Second US Industrial Revolution, 1870 -1910 Darris Adkins Abstract In this brief paper, a description of two developments of industrialization that positively affected the United States and two developments that negatively affected the United States will be discussed. An analysis of whether or not industrialization was generally beneficial or detrimental to the lives of Americans and the history of the United States will be outlined. Second US Industrial Revolution, 1870 -1910 In this brief
the Second Industrial Revolution brought a bunch of technological innovations which were critical to the economic growth of the late nineteenth century. The completion of the transcontinental railroads, the improvements in steamship technology, and the remote communication via telephone cables helped connect American goods to global markets. Furthermore, the transformations that took place in American business involved far more than the technological innovations which promoted the industrial techniques
Explain one impact of the second industrial revolution of American society? By 1890, the richest 1 percent of Americans received the same total income as the bottom half of the population and owned more property than the remaining 99 percent. Many of the wealthiest Americans consciously pursued an aristocratic lifestyle, building palatial homes, attending exclusive social clubs, schools, and colleges, holding fancy-dress balls, and marrying into each other’s families. One of the era’s most widely
An Industrial Revolution is the “change in social and economic organization that resulted from the replacement of the hand tools with machines and from the development of large-scale industrial production” (Danzer R50). The Second Industrial Revolution happened nearly one hundred years later after the First Industrial Revolution in England during the 1760s (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution was the cause of new inventions, government support for business, common natural resources, and
The Second Industrial Revolution, which reached its peak during 1870 to 1914, marked a significant turning point in American history. Before this era of progression and industrial excellence, America was on the verge of expansion like never before. From the vast amounts of land gained through the Annexation of Texas in 1845, the British retreating from Oregon in 1846, and the Mexican cession of Southwest territory guaranteed by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo of 1848, (Engelman) America was able
The second industrial revolution was the change of our world even though many people moved from rural homes into cities because they can't get accepted in jobs and it started in the 1870-1944 after the civil war because “ during this time, many advances in technology and factories made it easier and quicker for farmers and manufactures to produce more goods and products to be sold.” There was also one major effect that caused the second industrial revolution which was immigration and this had many
1 Second Industrial Revolution: Following the first Industrial Revolution, the Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, proceeded to emerge at the tail-end of the 19th century, going into the 20th century. Like the First Industrial Revolution, this revolution provided an advancement of technology, but with more tedious inventions. These advancements helped America pave ways for better communication with the telegraph, updated sanitation elements such as water supplies
of the Civil War, the technologies upon which the First Industrial Revolution was based were established in the United States. In the years following the war, the nation's industrial energies were focused on completing the railroad and telegraph networks of the North, rebuilding those of the South, and expanding those of the West. Once the devastating depression of the 1870’s depleted, the stage was set for the Second Industrial Revolution. New inventions came about to ease the production of goods
The second industrial revolution refers to the time period of 1870s and 1880’s, which profoundly altered the European life. The major innovations of the second industrial revolution include the widespread use of steel and electricity in the industries, the perfection of mass production technology, the rise of technical education in colleges and universities and the growth of a new professional class in the society (More). It was a period of centralized management and control, which integrated the
in the Second Industrial Revolution The Second Industrial Revolution had a major impact on women's lives. After being controlled fro so long women were experiencing what it was like to live an independent life. In the late nineteenth century women were participating in a variety of experiences, such as social disabilities confronted by all women, new employment patterns, and working class poverty and prostitution. These experiences will show how women were perceived in the Second Industrial