rock theme and interpretations. After all, some believed the theme went against the grain of the church (Bible) and how people viewed it. The brilliance in this opera was to tell the story of Jesus Christ using “rock” music to tell the complete story of Jesus Christ from beginning to end by providing a synopsis of the story as was told in the Bible
pertaining to the description of Jesus Christ’s race transcribing as Caucasian or European in different perceptions of artwork using his origin, characteristics that appearing from his region, and the word written in the holy text. Furthermore this paper will argue how the improper depiction of Jesus Christ created numerous ongoing equality complications with previous generations up until present day, thus fabricating my argument that the depiction of Jesus Christ in the Christian Religion should
prefer to be known as Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was formed in the first-half of the nineteenth-century by its founder, Joseph Smith. Smith was said to have been visited by God, the Father, and Jesus Christ after retreating to the woods to pray for guidance. At the time there were multiple competing facets of Christianity and Smith was unsure which to join. To answer his question, God and Jesus Christ told him not to join any of the churches, but to restore
Mormonism The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the Mormon Church is properly known, was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr. Mormons assert that Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820 with the express purpose of restoring His Church and gospel in its purity and fullness to the earth. The Mormon Church uses two sources as its primary authorities: the Book of Mormon and the Bible. The doctrine and covenants in the Pearl of Great Price are also viewed as divine authority. According
prefer to be known as Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was formed in the first-half of the nineteenth-century by its founder, Joseph Smith. Smith was said to have been visited by God, the Father, and Jesus Christ after retreating to the woods to pray for guidance. At the time there were multiple competing facets of Christianity and Smith was unsure which to join. To answer his question, God and Jesus Christ told him not to join any of the churches, but to restore