Sherlock Holmes Essay

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    Sherlock Holmes

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    Sherlock Holmes is known as the World’s Greatest Detective; however, Irene Alder may just be the only person, male or female, that has ever defeated Holmes’ thinking machine of a brain. In his short story, “A Scandal in Bohemia,” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle challenges traditional social perceptions and gender assumptions toward British women in the 1890’s by creating tension with his characterization of female antagonist, Irene Alder, as a powerful intellectual equal to male protagonist, Sherlock Holmes

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  • Decent Essays

    Sherlock Holmes

    • 632 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes is one of the most easily recognizable characters in detective stories. He has many remarkable traits that other fictional detectives do not. Some examples of this are his observational abilities, his dual personality, and his being a skilled musician and composer. The first example of Holmes’ exquisite trademarks is his ability to see things that other people cannot. He uses his powers of observation to solve cases. For example, in “The Red-Headed League” Holmes notes

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  • Good Essays

    Since the creation of Sherlock Holmes and his confidante John Watson in the late 18th century the pair have not only collected a cult following throughout the generations but they are also remarked as the epitome of competent police work. The characters Holmes and Watson have been recreated and re-imagined countless times by various different authors. John and Sherlock have on some occasion been imagined as women, serial killers and sometimes even zombies. Holmes and Watson have become the staple

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    hero. Sherlock Holmes say his life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplace or ordinary life. Sherlock Holmes does not live a commonplace or ordinary life because in the text it reads that Sherlock Holmes finds a clue. Sherlock Holmes sees that the man with the trousers that is was torn up from where the knee are. Sherlock Holmes knows that is a sign of a man that had been digging a tunnel from one place to another. Also another example from the text is that once Sherlock Holmes

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    of the The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Many readers have been very much interested in Doyle's stories and how he has fabricated Sherlock’s form of reasoning or understanding in cases. These people have created many films depicting Doyle’s stories. In some films such as The Great Mouse Detective and Sherlock Holmes, the story line is the same as Doyle’s original but some names and characters have been changed. In the films, The Great Mouse Detective and Sherlock Holmes, the story proceeds the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Sherlock Holmes Personality

    • 2253 Words
    • 10 Pages

    While the reasons for Sherlock Holmes popularity in the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth are comprehensible enough in the light of the abovementioned facts, the explanation for Sherlock`s continuing success requires a more detailed analysis. Many characters that were popular at the time of their creation are forgotten today; at the same time some images developed hundreds of years ago are still famous and have become iconic in modern culture. Such characters as Batman, Robin

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Sherlock Holmes Flaws

    • 795 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Sherlock Holmes a very well known throughout popular culture. However, the Sherlock Holmes from the mainstream is a lot more simple than the Sherlock from the “The Hound of Baskervilles.” In “The Hound of Baskervilles” he is this omniscient being that can solve any mystery anytime. Although, Sherlock Holmes is an all-knowing mastermind, he still has flaws. To the average person that has only heard of Sherlock Holmes from the show Sherlock or the Robert Downey Jr.’s movie, Sherlock Holmes, his story

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Sherlock Holmes Quotes

    • 801 Words
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    standout characters in literature that are internationally known and loved as much as Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is a world wide known character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. After “killing” him off Doyle brings back Sherlock in The Hounds of the Baskervilles. In the Hounds of the Baskervilles the internationally known character Sherlock lives up to his own legend. One of the most well known things about Sherlock is his extremely high intelligence, his power of deduction, and his keen ability

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Sherlock Holmes Tactics

    • 416 Words
    • 2 Pages

    English 9:6 9 October 2015 Sherlock Holmes’s Tactics The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has many different themes. The main theme I believe sticks out the most is being different can be helpful. Sherlock Holmes proves this theory a lot throughout the book. The men in the stories are detectives and they use different strategies to use on how to uncover a case. Most of the men in the book use the induction method to investigate, but Sherlock Holmes uses the deduction method

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Sherlock Holmes is one of the most popular detectives in world history. His adventures with the wonderful Dr. Watson have taken him to many places around england. But not only has he traveled around the world, but he has traveled around in time too. Sherlock holmes is even more popular that when his first stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were released. Today,there are new spin of books staring the detective, a multitude of movies based off his adventures, but nothing can compare to the fact that

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    Decent Essays