Paying College Athletes College sports are a phenomenon that keeps viewers coming back for more. Stated in an article on Money Nation the NCAA makes an estimated $1 billion per year and this number is still growing. What really is insane is that all that money is made off of college athletes, who don’t get a penny from that total number. The debate on whether or not college athletes should be paid has been around for decades and probably will still be here for years to come. Paying college athletes
Paying College Athletes After high school, some students decide to make the decision to go to college to further their education, earn a degree, have fun, and some, to play sports. College sporting events bring in money through tickets, jerseys, shirts, and other gear. The money made for all of these items and expenses go to paying coaches, the school, charities, utilities, and other expenses a school has to pay to have a sports team. Most college athletes are given scholarships to allow them
In Joe Nocera’s article, “Let’s Start Paying College Athletes”, he argues that college athletes should be paid for playing sports. Nocera begins his article by providing an example of how some athletes will receive money that is perfectly fine while other athletes cannot accept any money or else that player will be in violation of NCAA rules. It’s evident that there are large amounts of money involved in the college sports. Top college coaches can make as much or more than professional coaches
College sports also known as the greatest source of entertainment known to man this era. There are several types of sports ranging from non- physical to the most physical contact sports. Each sport takes sacrifice and dedication to be able to perform at your best knows matter what level. The NCAA is a million dollar business that lets student athletes show their athletic ability and skill toward other individuals. That is the main reason for the creation of collegiate sports, but not to downside
It's very clear that college is very expensive, many families do have trouble paying for college, but there's always a solution to this. There are many reasons on how you can pay for college like, loans, grants etc. Yet, there are still more solutions to pay for college, scholarships. Here are some important statistics involving scholarships, there are 12:1 odds to earn a scholarship, you also could earn $19,557 on average, per year, earning scholarships. Working hard for your money to earn a scholarship
When it comes to college athletics, there always will be a problem that arises. It is one of the most controversial topics there is. One of the main issues within athletics is the idea of whether to pay college athletes or not. Several studies have been done along with articles from various sources. This has been on the rise especially since “March Madness” is coming up. “March Madness” may only consist of three weekends, however, an 11 billion dollar deal is made to televise the games (Wilbon).
Justin Rogers Ms. Stott English II 22 March 2016 Paying College Athletes Paying college athletes would be beneficial for the athletes and the programs..The NCAA membership has adopted amateurism rules to ensure the students’ priority are to obtain a quality educational experience and that all of student-athletes are competing equitably.The NCAA made these rules a long time ago to make sure that college athletes didn’t feel like playing sports in college was their job and tried to emphasize that education
Paying College Athletes Every child at some point in their lives dream about becoming a rock star, doctor or an astronaut, but the career that stands out the most is becoming a professional athlete. Why? One reason could be the ever increasing media coverage on each individual sport with certain channels devoted for just that particular sport, keeping viewers updated and thirsting to get out and play. Another could be the ease of getting out in the backyard as a kid to shoot the basketball,
Playing a college sport is the gateway to build up to competing at the highest level. Even playing for a full-time job. As of today, the official NCAA rules state that no salary is allowed for participating in athletics and benefits from an agent or prospective agent is not permitted. The real question is, since the system of not paying college athletes has been in place and not to mention, has worked very efficiently, why would it have to change now? First, the proceeding of paying athletes would ruin
Paying College Athletes Many people believe that college athletes should be paid for how much revenue they bring to their school. However, there are also people who think they should not get paid because they already have numerous advantages that other students do not have. Student-athletes at the Division 1 level that play men's basketball and football should not necessarily be paid a salary but should be able to make money off of their accomplishments, especially if we hold them on a high pedestal