Opinion”, William J. Brennan explains the statement that justifies flag-burning, and, though controversial, finding closure for this matter: “Our decision is a reaffirmation of the principles of freedom and inclusiveness that the flag reflects, and of the conviction that our toleration of criticism is our sign and source of our strength” (Brennan 16). Brennan explains that though many are concerned with the idea that flag burning is legal and take action against it, they should take the other route
setting the U.S. flag on fire. His simple act of protest led to the Supreme Court ruling that flag burning is protected under the First Amendment as free speech, thus overturning his conviction. The flag symbolizes freedom, and part of that freedom is being able to express dissatisfaction with the government. However, some see flag burning not merely as a demonstration of opinion, but as an attack on national unity and American values. Should it be illegal to burn the U.S. flag as an form of protest
right for Johnson to burn the flag? It was under federal law in 48 of 50 states in the U.S. to desecrating an American flag and it was also a criminal offense in Texas. Freedom of speech should not apply to flag burning because of “intangible dimension” of the flag’s deeply symbolic value others maintain that flag burning establishes rejection of the system that protects freedom of speech It was under federal law in 48 of 50 states in the U.S. to desecrating an American flag and it was a criminal offense
Flag burning Johnny Cash once quoted the statement, “ I love the freedoms we got in this country, I appreciate your freedom to burn your flag if you want to, but I really appreciate my right to bear arms I can shoot you if you try to burn mine”. Flag desecration became an issue in the early 1900s which caused a controversy of whether flag burning is right or wrong. Some people believe that they have the right to burn the flag and others believe that its is offensive. While some will say a flag burning
Flag Burning “The [American] flag uniquely symbolizes the ideas of liberty, equality and tolerance - ideas that Americans have passionately defended and debated throughout our history. Thus, the Government…should protect the symbolic values of the flag” wrote Justice John Paul Stevens in the Texas v. Johnson (1989) Supreme Court Case (History of Flag Burning). Justice Antonin Scalia agreed, “If it were up to me, I would put in jail every…wierdo who burns the American flag” 9. However these Justices
American flag is right or not. In this certain situation, a group of students gathered at a park to protest terrorism. During this, some students got out of hand a set the American Flag on fire. The students had a permit to protest however they did not have a permit to burn the flag. Therefore, all participants got arrested by the police. While some people feel it's wrong to burn the country's flag, others say it isn’t since it is protected by the first amendment. Burning the American flag is protected
Flag Burning The burning of a flag is simple, it is literally when someone burns the country’s flag. Flag desecration os abusing the flag in anyway in public. It should be highly illegal. No person should be able to burn the beautiful red, white, and blue flag that our soldiers hang proudly for this country. People that do not like this country can choose to express it by doing it differently. It is so disrespectful to our soldiers and the ones that lose their lives for this country. America
Congress in 1942 released a Flag Code that said when a flag American flag does its service it should be incinerated. Today, there are even guidelines for the respectable American citizen to follow while carrying out your duty. “If you're a red-blooded patriotic American, you'll retire your worn-out flag properly this Fourth of July — and burn it” (Href 1). People in the United States of America have a strong sense of patriotism. Throughout the decades you can see numerous examples of in American
Burning the United States Flag Through the years of America, there have been multiple accounts of flag desecration. Flag desecration is a term that is used to describe a various set of acts that intentionally destroy, damage, or mutilate a flag in public, and in this case, the American flag. Citizen’s typically doing this treasonous act when they want to make a political point against their country or policies in the country or another country. Some of these actions include: burning it, urinating
fighting. However, one from of protesting stands out the most: burning of the United States flag. Recently, protestors have burned the flag to protest the president and the police. Burning the flag is not something new to this country, however. There are many recorded instances of the American flag being burned as a form of speech; especially during the Vietnam War period. I, on the other hand, strongly believe that burning the American flag is wrong. It much more than just a piece of cloth, it is a