introduces Marie Curie and her contributions to the science community by sharing articles and book excerpts about what she accomplished in her lifetime. Students will learn she was a chemist and physicist and that she discovered polonium and radium. They also will learn of her contributions to the installation of X-ray machines and the purposes they served in World War I. This is important because in our society today, science is a male dominated field. However, by using Marie Curie as an example
I chose to do my project on Marie Curie, the woman who discovered radium and polonium. She was born Mary Sklodowska on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland and died July 4, 1934 in Passy, France at the age of 67. In 1895, Marie married a professor named Pierre Curie at the age of 26. She was the first woman to complete a doctorate in France in MMMM at the age xxx. And in MMMMM, Curie was also the first female professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first person to use the term “radioactivity”, which
research over Marie and Pierre Curie I was able to put together this paper. This paper contains information about the life of Pierre and Marie Curie and their significance to physics and science in general. Pierre and Marie Curie are best known for their pioneering work in the study of radioactivity. The couple’s work led to their discovery of the elements radium and polonium (Dick). Pierre Curie was born on May 15, 1859. He was born in Paris, France. Pierre’s parents were Eugene Curie and Sophie-Claire
Marie Curie is an inspiration to many women because of her dedication to scientific discovery that resulted in her being the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. It was, and still is, difficult for women to establish themselves in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) field as related professions have historically been male dominated. However, Marie Curie’s work with radiation and the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry that followed opened the door of possibilities for women
alone pursue a career in science. However, Marie Curie broke through these stereotypes and in doing so, inspired many women to follow in her footsteps. Many would believe that someone who has gained so much recognition in the scientific community and achieved their lifetime goal would have a positive outlook in life and a optimistic attitude. However, this was not the case for Marie Curie, who battled severe depression from an early age. Although Marie Curie found herself in some dark places, she worked
MARIE CURIE AND THE STUDY OF RADIOACTIVITY Marie Curie was born, Maria Sklodowska on November 7, 1867. She grew up in Warsaw, Poland. She would become famous for her research on radioactivity. Marie Curie was the first woman to ever win a Nobel prize, and the first ever to win two Nobel prizes. She is most famous for the discovery of Radium and Polonium. Her work not only influenced the development of fundamental science, but also began a new era in medical research
This source I decided to choose to write about is Marie Curie’s “On the Discovery of Radium”. This was a firsthand account by Madame Marie Curie herself when she addressed Vasser College on May 14th 1921. Madame Curie, while discussing her past with the discovery of radium, could have talked about the whole history of her experimentation, but broke it down to a very brief account. I will have to say, that even though it was a short and brief writing, it took longer to read due to the lack of my
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland on November 7, 1867. Curie was born during a time when Russia, Austria, and Prussia joined together, invaded Poland and then separated the country with war. Marie lived in the part that was controlled by Russia and they were notorious for their harsh ruling, especially to polish people. Marie’s family were able to support themselves, but because they used most of their money on trying to get the Russian’s out of their country, they were left with little. Marie
smaller in science. Women deserve the equal right, to be able to get the same jobs as men. Marie Curie is the Most Influential Women in history because she is one of the first women to accomplish this by becoming a scientist and the head of a school. She is also one of four people to obtain two Nobel prizes. She is the only woman to do so. Continue reading for more information about Marie Curie Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867, Warsaw, Poland. She received an average education and some
The life of Marie Curie and her Einstein Number Marie Curie, born Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland. Gaining her basic education in public schools and some of her scientific training from her father. As a student she became involved in a Student 's Revolutionary organization and found it necessary to leave Warsaw. This move helping to give her the means to begin her longstanding career in science. She would eventually become one of the most famous women in science to date, an icon in