Throughout the essay “Our secret” by Susan Griffin, Griffin talks about a few characters’ fears, secrets and she gives us insights into these “secrets”. Griffin comes to realize her own secrets and fears by examining others. She relates to a few of the characters such as Himmler, Leo, Helene and everyone else even though she is different than all of them. The only thing that all of these characters have in common is that they all represent human emotion. Susan Griffin reveals that everyone has a
In “Our Secret” by Susan Griffins she examines and illustrates history, particularly World War II. Throughout the essay, Griffin looks into different characters hidden secrets and influences which are portrayed in detail. For example, Griffin talks about a childs influences during his childhood and how great the outcome that followed later in his adult life. An example of secrecy is followed through in the life of a girl who's family secrets revealed consequences in her
Dangerous Secrets Exposed in Griffin's Our Secret Secrets are apart of every human being. Even children, in their earliest years in this world, learn how to bury secrets in their hearts. In Susan Griffin's "Our Secret," she explores the subconscious, aiming particularly at the dark secrets that lie in the abyss of the human heart. Griffin claims that the darkest secrets of each person are similar in the sense that these secrets are perverted and prejudiced thoughts. These concealed evils
in order to gain benefits. As asserted by Susan Griffin, author of Our Secret, “pain is meant to benefit children.” (387) In other words, if one does not encounter a few difficulties in life, one may not receive certain benefits. During the week before Halloween in order to claim my award I received I had to write a five to
In her essay “Our Secret,” Susan Griffin says “what we call the self is part of a larger matrix of relationships and society. Had we been born to a different family, at a different time, to a different world, we would not be the same. All the lives that surround us are in us”. Think about the daily life that connects us together as individuals within our environment. Our very sense of self is webbed into the surroundings of relationships, experiences, and shared history. Through Susan Griffin’s belief
Two articles, “Our Secret,” and “The End of Remembering,” focus on how history and memory are related and how those affect people in future life. “The End of Remembering,” by Joshua Foer, is a little bit more factually about memory than “Our Secret,” by Susan Griffin, who is an ethnographer and researcher. In this essay, I will analyze on how both writers, Griffin and Foer, are trying to express their ideas and argument about memory. Griffin's essay merges many collected stories and opinions in her
In Susan Griffin’s work titled “Our Secret”, she discusses the relationship between the present-day and the earlier life of different people. She also compares the private and public lives of other people. Her piece is set during World War Two in the 1940s. Throughout the entire piece, Griffin compares the lives of people evolved in World War Two, people who were affected by the war, and her own life. She shows how even though they lived separate lives, they are still closely related. One of the
Susan Griffin uses a passage in her essay “Our Secret” to describe the experiences of a woman who survived the Holocaust. She writes that at the time, World War II had not yet started, nor the mass arrests or many of the other events that led to the outbreak of persecution of the Jewish peoples. She writes that this woman, then just a girl, found herself in a group of children who were tormenting her young friend for being Jewish. She joined them, afraid to be isolated, and her mother immediately
winning poet and essayist Susan Griffin confronts these distinct questions in her work titled, “Our Secret”. Griffin believes that a basic understanding of the things that play a part in the growth of an individual is essential to understanding who we are. The way a child is raised dictates how that child is going to become later on in life. One of the distinct highlights of Griffin’s essay was her use of describing the progress of the V1 rockets in World War II. Griffin studies the aspects of human
Susan Griffin's "Our Secret" is a study in psychology. It is a look into the human mind to see what makes people do the things they do and in particular what makes people commit acts of violence. She isolates the first half of the twentieth century and in particular the era of the Second World War as a basis for her study. The essay discusses a number of people but they all tie in to Heinrich Himmler. He is the extreme case, he who can be linked directly to every single death in the concentration